Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The 12th Article: My HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

So tomorrow is the big day. It will be my first day on my 25 day HCG protocol diet. I've already done my research, got the products I need, challenged a friend to do the diet with me for extra motivation, and received my HCG protocol diet handbook outlining the do's and don'ts from HCG Diet Direct.

I think I'll read the booklet through once more today just to make sure I've got the basics down. It would make it so much harder to have to keep referring to the book as I go about my day. I'd rather just be aware of the rules not have to wonder and look it up periodically; we'll see how that goes. I found a sample shopping list in the booklet so I'm going to take it right now and run to the grocery store so I've got all the necessary items on hand when it's time to start eating "HCG approved" according to the HCG protocol diet.

I am finally back at home after running out to the store. That was the worst timing EVER. I forgot that everyone is there right now getting their forgotten items for Thursday's big feast. I guess that's one negative that I've discovered about starting the diet the day before Thanksgiving. You have to shop for your fresh produce right in the midst of the crazy holiday bustle.

But I got what I needed and I'm back. Tomorrow's the day before Thanksgiving and Lisa and I are both going to start the diet with the first day of loading. Thanksgiving is going to be the most perfect loading day EVER. I won't even have to choose one type of dessert. I could try a few and not even feel bad because I'm supposed to be trying to eat as many high fat calories as possible. Tell me that's not perfect; especially considering that directly following the Thanksgiving "loading" fun I'll be embarking on a 500 calorie per day diet. Ouch! At least I'll be able to bid a proper farewell to a lot of yummy foods I won't be touching for quite a while!

One thing that other dieters say over and over is that you never want to find yourself hungry without something HCG approved on hand. It's not as easy as running through the nearest drive thru so you have to think ahead. So I'm taking their advice and trying to start off on the right foot. I got everything on the suggested shopping list. It wasn't a lot. It was basically fresh fruits and vegetables, approved spices that add some flavor without breaking the rules of the HCG protocol diet...that kind of thing.

And since I'm all ready to go with nothing left to do to prepare for the diet...I'm off to enjoy today. It's my last no diet day for the next few weeks. Happy early Thanksgiving! - 17269

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