Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Who is Turning to Homeopathic HCG

By Amelia Handley

There are a lot of people on HCG. It was originally intended as a cure for obesity so many assume it is individuals who fall into this category alone that are taking advantage of the benefits of the all natural dieting method. But they would be wrong.

Dr. Simeon (the man who originally introduced the weight loss method) offered the program as what he called the "cure for obesity." But the diet is definitely not limited in its scope when it comes to who can take advantage of the weight loss results. Many on the diet do not fall into the "obese" category. Some just need to lose 10 pounds. Others just need to lose a couple sizes. Others just want to feel better on a day to day basis and be able to get active and play with their kids without feeling uncomfortable. There are a lot of reasons that lead people to HCG.

Anyone who wants to lose weight for whatever reason can feel comfortable looking to homeopathic HCG dietary methods. The all natural diet is the most effective product on the market (average results are one pound weight loss per day). The diet also has a limited time requirement. Programs run 40 days or less followed by a short maintenance period in which dieters slowly re-adjust to a regular day to day diet.

The homeopathic HCG diet does require strict attention to food intake. Dieters are allotted 500 calories per day to be gleaned from a very short number of foods. This type of very low calorie diet would be impossible for most if not for the natural physiological effects of the HCG. HCG is a natural substance that automatically interacts with the hypothalamus and therefore the eating/drinking section of the brain. This is why HCG dieters can function on such a low calorie diet. They don't feel hungry.

The homeopathic HCG diet has been proven successful through a wide variety of successful dieters. Recent mothers who were struggling to get off the extra baby weight are able to get back to their pre-pregnancy weight without years of unsuccessful dieting or hours and hours in the gym each day. Middle aged dads who found slow weight gain through the years left them feeling uncomfortable and inadequate when it came time to coach their son's little league team are feeling active and strong again after they succeed in dropping weight with HCG. The diet works with anyone; male or female, old or young. It is not discriminatory.

So while we should all congratulate Dr. Simeon for his efforts in decreasing the obesity issue through proper and effective weight loss...we shouldn't limit his legacy. He's actually helping a much wider portion of the population through his introduction of the weight loss benefits of HCG. And in addition to helping people reach healthier weights...his program is helping people learn how to incorporate healthy foods into their diets. And that's the sort of habit that will definitely make a difference. - 17269

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