Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fight Acne and Win with an Alternative Safe Remedy

By George Alarcon

Acne is one of the world's most sought after cures. It strikes when you least expect it and has no true hold on age. People can develop acne in their early teens to late 40's. These plugged pores can effect the face, neck, back, chest, shoulders and even on the upper arms. Depending on the severity of the condition, it can be extremely disfiguring. Teens refer to acne as pimples, zits, and blackheads. So, it is understandable when it becomes an excess, it can be traumatic. Before seeking treatment with strong prescription drugs, try a more organic approach. For centuries, we have relied on nature's bounty of healing powers to relieve our ailments. So it is natural to turn there first. Think of treatment results as you would with antibiotics. If the strongest is applied first and fails, then there's nowhere to go.

Blue light therapy is a narrow band, high intensity blue light therapy for the treatment of several types of acne. Known for being one of the best types of light therapy for acne, blue light therapy works by killing the acne causing bacteria and is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory acne (vulgaris) that has not responded to conventional acne treatments. The blue light therapy of today does not utilize ultraviolet (UV) light, which was commonly used in former light therapy to treat acne. Ultraviolet (UV) light is known to damage the skin and is no longer used as a treatment.

Clay masks are great for drawing out the oils. Clay is filled with minerals that open the pores, clean them out, and then shrink the pores. Keeping the skin clean is the primary key. This process is repeated until the skin finds a balance.

Pulsed light and heat energy (LHE) therapy puts together pulses of light and heat which is believed to target two root causes of acne. LHE is known to eradicate P. acne, the bacteria that causes acne and also may decrease sebum (an oily substance) by the shrinking of the sebaceous glands. This treatment combines pulses of green light and heat that have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of mild to moderate acne.

Although it is scientifically proven that food is not the direct cause of acne, eating improperly will definitely stress the body. High sugar, low protein diets will leave one with a nutrient/vitamin deficiency which may result in acne. Thus, try to replace soda with water (after a few months soda will disgust you if you follow through with this), eat plenty of vegetables, and cut back on fast food. Moderation is the key here, there is no reason to completely remove your favorite foods and drinks from your diet, but try to make them more of an exception rather than the rule. Try to avoid excessive recreational drug use, especially use of opiates and methamphetamine, which can cause endorphin deficits and may result in acne in many individuals.

Both blue light therapy and LHE treatment have been proven a safe and effective alternative to popular chemical treatments for acne - 17269

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