Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Lose Weight Fast

By Curt Joel

Many people want to lose weight quickly and safely. However evidence shows that in order to keep the weight off permanently you should strive to lose, at most, about 1-2 pounds of fat per week.

The biggest downfall for people striving to burn fat is that they see it as being something they only need to do once, when in fact they should be considering a complete change of lifestyle.

Essentially, most all fat loss plans which aim for permanent fat loss are based upon the very same basic principle. Generally speaking, such plans focus on reducing calorie intake in order to create a calorie deficit. What many people seem to be unaware of, is that one pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories.

So to lose 1-2 pounds per week you would need to consume 500-1000 fewer calories than you currently take in - assuming that your weight has stabilized.

Alternatively, you could also opt for increasing the amount of physical exercise you do so that your body will be burning 1,000 calories more each day than it's doing at present. Both of these approaches would result in you shedding 2lbs. of fat each week.

Unfortunately, while both these approaches are incredibly simple to understand, they fail to take into account certain other factors such as hormone production, and also a person's individuality, to name just a few.

But for someone who is looking to burn fat fast, without regard to long term fat loss, this is all that you need to know.

Of course, in order for the results to be permanent, it's crucial that you acknowledge the fact that it requires a change of lifestyle rather than a one time effort.

Those people who have made noticeable changes to their lifestyle by including exercise in the daily routines, are in fact the ones who are most successful regarding weight loss. This is essentially because they no longer view exercise as being a chore, but instead, they see it as an opportunity to escape the daily pressures they encounter in their lives.

Instead, these people don't see exercise as being a chore but rather as something which they can enjoy. Apart from weight loss, a daily exercise program has far too many health benefits to list here.

It goes on and on.

The truth of the matter is; if you want to experience what it feels like to be your ideal weight and have more energy, then you should be thinking more about changing the way you live, rather than focusing on how to lose weight quickly. - 17269

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