Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Is The Nutritional Value of Acai Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

Most of us hadn't heard of the acai berry until recently. This fascinating berry has only come into the spotlight recently. They're getting a lot more popular as we discover their health benefits and learn that they are safe and beneficial. Both the skin and the pulp of the berry are nutritionally valuable, though you shouldn't eat the seeds. Let's take a look at the nutritional properties of the acai berry and some of the uses it's being put to.

With a unique taste like that of chocolate berries many people really enjoy Acais great flavor. Its a taste that is unique so at first it takes some getting used to. After a while you will crave its one of kind flavors.

Acai berry is normally a purple berry although sometimes it can be green too. The purple berries provide the most nutrients because they have the highest antioxidant levels as well as amino acids and essential fatty acids. Acai contains almost 10 times as much antioxidants as other fruits and vegetables and about 30 times as much anthocyanin which is the concentration in red wine to prevent heart disease. Antioxidants help to fight off cancer cells, prevent damage to cells, and slow the aging process.

Also very important to good health is your fiber intake to help with the digestive process. Acai has high levels of fiber and also contain phytosterols and mono unsaturated fats which provide good health too. Oleic acid, is also found in the acai berry which helps omega 3 fats penetrate cell membranes. This helps important chemicals such as neurotransmitters and hormones. Also, Acai helps the functioning of insulin receptors.

Neurological disorders, diabetes and a number of cardiovascular conditions may be prevented by consumption of these substances. Acai berries have been said to help improve energy levels, reduce blood cholesterol and increase the metabolisms of people who take them. These effects may be due to the fact that they contain both high levels of anti-oxidants as well as theobromine, a stimulant and the chemical in chocolate that causes mood improvement.

This fascinating and delicious fruit could have a lot to offer. It is full of minerals and vitamins and helps to improve your metabolism. Acai berry is a high quality product that should not be overlooked. - 17269

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