Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hit A Plateau And Don't Know What To Do?

By Susanne Marra

If you have been doing great on a weight loss regime only to come to dead halt just short of your goal don't fret! We can help you. This is a problem that hinders many people in their quest for their ideal weight. There are some things you can do to get the rest of the weight off.

Do not get anxious! Being anxious will upset you spiritually which can make it difficult to continue in your weight loss. One simple, free option to increase weight loss is to get moving. Just taking a brisk walk around the block can help. Don't always take the elevator, try the stairs once in a while. Skip the easy way for a change. The more energy you use, the better for the body.

Feeling very motivated? Start some simple weight training. Start off with some light dumbbells. Start off with some easy shoulder presses and bicep curls. Remember that muscle will burn more than fat thereby making it easier to maintain your weight loss.

Another very important tip, drink more water! If your body weight is 120 pounds you will want to drink 60 ounces of water, half your body weight in ounces. Without enough water the body systems can not function properly. Many times when we are thirsty the body thinks it is hungry. Be sure not to become dehydrated so you will not overeat because you mistake thirst for hunger.

This next tip is not without cost but it is worth any cost! Cleansing on a cellular level. No one can deny the fact that our bodies are bombarded by toxins on a daily basis. These toxins and other chemicals we are exposed to can impair our bodies functions. Also eating processed foods and fatty meats can clog the body up with fats and additives that the body has no use for. Cellular cleansing can rid the body of these toxins. We can get rid of these toxins through cleansing.

The body in an attempt to protect the internal organs from these toxins produces extra fat cells to cover these toxins. The only thing this does is makes us fatter! Removing these fat cells can be done with cellular cleansing that is our experience.

Any one of these tips will help you lose weight. Water is so important even if weight loss is not your goal. You should be exercising three times a week also. Start slow and speak to your doctor before you start exercising. If your doctor gives you the go ahead check the library for free exercise DVDs.

It has been our experience that cellular cleansing can speed up weight loss.If you have any health problems or are unsure have your doctor monitor you while you cleanse. It is good to have your blood checked before you start cleansing and then six months later. I am sure you will be shocked! Remember to be gentle with yourself. You are beautiful just the way you are. Honor your body and spirit on a daily basis!


These are our opinions. We are not doctors and do not claim to be able to treat or prevent any diseases. Always consult your physician before starting a diet or exercise regime. - 17269

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