Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where Have I Started To Bruise Quickly Since I Turned 50?

By Jan Doan

Many people get bumps and bruises throughout their day. Bruises can be bothersome but generally go away on their own. However, some people get more bruises than others. If you are one who sees a lot of bruises and asks yourself "Why have I begun to bruise easily since I turned 50?". You are not alone. Many people suffer from easily bruising. There are some reasons this may occur. Checking with a physician is the best way to determine the cause of the issue.

A bruise is medically defined as an area where a tiny blood vessel has been damaged or broken. Also called a contusion can occur due to a blow to the area. Blood leaks into the raised area from the broken blood vessels. This injury can be caused by bumping or hitting something with an area on the body. Bruises will change colors as they heal. Some will initially appear red and then turn black and blue. Finally as it is healing it will change to a yellowish brown color.

There are many reasons why a person may bruise easier than the next. Age is related to how easily a person can bruise. The older we get, the more fragile the blood vessels become. In the elderly, some bruising can occur without even injuring the site. The skin loses flexibility which encourages the area to look worse.

There are many reasons for why someone would bruise easier than the next person. Medications can be the blame. Many over the counter and prescription ones can cause this. Ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin all can cause excessive bruising. If a person is taking Warfarin for blood clots in their legs, it can cause bruising. Cortisone drugs also encourages this problem.

Nutritional deficiencies can cause the issue. Studies have proven that a low level in certain vitamins can cause excessive bruising. Eat a well balanced diet and ensure that each person is receiving their daily allowance of Vitamin C, K, B12 and Folic Acid.

There are many home remedies for the issue. Some seem outlandish but they are tried and true. They work. For example, if you do not have an open cut, take one half of an onion and place on the bruise. It helps the area.

Margarine is not just for bread. Put a little on the bruised area and it will heal and disappear in no time. Cayenne pepper and Vaseline are a combination for healing. Use one part cayenne to five parts Vaseline. Melt the Vaseline. Put this on the area. Finally the fresh herb parsley applied to the hurt area several times throughout the day is suppose to help the bruise.

If a person finds themselves bruising a lot, there may be some medical issue. Consult with a physician. They are your best bet to getting a hold of the problem. Sometimes there are easy things like lifestyle and diet changes that can alleviate the issue. Home remedies can be helpful also. - 17269

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