Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How To Build Muscles..

By Jai Mainer

How can I build muscles?

Building muscles is easy when you have a system. There are three rules on how you to build muscles recovery, nutrition, & intensity. These rules are not in any order but all are very important until its time for that particular topic. Let me explain when it's time to go workout that has to be the main focus of the day and the same goes when its time for nutrition and of course recovery

After reading my article on how to build muscles you'll completely understand what I mean.


Okay if your one of those people who network at the gym then you need to step up your intensity. You want the most success for the time put in so stop yapping and start curling. No pain no gain and I mean that literally so go past the burn on every set. Your goal in the gym is too create muscle soreness for the next couple of days on the body part worked.


Okay you hit the gym hard your gonna sore for the next couple days. Nutrition is now the most important thing in your life at this point. Drinking A protein shake right after your works well to speed up the recovery process and but it is ideally to slow down the protein breakdown. But it doesn't stop there every three hours you need protein so prepare ahead so you hit your deadline exactly. You never want to go more than three hours without any nutrition or eating that's very very important.


Ok your done with your day you worked out hard for an hour, you took your nutrition serious, now the final and very important part to this 3 headed attack on how to build muscles r. Recovery... people listen up you don't build any muscle in the gym not one little fiber or strand. You build during your rest period when you go to sleep. Now those who cut corners on sleep are cutting your progress back at least by 30%. Just think about it if you work a regular job and workout you need sleep to repair if you don't you won't grow.

Look people I've been working out for 22 years and I know a thing or two on how to build muscles. Remember its easy intensity, nutrition, recovery that's how you build muscles. - 17269

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