Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 25, 2009

If I Don't Have Enough Vitamin C In My System, What Happens?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are thinking about vitamin C, it's very likely that you think about tall, ice cold glasses of orange juice. While that is one tasty source, vitamin C can be found in a host of different foods, and that's a fortunate thing. Vitamin C is critical for our bodies to function correctly, and not having enough of what we need can cause some very ugly results. Consider and really give some thought to whether you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet and if your body might be trying to tell you that you do not.

To begin with, think about where you get vitamin C from. Oranges, and in fact all citrus fruit, has a high vitamin C content, but almost any fresh fruit or vegetable will have a detectable amount of this vitamin in it. As an example, some other fruits and vegetables that contain a high concentration of vitamin C include guava, spinach, persimmons, Brussels sprouts, mangoes and melons. Even though animal products will give you considerably less vitamin C per the amount of food consumed, vitamin C can also be found in animal liver. If you have concerns that you are not getting enough, a multivitamin or a supplement can help offset an inadequate diet.

Have you ever felt a cold or flu coming on and managed to fight back by drinking large amounts of juices rich in vitamin C? This vitamin plays an integral part in making your immune system buck up, and when you take it early and often enough, you can significantly shorten your sick time. Vitamin C is an irreplaceable resource for your body, and the results of you're not getting enough can be easily noticeable. As an example, you may find yourself feeling sick, puny or irritable almost all the time. You could very well become prone to illness and infections. When babies don't get enough vitamin C, their growth is likely to be impaired.

If you continue to let a vitamin C deficiency get out of hand, severe complications like scurvy can develop. Extreme symptoms may include bleeding under the skin, the massive development of bruises, and the loosening of your teeth. Anemia can develop from this condition, and you will find yourself more and more prone to illness and fatigue.

When you are trying to be certain that you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet, keep in mind that the recommended daily amount for women is about 75 mg a day, with 90 mg as the approved amount for men. Pregnant women should plan to add another 10 mg in addition to that, and women who are breastfeeding should add on another 45 mg. If you are a smoker, your minimum should be at least 100 mg of vitamin C per day.

Consider taking some time to be sure that you are taking the right amount of vitamin C into your body. This is a situation that many people discover that they must really think about, and if you become aware of any of the symptoms above, you'll find that saturating your body with the positive effects of vitamin C can have some truly distinguished results. - 17269

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