Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Learn Foods That Control Diabetes

By Jake Ryan

In addition to exercise a good diet can be extremely helpful in controlling diabetes. By eating the proper foods you can control your diabetes better.

It is true that sugar can be harmful to you if you have diabetes. However by itself sugar does not cause diabetes. The most common cause is from being obese. If you have diabetes you need to pay particular attention to the type of carbohydrates you eat. You need to pay attention to the ones high on the glycemic index.

The Glycemic index is a way of measuring how fast a food is metabolized in your body. The range is 1-100 and the higher the number the faster the food turns to sugar in your body. This is a simple way of monitoring your carbohydrate intake.

Using the index as a guide is a great way to combat diabetes. Foods that control diabetes in this category are: Beans, Lentils, Whole grain bread, Brown rice, Sweet potatoes, and Some dairy products. There is a good variety of tasty foods that control diabetes by lowering the amount of sugar or glucose in your system. You can use this list as a base to build your diet from.

Vegetables and fruits are some of the healthiest foods for us to eat when they are not processed. They are much healthier than juices. Those who do not have diabetes should be wary when eating fatty foods and foods high on the glycemic index because there can be unhealthy side effects from eating those types of foods.

In fact, the American Association on Diabetes recommends limiting many types of fat in your diet. Particularly Trans fats and saturated fats. Vegetables come in as foods that control diabetes on two levels; one they are nearly always low on the glycemic index and two they address common side issues like heart disease.

The best vegetables to consume are the fresh or frozen variety that contains no added sauces or salt. The darker in color the vegetable is the better. Cauliflower, Broccoli, Green Beans, Carrots, Chili and peppers. - 17269

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