Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

HCG Diet: Day 19

By Amelia Handley

It's Day 19 on my HCG diet. And I'm down another pound. This is just getting more and more exciting. It's like a really fabulous game and I'm totally winning.

Today I weighed myself a bit late in the morning. My daughter woke up in the middle of the night sick and I ended up most of the early morning hours. Once she fell back asleep it was too late for me to get back in bed so I stayed up. It threw me off my routine a bit.

But I lost a pound so I guess it didn't matter. I'm at 154 pounds down from 155. In my 19 days on the diet I've lost 17 pounds. That's a pretty fantastic result, I think. I'm very close to the average 1 to 2 pounds per day weight loss. Men are the actual recipients of the higher weight loss averages, dang it! So I feel like I'm doing quite well.

I ran across a few HCG Diet Direct reviews on the computer today (I'm a total Internet surfers) and I decided the I should leave one or two of my own. There should be HCG Diet Direct reviews all over the Internet considering these results! This isn't the first time I've dieted or undertaken some other type of program intended to result in weight loss (exercise, yuck!) and I've never seen results like these.

For lunch I had leftover steak with grapefruit and Melba Toasts. I'm pretty good at reaching for healthy foods. It's a big change for me.

At dinner I had Buffalo Chicken salad (it's a recipe found in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook). I also had Melba Toasts and an apple. That's another thing...HCG Diet Direct reviews should definitely point out the cookbook. It's amazing! - 17269

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