Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Juicer Recipes - 3 Great Vegetables To Juice for a Healthy Heart.

By Darren Haynes

A great way to get the healthy nutrients you need from vegetables is to juice them. Here are three vegetables that have been researched and shown to have heart healthy benefits. What are they you might ask?


Spinach adequately supplies vitamins A and C and together these are both powerful antioxidants that protect artery walls and cholesterol from free radical damage. Cholesterol becomes sticky if it is oxidized by free radicals and will then adhere to the artery walls leading to possible blocked arteries and a heart attack.

The muscles of the heart will not function properly with out magnesium and potassium. If our potassium and magnesium levels get too low, this can cause irregular heart beats and even a possible heart attack. The good news is that spinach contains potassium and magnesium in abundance. Further more, these two minerals also help lower blood pressure.

Spinach also contains the nutrient folic acid (folate). Folic acid is needed to lower the blood levels of a chemical called homocysteine. High blood levels of homocysteine is a powerful factor for the development of heart disease. If the homocysteine levels in the blood increase too much, it can cause heart desease. Folic Acid's job is to change homocysteine into harmless molecules.

Juicer recipes idea: Adding an apple to your spinach juice will make it a lot more tasty. You will also need a considerable amount of spinach to produce enough juice, 5 or more cups will do it.


Sulforaphane is an antioxidant plant chemical that is found abundantly in broccoli that can indirectly safeguard the heart from cellular damage. Research from the University of Connecticut has shown that sulforaphane some how activates a release of the protein thioredoxin into the body. It is then thioredoxin that protects the heart's cells.

According to researchers at the University of Connecticut, thioredoxin protects the heart from cell damage.

Juicer recipes idea: Be sure to juice the stalks as well as the flower heads to get more juice out of this vegetable. This will also increase the variety of nutrition in the juice.


Lycopene is the amazing phytochemical that makes tomatoes so heart healthy. Lycopene is also the pigment that gives tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables their red coloring. Many studies have shown lycopene to considerably reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure and protect the arteries from cellular damage. One study conducted at Harvard proved that giving women lycopene every day for 5 years, decreased their risk of heart disease in half!

Juicer recipes idea: You can use the left over pulp from your tomato juice to make soups or salsa. - 17269

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