Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Muscle Building For Beginners, Tips To Start Building Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Any individual that is considering giving bodybuilding a try should realize that it takes a lot of patience, perseverance, and discipline to succeed. Within the first few weeks of working out, almost everyone achieves gains. Afterwards, a great deal of stagnancy settles in. This can lead to people quitting prematurely. That is a shame because it is not necessary if one follows these tips:

1. Keep the workouts simple. Begin your workout program by training once or twice during the first week. Feel your way through the first workout sessions you perform. This way, you can get an understanding of what proper workouts entail. Use free weights as well as machines. You can even hire a trainer or instructor during the first sessions as a means of helping you learn the basic exercises.

As your arms are stronger and carry most of the loads that's why you can use Barbells which are best than doing dumbbells. Barbells help you achieve balance and feel faster. Eat basic food to get enough protein, carbohydrates, fiber and essential fats instead of investing in body building supplements right away.

2. Keep the workouts short. Every beginner launching an exercise program needs to realize that muscles do not grow during the workout session. Instead, they grow while at rest. The original workouts must remain below the 30 to 45 minute range. It is best to stick with a 5 to 10-minute warm-up and light stretching session and end the sessions through a cool down period for another 5 minutes.

The body will always need an adequate amount of time to heal. This allows the muscles enough time to grow and grow in a healthy manner. When you visit the gym too often you will discover your muscle growth process to be very limited or outright non-existent. When you feel sore a day after a workout, you probably should take a minimum of one day off before returning to the gym.

3. Setting goals. Before hitting the gym, outline your plan, goals and objectives. Why do you want to body build? What do you want to achieve with your body? How much are you willing to invest? How much time can you allocate to training each week? It is vital to set goals that are realistic, attainable and time-bound.

Too many gym-goers quit during the first few months because they set objectives that are difficult to reach. Experts recommend that you embark on a program that you can effectively recover from, not one that you can maximally do.

You must never forget that the three main pillars of body building are exercise, nutrition and rest. You should have enough of all of these to gain quality muscle and maintain it for the long term.

To help you stick to your planned regimen, try looking for a training partner who has the same goals and schedule so you can encourage each other not to skip workouts and to maintain a healthy diet and sleep pattern. Maintain a training log where you chart your progress, weight changes and lift adjustments.

Always focus on the most basic of exercises and/or compound movements as a means of hitting a variety of muscles at roughly the same time. Among the very best initial exercises to workout on include the squat, dead lift, military press, bench press, bent-over row and barbell curl. Perform about 8 to 12 sets of exercises per session. After working out the basics for several months, you can then take the steps to perform the more advanced workouts. Upon doing this, you can then divide the body into different parts and perform isolation exercises so as to sculpt specific areas of the body.

Always perform a light warm-up exercise prior to moving on to 1 or 2 working sets. 8 to 12 repetitions each set should be enough to deliver results while also avoiding continuing onwards until the muscles fail. Never neglect any single body part through the course of the body building career you launch. Far too often, beginners will neglect legs and calves and instead focus entirely on the upper body and maintaining lagging body parts.

Feel free to visit my website for more information on body building tips, workouts & articles. - 17269

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