Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, December 11, 2009

Better Get Serious About These Ab Exercises

By Gerald Holt

Okay, here we go again----I smelled that meat sauce with the green peppers and onions and celery cooking from the kitchen way in here, and I just had to have a big old plate of pasta with that yummy sauce heaped on top and all covered with grated cheese------and, mmmmmm. So what does that have to do with ab exercises? Everything. I should be doing them instead of eating all this pasta, but there are such things as priorities, and this pasta comes way before exercising on that scale.

Okay----so my conscience has a point; I am getting flabby in the midsection and I could use some stronger core muscles to look better, and the best way to do that, is to work out with a good battery of ab exercises. I do have a trainer, and I have been trying to stick to a routine that will benefit me the most because, from what I understand, there is nothing like a killer set of 6pack abs to reel in the chicks. And that's not the only area that benefits from having strong core muscles; it also gives you better balance all over and helps with things like sports.

So I get on the medicine ball and do what exercising I can on that, work a little with the dumbbells; but I tell you, this is just not for me. I want to look good and I want to be strong and attractive, but I'm just too lazy to put the effort into it; I wish there were another way of attaining the same end point without having to work and sweat so much. These ab exercises are a real downer and I tell you, I am not thrilled at all thinking about all the work I have ahead of me.

I bet things would be different if I had a girlfriend, a person of interest, or any kind of a friend that was interested in how I looked----then I would feel the need to get up and get moving and start exercising for real. But, when I'm told I have to do these ab exercises for 3-5 times a week, and keep that up for every week without fail; I say----nuts to that. And without anyone around who really cares what I look like or any kind of a goal that I've set for myself, then I don't see much on the horizon for me as far as developing my midriff. Isn't there some other way without having to exert all this effort.

Most of the ab exercises I've read about or come across at the gym, are designed to be done 3-5 times a week and on a pretty regular basis. That means you have to set up some kind of a routine so that you can stick to it and get yourself to the gym or to your exercise area at home, whatever; and do it without fail, week after week. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. Why do you have to dedicate so much time to exercising every week just to get fit.

I've been doing some thinking lately, and the thought occurred to me that I should start hanging around more with my friends that are eating the right stuff so they stay healthy, and they don't seem to be exercising all that much or go to the gym, and they seem to be in pretty good shape. Maybe just being more with them will help, and if I follow the same patterns that they are, I can ditch these ab exercises and just hang out and look good.

I probably should go out and see if I can drum up a love interest and that would be enough to spark the desire to want to do ab exercises so I can finally get in shape and look like a million bucks for that special person in my life. That sounds like a plan---I need to think about that a little more and figure out just how I'm going to pull that off and where I should start looking. Meanwhile---I'm going to finish off this plate of pasta---it's starting to get cold. - 17269

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