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Monday, January 18, 2010

Hemorrhoids Herbal Remedy - Can These Tips Solve Your Sore Piles

By Olivia Campbell-Price

Swelling in the anal tissue, piles, or hemorrhoids, they are all the same thing and will cause pain. But there are some things that you can try to help these problems out. You can feel less pain while they heal or even speed up the time it will take you to heal. Hemorrhoids herbal remedies are becoming much more popular, and many sufferers are turning to these remedies to heal up painful hemorrhoids.

An herb that has been found to help with hemorrhoids is Horse chestnut. This is one herb that will help with the inflammation associated with hemorrhoids. This herb can be found as a tea, so you can drink a quick cup to help with the swelling you have. If you want it in a pill form you can also find that easily.

A little known herb to help with hemorrhoids is Butcher's broom. This herb can help with the swelling in hemorrhoids also. It will also help the body in strengthening and stabilizing the blood vessel walls as the swelling is going down. This herb is available in tea form or as a pill also. Creams are also available and can be very helpful if applied to the affected areas.

Witch hazel is a widely used herb that can help with hemorrhoids. There are hemorrhoids herbal remedy creams that can be applied as a topical agent with this herb in them. With most topical creams you will get some relief, but with the witch hazel in the cream it will help with the itching that hemorrhoids cause. Also it will assist in helping the swelling go down, and to stop any minor bleeding.

Since herbal remedies are becoming more popular they seem to be carried in many grocery stores, discount stores, and pharmacies as well as health food stores. Check all of these different places in your search for these herbs. However, an even easier way to purchase these herbs is by going online and looking for the best price.

Most hemorrhoids herbal remedies do take a bit of time to work, This is because they generally address the underlying reasons for the condition rather than just mask the symptoms, Over the counter remedies can certainly work fast to stop pain, but unlike herbal remedies, they don't really treat the hemorrhoids per se.

Aloe vera is a popular hemorrhoids herbal remedy. Applied topically, aloe gel can ease the burning and itching of swollen hemorrhoids. As a juice, aloe can ease the symptoms of constipation and reduce the inflammation of hemorrhoidal tissue. - 17269

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