Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Importance Of Fiber In Your Diet

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Any bodybuilder would know the connection between fiber and fat loss. However, this has not been known until only recently; in fact, the connection is considered to be one of the best secrets to trimming the body and building up muscles. Moreover, today you would find studies that don't only support the connection but also correlate sufficient fiber intake to the decrease of disease development.

Fiber is defined as the cell walls of vegetables and fruits that are indigestible. These cell walls are only found in plants, so you cannot get fiber by just eating meat. There are actually two kinds of it; you have the insoluble fiber, which doesn't dissolve in water, and the soluble fiber, which can dissolve in water. Both types of fiber, though, are needed by the body. If you can increase your intake of fiber, you can reduce your calories, since plants have very low calories.

The two types of fiber work differently within the body's structures to promote fat loss and better health. Soluble fiber bonds with the bile produced by the liver and with cholesterol in the bloodstream helping it flush out of the body through elimination. This prevents the buildup of triglycerides in the blood.

Meanwhile, insoluble fiber is the one that provides you the bulk. When you eat it, you don't feel any hunger, allowing you to reduce your food consumption. Furthermore, insoluble fiber is not completely digested by your body, so you have to eliminate it through bowel movement. Nevertheless, even if it doesn't get dissolved by water, it somehow retains it so you can have enough water retention during bowel movement and prevent diarrhea or constipation. Isn't it amazing how fibers can help eliminate bowel concerns?

Insoluble fiber also takes credit in getting rid of the fat that has already bonded with the soluble fiber out of your body.

The fibers are also the ones responsible for the removal of excess fat. They can also help increase your metabolism, which also help in getting rid of your excess pounds as well as toxins that are often the causes of the different degenerative diseases and fast aging process.

If you can just replace your sugar-rich foods and some of your red meat by more fruits and vegetables that have low calories and more fiber, you would be able to really enjoy the benefits of fiber and lose weight. You can further improve their effectiveness if you can also exercise, since exercises increases the amount of calories burned and speeds up your metabolism.

Surely, you can no longer hide the fact that fat loss and fiber are correlated. What's more, you can slow down the process of aging and get rid of degenerative diseases; foods that are high in fiber also have a lot of nutrients that can prevent illnesses. - 17269

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