Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Acai Berry - How Does It Compare To Other Super Antioxidants?

By Travis Van Slooten

Have you heard that acai berry is now considered as one of the top super antioxidants? Yes, it's worthy of being described as being both "top" and "super" in the antioxidants department. Its antioxidant level is so high off the (ORAC) charts that the media ? from TV talk shows to newspaper ads to websites ? has been caught up in featuring this little berry from Brazil. But what really is the fuss all about? Or to put it more bluntly, what does being a super antioxidant mean? Here's a quick chemistry tutorial.

How Antioxidants and Free Radicals Interact

Free radicals exist in the air we breathe. They are results of pollution like smoke or car exhaust. They can also be produced from food preservatives and chemicals. And once they get inside the body, chemistry tell us that a free radical is a molecule that is missing an electron. When the free radical attempts to take an electron of a healthy cell, they create another free radical. They do this in order to return to their initial state. If a free radical takes an electron from a cell in a blood vessel, it can cause serious harm to our bodies. A high concentration of free radicals in the body have been known to cause grave health problems such as cancer and heart-related diseases.

Fortunately, antioxidants can help. They offer up their own electron to the free radical and let it go happily on its way. On the other hand, this means that the antioxidant has now become a radical itself. However, through a balanced intake of different antioxidants, your body can maintain a juggling act of radical and antioxidants and you can stay healthy.

The Role of Acai Berry

Super antioxidants are rated on the ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity charts. The ORAC is utilized to measure antioxidant concentration within the food we eat. Acai berry rates extremely high on the ORAC charts indicating a large amount of antioxidants. Quite new to the American population, acai berry is a perfect supplement to assist in the free radical/antioxidant balancing game your body performs. Due to its novelty in the supplements market, acai berry may supply you with free radicals that your body has never had.

Now that you know all about acai berry and how it can impact your health, all you need to do is find a reliable source of pure organic acai supplements. This way you can get value for your money and make the most of the nutrients acai provides, including antioxidants. If you want variety in your acai supplements, you should know that they are also available in other forms other than capsules such as frozen acai pulp and juices. You can take it in any way you like; the important thing is you're getting your needed antioxidants from one of the best super antioxidants. - 17269

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