Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Can a High Protein, Low Fat Diet Help Me Reduce Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are dealing with bruises that just appear from out of nowhere, or you discover yourself involved with a situation where you have determined that you bruise from a very slight bump, it's probably the time for you to carefully inspect your diet. There could be many other reasons for your easy bruising, but another way that you should employ with regard to preventing them is through a more thorough examination of what you have been eating. Although it is unlikely that you will find a bruise free diet (or at least, I havent discovered one yet) but you will learn that determining just what you eat and how you eat it can be a great way to help overcome bruising easily.

Initially, you should know that you don't have to be concerned about is developing an iron deficiency while following this high protein, low fat diet. This diet is one that consistently supplies high levels of iron into your system. Iron is the primary cure for anemia, and when you realize how prevalent bruising easily is for those afflicted with anemia, you'll learn that it is the right time to be examining how to maintain a sufficient quantity of iron gets in your diet. When you are shopping for foods that have high levels of iron as well as protein, you need to consider liver, which is a tasty meal when served with onions and rice (an excellent meal provided you are not bothered by the smell and taste).

Another thing that a low fat, high protein diet can help us with is that it can provide us with a generous burst of energy. When we are following a diet like this, we'll find that we might be more inclined to be more energetic, and this can become a situation that will lead us toward better cardiovascular and circulatory health in general. Let's do some research to really consider what we need to be doing when we are trying to estimate the amount of energy we have or need. The more energy that we can summon, the better we are going to feel. Our energy level is especially important to our daily well being.

Bear in mind that regardless of what you may be eating, you should always seek advice from your family doctor before you decide to make any drastic changes to your current diet. Some people would regard a diet that is specifically high in protein and low in fat as a drastic change for you. While you're visiting with your doctor, it would make sense to also bring up your bruising easily. Remember that your bruising could be an indicator of a situation more serious than simply your diet, and if that happens to be the case, you will understand that the sooner you can be apprised of the situation, the sooner you can improve your long term health.

Do some real research, and then try to determine how your diet can affect your body. Are you someone who tends to bruise easily? If the answer is yes, it is now the proper time to do a realistic appraisal of what is going into your body and what your needs are going to be to obtain the results that you desire for your body. - 17269

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