Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Is It Possible to Lose Weight Quickly with Acai Berry?

By Caitlin Ryan

Possibly! If you want to lose weight and look hot on the beach this summer, acai berry might be your answer, if you follow this expert advice on fast weight loss!

You cannot just swallow an acai berry pill or slurp down an acai berry smoothie to lose weight.

Weight loss can be an arduous journey. Whether you are trying to lose those last five pesky pounds or just beginning your weight loss efforts, it is easy to fall back into old habits. I have been there too!

Acai berry supplements or acai powder are one of those tricks, but you need to know more in order to overcome the barriers to weight loss.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to have the right mindset. Yes, weight loss can be difficult, but when you face it with a positive attitude and have positive people around you, you can resist temptation easier. Drop the guilt when you backslide and just keep going. Avoid emotional eating by learning how to deal with your emotions with positive coping mechanisms such as meditation or music therapy.

You need to prepare your kitchen for your weight loss efforts by getting rid of the fattening junk foods. Even if you have children (perfect time to set them on the health path), you should still limit the amount of junk. Switch to nuts rather than salty, fatty snacks. Fruit is a great sweet tooth soother. Light ice cream is an option if you really feel the need to give your children dessert. Keep the portions at " cup and for you, try cup on a cake cone (around 10 calories).

Fruits and veggies are a must on any weight loss plan. You need the fiber and antioxidants to boost your health and energy. Acai berry is loaded with antioxidants, which is precisely why it can help you lose weight more quickly by optimizing your health and energy levels.

Five servings of veggies and fruits is a good start, but adding an acai berry supplement to your weight loss plan or acai berry powder in a healthy breakfast smoothie can up your antioxidant intake that much more! You should never skip breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast will jump start your metabolism and help you burn energy more quickly throughout the day.

Exercise is also imperative for weight loss. Whatever it takes, get up and get moving! With the energy you will receive from acai berry, you will feel more like exercising. You do not have to kill yourself at the gym, just make a point to move and get your heart rate up every day!

Does acai berry juice work, too? That depends on whether it has a lot of corn syrup and little fruit. Check the label! - 17269

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