Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lose Fat With The Wave - The Firm Wave Workout

By Carol J Bartram

What regular exercisers regularly ask me is if the Firm Wave is any use to them as they are not novice exercisers, nor beginners, nor overweight, in fact most of them are an awful lot fitter than I am! They are interested as to whether the Firm Wave can give them a workout that is intense enough for their fitness goals; some are in training for distance running, and some are just regular exercisers who enjoy keeping fit and seek new challenges.

Experienced exercisers and gym bunnies get the same answer that I would give first-time exercisers; namely that the Firm Wave will give them as easy or as stiff a workout as they want, and their fitness gains will be directly related to the amount of effort that they put into a workout. What makes the Wave so special is the incredible range of exercises that you can do with it that can help you achieve any fitness goal that you care to set for yourself.

I'm always telling my regular personal training clients that their workouts must change in order for them to progress. Our bodies are very clever and over millions of years of evolution have learned to adapt to whatever stresses and strains we place upon them; once used to a particular form of exercise, the body wastes as little energy as possible in carrying it out. This is the true meaning of efficiency, and our bodies are extremely efficient machines if kept properly and looked after carefully.

When a person first starts an exercise programme they often find that results are rapid; they lose weight quite quickly and the toning effect of this early stage is often spectacular, but as the weeks pass and their muscles and cardiovascular system adapts to their workout and become more efficient, calorie loss and muscle gain slow. If the workout is not then changed, they will then actually begin to lose the benefits they have gained; this is called the Principle of Reversibility.

In my opinion, the best feature of the Firm Wave is the number of ways it can assist in any fitness programme and the number of exercises that can be done with it, as it can be used either side up. One side is stable for use in aerobic exercises such as the many forms of Step, or stationary exercises using an elastic exercise band or dumbbells. The unstable side of the Wave presents a whole new challenge to balance and proprioception, making aerobic exercise more challenging and thus burning increased amounts of calories and engaging all core and postural muscles that we don't usually use. - 17269

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