Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is the Vince Delmonte eBook Any Good?

By Caitlin Ryan

Have you ever purchased one of the many bodybuilding books or fitness books available in electronic format? There are hundreds of them available these days. The sales letters make the eBook sound great, but then sometimes, the buyer is disappointed.

There are times when the eBook is full of fancy design, yet lean on usable content. The opposite is also true. Sometimes the book has excellent content, but it is a chore to read because the design is poor. So, where does Vince Delmonte rate with his No Nonsense Muscle Building eBook?

You need to know about Vince and his program a bit, first. Vince always had a scrawny physique no matter what he did in the gym. He would watch guys do very little in the gym and build muscle while he spent hours and got nowhere.

He tried shakes and supplements, but nothing seemed to work.

Finally, he realized he could not gain muscle mass with traditional programs because they were not set up for his body type. There are three different types of bodies: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Ectomorphs, like Vince, are very lean but have difficulty gaining muscle mass. Mesomorphs stay lean, yet they can pack on muscle mass quite easily. Endomorphs tend to carry a lot of body fat, gain fat easily, yet they do not gain muscle mass easily.

Vince learned that he needed to eat certain foods in various combinations and work out differently than mesomorphs or endomorphs. Along the way, he learned how to help virtually anyone, even a skinny guy like himself, have a ripped, chiseled physique via nutrition and exercise that benefited their body type.

Because of this, his No Nonsense eBook has a tailor-made approach to figuring out what type of diet and exercise program will benefit your individual body-type needs. He did away with the traditional bodybuilding philosophy and adopted one that can help anyone.

The content is also easy to follow with a one-on-one feel and entertaining stories. He keeps things simple and real. You do not have to be an expert in fitness to understand how to implement his program. Remember, Vince was just your average skinny guy, not a professional bodybuilder. He understands where you are and does not expect you to train like a pro.

The content is a bit scattered from time to time in terms of design, but it is still a good read. I guess some people (based on reviews) do not care for the colorful font, but I kind of liked it. And there are just enough pictures and images to keep things interesting while not distracting from the main content. - 17269

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