Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, November 16, 2009

Why Zinc Supplements Are Good For You

By Neil Butterfield

If you try to name several kinds of minerals that are essential for a healthy diet, then chances are zinc is one of them. Zinc immediately comes to mind because it is so common. It used to be quite common in soil and this made it quite common in plants and anything that ate plants, (like us). Unfortunately, that is no longer true. Today, levels of zinc in soil and plants are surprisingly low. So our levels too are lower then they we need them to be. Zinc supplements provide a solution to this nutritional dilemma.

What Does Zinc Do?

Zinc is one of the essential minerals that every individual should have in his or her diet because it serves a number of vital functions. It actively works to provide the cells in the body with the ability to work effectively and efficiently on a number of fronts. Some of the functions of zinc supplements are listed below and this should make it clear as to why the mineral is absolutely vital:

Zinc can help to boost your immunity because it actively encourages the body to build up resistance to all sorts of illnesses and ailments, from the common cold to the chest infection to more serious illnesses like chicken pox and measles. Those individuals that take zinc supplements and get their daily recommended intake on a regular basis are generally healthier than those individuals that do not.

Zinc works on all sorts of levels to aid in healthy cell growth, division and repair all of which help you to heal faster and more completely.

Zinc is vital in many of the functions of the body. It is actually a vital part of many of the enzymes in the body and so helps the metabolism of fat, protein, carbohydrates, insulin and the reproductive organs. Without zinc, many of us would be unable to function on a daily basis.

Zinc supplements are often recommended as a treatment for acne and problem skin because it actively regulates the presence of bacteria in the skin and promotes the health of skin cells. It is also and anti inflammatory.

Supplements And You.

It is important that we consume foods with zinc in them and take zinc supplements on a regular basis because there is no known major storage point of zinc in the body. Traces of it are found within the bones and the muscles of the body but we have to keep replenishing our levels daily in order to remain healthy. Depending on your age and gender, you may need up to 15mg a day in your diet.

There are plenty of supplements available but the majority of them will only give you around 10% of your daily intake because the body has to break them down first via the digestion process. As such, it is not advisable to take the majority of supplements available. However, the liquid ionic minerals that are now available can provide you with zinc supplements that will give you your recommended dose. The liquid ionic minerals do not have to be broken down via the digestion system in order to be absorbed. They can easily be absorbed without that because the particles are so small. They cannot be broken down any further and so they are almost wholly absorbed. If you are looking for a good supplement to help your body maintain its health and work efficiently for the foreseeable future then you should try liquid ionic minerals. You will ultimately feel better for it. - 17269

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