Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

There Is Hope To Stop Your Panic Attacks Fast

By Adam Champagne

I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for some time now. I believe it is one of the worst mental conditions to have. It takes over your life, making you afraid to attend social events, meetings, and avoid people at work. You feel trapped in your own body and you just want to get out.

When I had my first attack, I thought I was having a heart attack. I had never experienced anything like this before. Once I realized I wasn't having a heart attack I began to calm down. However, it wasn't long before I started getting them all the time. Just the thought of having an attack would trigger a new one. The thing that initially helped me the most was when I found out that other people had panic attacks to and that there was actually a name for it. This made me feel like less of freak, because I thought I was the only person experiencing this.

When I found out that other people had panic attacks too it gave me some relief. However, this was not enough to rid me of them. I started reading books on the subject and soon discovered that most of them shared common principles on stopping panic attacks and anxiety.

The first thing is that you need ask yourself "what am I afraid of?" I was always afraid of having another panic attack. Then ask yourself "why am I afraid of it?" I was afraid because I thought that I would die as a result of the panic attack.

Next, you need to ask yourself "what is the worst that could happen?" I thought I could die, that is all I thought about which ended up bringing on more panic attacks and put me in a constant state of anxiety.

Now that you've identified what the worst thing that could happen is you must prepare for the worst. I started doing research about panic attacks and anxiety disorders and I quickly found that people do not die from panic attacks. It just doesn't happen. This fact alone decreased my anxiety greatly.

It doesn't matter what triggers your panic attacks, 99% of the time that thing you are afraid of will not happen. Even if it does it usually isn't that bad, your just making it out to be in your head. It's a vicious cycle and the good news is that you can break this cycle!

There are a great many resources online to help you with panic attacks. The best thing I did was join a program that guided me through the process of getting rid of my panic attacks for good. It took me by the hand and guided me the whole way. I am glad to say that I am now panic free! - 17269

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