Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Melatonin Helps Your Rest

By Mark Sanderlix

I'm 30 years old now, but I can remember having sleeping problems all the way back to when I was a little kid. For some reason, it has always been near impossible for me to fall asleep at a reasonable time. I've tried many different things to shake this problem because is really affected my life. From being tired while taking important tests in school, to having to 'fake' freshness while giving a big presentation for work, not getting enough sleep has always been a problem. I've tried changing my bedroom around, NyQuil and other OTC drugs and powdered drink mixes, but nothing was as successful for me as Melatonin.

Many people who have sleeping issues turn to Nyquil or Theraflu to help them fall asleep quickly and easily. While both of these solutions are effective, they just werent for me because I didnt feel that they were good long term solutions. Neither were made for just falling asleep, so I felt like I was taking a bunch of extra drugs that I didnt need. There are some over the counter drugs that are made specifically for falling asleep, such as Tylenol PM, but that did not feel natural to me either. As effective as these options are, none of them seemed like effective solutions to me for the long-term.

In an attempt to naturally help myself fall asleep, I thought I'd adjust my surroundings. At the advice of many experts, I nixed the TV from the room, bought a pillow top matress for my bed, and centered the room around a theme of 'sleep'. Unfortunately, this proved unsuccessful for me. I didn't fall asleep any earlier, and instead of atleast having the TV to help pass the time, I was just bored. I concluded that it wasn't my surroundings that was keeping me awake, it was my body.

This all changed after a night at a little get-together. I overheard two women talking about sleeping problems, and how one of them was using Melatonin to help her fall asleep easier. I was excited to hear this, I hadn't heard of Melatonin before, but she was going on and on about how it was a natural substance that is in your body anyway and that it does a great job of easing you into sleep without any ill side effects that she could think of. I decided that I must try melatonin as soon as possible.

My first stop after the party was a 24 hour drug store. I hunted down the melatonin, which was actually in the herbal supplements aisle (not with the other 'night time' drugs). Since it was already late, I decided I would try it the next day. So, the following day, about 60 minutes before I wanted to fall asleep, I popped a pill. As promised, just a mere hour later and I was all set to go to bed. I was tired, but not 'knocked out'. My body was easing me into it, and it was a great feeling. The next morning I felt refreshed, fully rested, and ready to go. I didn't wake up in the middle of the night nor did I feel tired or groggy. It was almost like a miracle for me. Every since that day, I've had the same positive experiences with Melatonin; I get great sleep and I'm not tired in the morning as long as I get about seven hours of rest.

After some research, I did find some tips on buying melatonin. First, it was recommended that you purchase chemically created Melatonin. You want the melatonin created in a lab, not the naturally occurring stuff. There could be bad stuff in the naturally occurring version that you wouldnt want to take. Next, start with the smallest dosage size you can find. 3mg is the smallest I could find. Some doctors think that is too much, so think very hard before you increase your dosage size. It is also a good idea to consult with a doctor about taking Melatonin, as they may have some suggestions and information for you.

As you can see, I am have great results from taking Melatonin. I think that Melatonin can be very helpful for people with mild sleeping problems such as falling asleep. Its important not to rely to heavily on it as you don't want to become dependent or addicted, but for the occasional use, I reach for it every time now! - 17269

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