Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Visualization Process and Your Body

By Ellen Valentine

In 1988 I heard Dr. Dennis Waitley say, If you go there in the mind, youll go there in the body every time. He followed that with a story about Olympic champions that visualized themselves pole vaulting or walking the balance bar perfectly before they ever walked out on the floor to compete. When their pulse and respiration were monitored these increased the same as they would if they were actually performing physically. Their body went along with their mind. How can that help us create the body we want?

Think of it, powerful visualizations create real results in the body. So, if we see ourselves as less than, as overweight, having scrawny legs, no breasts, no waist line, unhealthy, etc; then, that is what we continue to create day after day. To create the new you, see yourself as what you want to feel and look like in the body, make it real, create a sentient rich picture that could make you cry for joy and appreciation. Be in the great new body NOW.

In his book Success Principles, my mentor and friend, Jack Canfield gives experiences of Olympic Athletes that correspond with Dr.Waitley's research. Jack suggests that the very beginning of each day and the end of the day are perfect times to review, create or even recreate your day. It is the time when all of your goals can be thought over, given life so to speak, integrated as if theyve already been accomplished. You can end the visualization time with gratitude that wells up in the heart. Jack is a great teacher, definitely one that walks his talk and gives more than he promises.

I want to share that even if you dont like the skin youre in, giving gratitude for what you have is really important. The reality is the more you push away how you look or feel, the more the feeling or unwanted situation will stare you in the face. Acknowledge all that is good about you; and please, dont say there isnt anything good. I know that isnt true at all. Think of every small and large accomplishment. Make a list and add to it every time something new pops in your head like, I have beautiful skin, my teeth are really straight, I am feeling healthy right now. Add everything you think of. Allow the list to grow and boost your self esteem.

Imagine what it would FEEL like to be different, better in some way, better to you that is. Allow the feeling of the new you to wash over you. Let go of self-doubt, blame, shame or shoulds and just receive what your mind is conceiving. Implement new and healthy habits that will make concrete your decisions in the world of form. Detach from the outcome and begin now to enjoy the new you. Decide what you want and create it now.

Create the body of your dreams and make it happen. Brain Science supports your right to create on every level; and Master Teachers all over the planet are proving it is so. Ellen Valentine, CNC - 17269

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