Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tips and Strategies For a Good Night's Sleep

By Dr. Robert A. Simmons

Whenever you have trouble sleeping, you probably blame it on your hectic lifestyle and with good reason. You may go to sleep but your body won't be resting especially when your mind is full of troubling issues. The words sleep and rest are not synonyms when it comes bedtime. Sleep is generally seen as that total time in hours spent in bed. Rest is what you get when you "go to sleep" and let your body revitalize itself.

There are two kinds of sleep: REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM. When a person is going through REM sleep, it means they are dreaming. During REM, the brain is very active and the person's eyes will flutter quickly. This stage will help reinvigorate the body's mental purposes. When people are in non-REM sleep, their psyche is quiet. In this sleep, the person is in a deep state of rest and the body's immune system (along with other processes) are being restored to "full health".

You may not realize it but what you do every day can hinder your chances of getting a restful night's sleep. Studies were done on how electronics affected a person's sleep. The results were that televisions, video games, computers, etc. interfered with how well a person slept. Electronics keep your brain active so it's vitally important to set aside some quiet time to unwind before you go to sleep.

Be aware of what you consume before bedtime. Avoid caffeinated drinks before bed. This includes coffee, sports drinks and soda. Even some teas have caffeine, so be sure to read the labels.

Another reason for bad sleep is a non-active lifestyle. Regular exercise is very important and can improve a person's sleep. If a person hasn't exercised in some time or not at all, they should look into hiring a personal trainer to help them get started. By getting help from the beginning, the person won't waste their awake and sleep time with the wrong type of exercises.

People should take a look at their bedroom and all the items in it. Most bedrooms have a television, computer/laptop or other item that keeps a person from getting the rest they need. This room is supposed to be a place one can relax.

When a person uses their bedroom as another "living room", their body associates this room with that concept. If a person were to remove these items, they could retrain their minds to think of it as a bedroom. While a person may really like their bedroom to be an entertainment center, it's one of the worst things they can do for themselves.

Stress has a tendency to keep a person from sleeping well and the more stress a person is under, the greater the problem. They could even fall into a depression. Depression and sleeplessness tends to go hand in hand. People often have many things going through their mind that keeps them from resting well. A person who is thinking while they are trying to sleep won't get much sleep.

If you want a good night's rest, then implement a nighttime routine that will help you relax before you lay down; 30 minutes is generally sufficient time to get your mind to relax. As time passes, your brain will realize that you're ready to end the day and go to sleep.

So what can you do to make your brain slow down and relax? Consider picking up a book and drink a decaffeinated cup of tea; maybe peppermint tea. Instead of using lamps and the room's overhead light, use candlelight. Be aware that you'll need to blow these out before you go to sleep. A very relaxing scent to use is lavender.

Change can be hard but if a person wants to improve how they feel in the morning after they sleep, it's important to change the habits that's hindering them from getting that good night's sleep in the first place. - 17269

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