Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lifetime Benefits of Taking Fish Oil

By David Reynolds

Several researches has revealed that there are tons of benefits that we can get from the omega 3 fatty acids extracted from fish oil, and these benefits can last a lifetime.

What are the advantages of using fish oil?

There are tons of health benefits that we can get from it. For starters, it reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and it aids in the development of the brain too. Fewer headaches and fewer depressions are experienced too. It also relieves you arthritis pain. It helps prevent heart diseases, diabetes, breast and prostate cancer, and tons of other health problems.

Omega 3 fatty acid plays a very important role in our lives, starting from the time of conception. It helps both men and women to produce healthy sperm and egg cells respectively. It gives them sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA, which are very essential for a successful pregnancy.

During pregnancy, omega 3 fatty acids are needed for the proper development of the baby's brain. Fish is popularly known as brain food, and scientists have discovered that 70% of an infant's brain and more than 60% of an adult's brain contains the long chain omega 3 fatty acids like DHA.

Balanced ratios of DHA and EPA which can be found in 1200mg of pure omega 3 fish oil is highly recommended by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a supplement for pregnant and nursing women.

Other adults are also encouraged to consume at least 1000 mg of pure omega 3 fish oil daily by the NIH. You may want to know why? Just take a look at these results.

Several scientific researches has shown results that fish oil is can help prevent inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, bursitis, cystitis, and other disorders, because of the presence of EPA and DHA.

Fish oil cannot promise a cure for such conditions, but it can give natural and safe relief from the said conditions without negative side effects.

EPA and DHA are also said to be good in preventing heart diseases according to researches. It helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, prevents irregular heartbeat, and blood clotting which can lead to stroke and possibly sudden cardiac arrest.

Finally, patients who are terminally ill with cancer can have a higher survival rate and better quality of life when using omega 3 fish oil supplement in their diet. Researchers have also reported that it can reduce effects of Alzheimer's disease.

You probably know by know that supplementing your diet regularly with omega 3 fatty acids has a lot of benefits. It can also be noted that supplementing fish oil to our diet makes sense since the absence of omega 3 fatty acids can cause problems like depression, pre-menstrual syndrome, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, violence and suicide.

It is really bothering to know what a large number of the population of America is deficient with these fatty acids. The survey showed more than 85% of them are deficient and also a large percentage among pregnant and lactating, 98% at that are getting less than 18% of the recommended NIH amount for them.

But there is one more shocking revelation; around 20% of the population of America has very low DHA and EPA, which are the two omega 3 fatty acids. Test results would reveal no traces of DHA and EPA in their blood.

You now have the chance not to have this deficiency. You can start eating fatty fish like herring, tuna, salmon, sardines, and anchovies. It would also be good to take in high quality and pure fish oil as a daily dietary supplement. - 17269

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