Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wheat Grass Juice And Its Health Boosting Properties

By Jeanne Roce

Wheat grass is a grass which belongs to the family of grasses such as barley and rye which we are familiar with. The type that is used to manufacture juice is not grown outdoors but indoors on special trays. Much of the dehydrated grass that is around sixty days old is mainly used as nutritional supplements.

Such juice when mixed with some of the sprouted wheat berries is especially rich in chlorophyll. This beneficial drink is able to neutralize many the toxins in the body as well as slowing down the process of ageing and general cleansing. It is also believed to reduce the risk of developing cancers. Many people are aware of the health benefits of these juices after watching those TV adverts for the Jack Lalanne juicer which extol the virtue of fresh juices.

A number of medical professionals have done studies to show that wheat grass can benefit a number of medical conditions. The herbal medicine is also known to have great healing power just like aloe vera. The theory can be better understood as many cats and dogs can often be seen nibbling on the grass especially when they feel sick or unwell. It is known to neutralize all the rotten food that produces toxins in our alimentary canal and the blood stream. Many of the enzymes that are found in the wheat grass have the power to detoxify most of the known toxins and additives found in our normal daily diet.

Green plants are full of chlorophyll which is known to be their life blood. Cooking can kill most of the chlorophyll and enzymes in the grass and, therefore, this is not advised. An interesting point is that many grass eating animals rarely get cancer, which could be due to them consuming chlorophyll in the fresh form. It is not the chlorophyll, however, that performs the detoxifying action, it is the enzymes within the grass that does this.

A lot of people who have purchased a juicer by Jack Lalanne understand all too well the health benefits of juicing. The nutritious properties of a fruit juice will be enhanced by the addition of wheat grass. These juices are full of many essential vitamins and minerals that can contribute very well to health.

For a long time fruit and vegetable juices have been known to have a cleansing effect on the body. Due to these cleansing properties many doctors advise drinking them when feeling unwell. Weight for weight, wheat grass contains more protein than eggs, fish and beans and more iron than spinach. This is a relatively little known but surprising fact.

All in all, wheat grass should be thought of as one of the superfoods. It is of no surprise, therefore, that more and more people are discovering the health benefits. Discover for yourself the superfood properties and start adding a little wheat grass to your daily diet. - 17269

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