Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Ugly Truth about Colon Cleansers

By Dorthy Weatherbush

If a person maintains a healthy diet then usually regular bowel movements are not a problem. However, the majority of the world does not eat as healthy as they should. If used properly, colon cleansers can be a wonderful tool to becoming healthier. However, they can also be misused to lose weight that should not be lost.

If you are a healthy person, you should be experiencing a healthy bowel movement at least once a day. If this does not describe you then perhaps it is time for a colon cleanse. When choosing a cleansing product, it is always a wise choice to stick with a more natural herbal cleansing solution. You will find that these cleanses have a more immediate impact on increasing your metabolism, boosting your energy and helping your body absorb many of the nutrients it lacks. When you have completed your cleanse, it is important to note that you should feel lighter and resume normal bowel functions.

While colon cleansers are a great tool for detoxifying your body, they can be used incorrectly as a weight loss tool. It is difficult to blame the American consumer because many of these products have been sold to you as a method to shed those unwanted pounds. Let's be clear, if you have more than 7 pounds to lose, a colon cleaning is not for you. Rather than looking to cleansing as the antidote to your bad eating habits, why not make it the beginning of your new healthy and vibrant lifestyle.

It is important to note that colon cleansing is not a quick fix solution; rather it is a subtle shift in how you feel about yourself and who you are. After your cleanse, you should focus on consuming foods high in fiber. If you were expecting an over night miracle, then this may be a little disappointing. Colon Cleansers are not a quick turn solution to help you lose weight.

Rather than focusing exclusively on the minor weight loss benefits of colon cleansing, users should seek to learn more about the many other benefits to cleaning out your system. Improved digestive health along with an improved vitality and appearance to the skin is apparent. Just image your body being cleared of the harmful toxins you ingest daily without knowing.

Almost anything in life can be harmful if taken to extremes. It is important to exercise moderation in every area of our lives. We've all heard the saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." If you are looking to take a pill and instantly lose pounds every week, then you are turning to colon cleansers for the wrong reason. They should be used to become a healthier, more energetic person, not a skinnier one. - 17269

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