Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cure for Eczema - 3 Natural Ways You Can Cure Eczema

By Tess Rainey

This article will discuss a cure for eczema and a few natural ways to cure it that you may not know about. The 3 options listed below can help clear your eczema symptoms and finally free you of this annoying problem.

1. Remove Gluten: Gluten and wheat are in a lot of foods that people consume on a regular basis. What most people don't know is that these two ingredients could be causing hidden allergies that are so subtle you would never connect the two. One of these symptoms can be eczema and by removing gluten from your diet for a little while and reintroducing it you can discover if this might be your problem.

2. Eliminate Dairy: Dairy is another common food that causes hidden food allergies. Symptoms can be common place so you might not ever make the connection between dairy and eczema or even a headache.

Remove dairy for a little while and see how you feel. Introduce it slowly and keep track of your symptoms, if you don't feel any different you are probably fine, but if you notice even some subtle things you may want to cut back or eliminate it permanantly.

3. Eat Whole Foods: There are other foods that can cause problems for people, but the two foods mentioned above are more common than you might think. By eating real, whole foods you can remove them easily from your diet. Your eczema symptoms might disappear quickly; when you reintroduce pay attention to see what changes with your body. Since wheat and dairy are in a lot of prepackaged foods, avoiding these will allow you to easily side step some common hidden food allergeies.

In this article we looked at a cure for eczema that most people don't know about. The three natural ways of curing eczema include eliminating gluten, dairy and some other foods that can cause hidden food allergies like eczema.

Blood tests can determine if you have an allergy to something, but simply eliminating it from your diet for awhile is even easier and less expensive. When you reintroduce, keep track of your symptoms and see if any symptoms that had disappeared reoccur. Eating real, whole foods may clear up your symptoms as well since you may be missing important nutrients that lead to your condition.

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