Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 5, 2009

Acai Berry Success Stories: Fact or Fiction?

By Travis Van Slooten

You may have heard incredible acai berry success stories about people losing a pound a day or shedding those tough last five pounds before they hit their goal weight. But many people are still left wondering if acai berry really does have any sufficient benefit when it comes to losing weight. In order to glean the truth from these stories of miracle weight loss due to these supplements, you have to look deeper into what they do for you. Once you know that, you'll see the difference between the truth and the exaggeration when it comes to some of the acai berry diet tales out there.

First of all, it?s important that you get this fact: acai berry alone will not bring about weight loss. There simply isn?t any medical evidence to support this. So if you use the stairs instead of the elevator for instance, and yet continue to munch on chips for snacks, then you shouldn?t put too much stock on what acai berry can do to help you lose weight. The best you can expect from acai in this case would be getting all the nutritional benefits that your body needs. As for weight loss, it also takes a healthy diet and exercise to successfully achieve it.

Think of your body as a car (this may not seem too attractive for some people, but try it just this once for the sake of illustration); under normal conditions, your car runs pretty well: nothing too impressive, but it gets you to the office on time without too many hitches. Now imagine if you were to mix in some high-power rocket fuel with the unleaded gas one morning; you?d be flying down the road! This is, basically, what acai berry does for your weight-loss program: it acts as a turbocharger for your body. But you still have to put in some effort; you still have to give your engine tune-ups and change the oil every once in a while. And you still have to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. This is the true story behind the magic of acai berry.

So what exactly is it that makes acai berry so special? The secret lies in the nutritional properties of the berry itself. The acai berry is rich in essential omega fatty acids, protein, and fiber. Proteins are essential to any successful weight-loss program, as they are the building blocks of muscle tissue, and muscle is what burns fat. And a diet rich in fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system, which is always a good idea, especially if you?re trying to lose weight.

Once you understand what these supplements actually do, you can see why people have had so much success with them. While you certainly cannot expect to pop a few pills and suddenly lose weight, you can add a healthy boost to your diet or weight loss program by adding supplements to your regime. The real acai berry success stories are the ones that tell you honestly that diet and exercise were the key and that the supplement was just a way to take it to the next level. - 17269

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