Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, January 29, 2010

Beefing Up Your Brain Power Beef Jerky Is Good For Your Mind

By Rick Dupont

Beef jerky in its many guises across the globe is often seen as no more than a tasty, if not somewhat unhealthy treat. To suggest that beef jerky is good for the mind is sure to elicit a storm of protest from many health conscious red meat detractors. The truth is a little more complex though, and this desiccated delight is often unfairly maligned.

Being light, protein rich and easily stored for protracted periods, beef jerky was an essential staple for pioneering men and women. From the Boer Commandos of South Africa to the rugged mountain men of North America, dried beef was a saddlebag standard. And with good reason.

People are eating beef jerky today for more than just the taste of it, it has become an essential diet supplement for both dieters and trainers.

Beef is a rich source of protein, minerals, vitamins and amino aids and, as long as lean cuts are used, a valuable and nutritious food source even by today's health conscious standards. Beef jerky can contain lots of salt but products can be sought out that either contain acceptable levels or are devoid of undesirable additives.

Now, back to the original question of whether or not beef jerky is good brain food. One of the most critical neurological process that take place in our brains all the time is the transfer of impulses between the neurons. The vehicles that facilitate the transfer of these messages are neurotransmitters.

A deficiency of these neurotransmitters can cause conditions that range from clinical depression and Schizophrenia to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Obviously then a source of quality protein can only be beneficial to our overall brain health.

The vitamins and minerals found in beef are also good for the mind as they promote energy production in addition to growth and development of the brain. These are crucial elements of healthy neurological activity.

For the older set, brain functions such as memory are improved by the actions of antioxidants. Several of the vitamins in beef act as powerful antioxidants and this makes it a valuable brain boosting food source.

As mentioned previously, the total fat, salt and preservative content of beef jerky you purchase can be controlled by simple vigilance when shopping or using low fat cuts to make your own at home.

So, beef jerky is good for the mind and, if one tries to buy jerky that is low in salt and preservatives, poses no serious health risks. As a snack, lunch box treat or part of your hiking or camping rations, beef jerky is a delicious and healthy, brain boosting delight. - 17269

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