Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tips That Will Help You On All Fat Burning Diets.

By Cody Campbell

Do any of the diets online today live up to their claims on burning stubborn body fat? Depending on who you talk to will depend on what type of an answer you will receive. Some health care professionals will tell you that all of these fat loss diets are just fads and the creators are just out to take your money while others will tell you to find one of these diets and stick with it because they work if you follow them. So why are there so many people on both sides of the fence? Honestly it has a lot to do with their personal understanding of how their body digests food and how the body uses up energy in the whole digestive process.

One of the main misconceptions that people make today is the process of how the body burns calories. Most people think that the body only burns calories when they are exercising or performing physical activities. This is the main reason why there is so much debatable information on this subject. A lot of people don't understand that our bodies need to burn calories to breath, for the heart to pump the blood around the body, and even to digest the last meal we ate. Although it's safe to say that our bodies will not burn 2,500 calories in the digestion of our last meal. It is safe to say that our body will burn different variations of calories for the different variations of food we eat. This is the basis of the whole understanding of negative burning foods.

So you might be asking how this actually works. Well let's say that you eat a piece of food that is roughly 110 calories. Now when your body digests this piece of food it requires 135 calories to digest it. So even though you have eaten something that is 110 calories your body required 135 calories on order to digest it. Your body needed an additional 25 calories in order to digest the piece of food that you ate. So it's safe to say that if you ate more of these negative burning foods you would naturally start to drop off body fat as your body would need to burn body fat for the additional calories needed to digest the negative foods you eat. Does this really work?

It is possible and it does work. But there are a few things that you have to take into account when you are looking at starting a fat burning diet like this. You have to understand that you aren't going to eat 5,200 calories a day and not do any physical activity and expect a body builder physique. It simply doesn't work that way and anyone that tries to tell you that it does is trying to scam you. So how then are you to get the results that you are after with a fat burning diet and see some impressive results?

All you have to do is add negative calorie foods to your diet plan. Foods such as lean meats (chicken), low fat yogurt and apples are a few of the most popular negative burning calorie food choices on the internet today. So if you're goal here is to lose weight, then adding these types of foods to your diet make perfect sense. That being said if you are looking for fast results I would recommend that you eat a diet full of negative burning foods as well as implement a weight training routine or muscle building routine for faster and optimal results.

Adding a weight training routine or muscle building routine to your fat burning diet plan will supercharge your fat burning results. You will increase your metabolism and burn twice as many calories resulting in even greater fat loss. - 17269

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