Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, January 18, 2010

How To Reduce Flabby Arms Without Exercise

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone flabby arms so easily you ask? You probably think I'm full of it, but I'm not.

I'm not saying that exercise is bad for you, or that it has no value. I mean, exercise is great for getting sexy arms. However, there are other ways for getting rid of arm flab.

The trick is to put your body into spontaneous fat loss mode. When you enter spontaneous fat loss, you unconsciously eat less food.

So without further ado, here are 4 ways to tone flabby arms by entering spontaneous fat loss:

1. Keep junk food in places that are not visible. A landmark study showed that an individual will eat 300% more candy when it's close and visible. So keep the junk at a distance if you want to lose that arm flab. And also make sure to keep healthy food nearby.

2. Use smaller plates, bowls and utensils. Our perception can override our "feel full" signal. In fact, one study showed that when using larger bowls and spoons, people unconsciously eat 50% more ice cream! This happens because the scoops of ice cream look smaller next to the bigger bowls and spoons. Use smaller eating devices and the arm fat will fall off.

3. Use tall and thin glassware when drinking calorie-laden liquids. People will poor up to 30% more liquid when using short glasses versus tall glasses. You see, a volume of liquid looks much smaller in a short/wide glass versus a tall/thin glass.

4. Use the same plate over and over again at the buffet. You should do this because as your plates are cleared away at the buffet, you lose your visual cue for how much you have already eaten. Studies have shown that people will eat 25% more because of this effect.

Figuring out how to tone flabby arms doesn't have to give you a massive headache. In fact, it can be much easier than you think. With the above tips I have given you, the process will become that much easier.

Having said that, you still have to take action on this information. You see, without action there can never be change. And the women who get the fastest results are the ones who take action the quickest. - 17269

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