Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Muscle Mass Gaining Tips

By James Jones

When you decide to gain weight, you always want the fastest way. But the reality is you have to put in your time and pay your dues at the dinner table. It doesn't have to be complex and difficult though. Here are some quick tips that you can do today to get that muscle mass you want.

You should consume 3 strong meals a day and then 3 minor meals in between. Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner strong meals should all consist of at least 30-50 grams of protein from primarily a meat source. Just as the 3 above exercises are your backbones, these 3 meat meals are your eating backbones. In addition to your meat, you should eat big portions of carbohydrates and some fat in the same meals.

Remember, we talked about 6 meals. Three being large, and 3 being small. Let's talk about the small meals. Now in between your 3 strong meals you need to consume 3 minor meals, such as a protein shake or a couple of protein bars, or essentially some snack which is going to contain another minimum of 30-50 grams of protein, but you are allowed to have this in protein shake form or other easy, convenient protein forms. And the carbohydrate amount need not be as heavy. This is the ideal eating plan for how to gain weight and muscle.

Now let's talk about the big three meals. This means eating rather heavy at breakfast, lunch and dinner. You want to add food that is going to contribute to weight and muscle gain and the simple way to do this is just to add a large serving of protein to each meal. For instance at breakfast if you normally just eat cereal and toast, you're going to have to start throwing some eggs in the mix. The key thing to remember is that muscle is made out of protein, and you will need lots of it to build muscle.

At least three eggs is what you need for breakfast, if not more, and they can be cooked however you want. For lunch, if you normally have a burger, then your going to have to double it and have two burgers. And for dinner, if say you normally have something like pasta, then your going to have to add a hefty amount of meat in the sauce to get that protein in. If you usually have a serving of protein at dinner, say a chicken breast, then double it and have two chicken breasts. Basically your upping your protein intake with solid, strong weight gaining food.

Again, If your serious about gaining weight, then in between your meals, sometime during the day you'll want to down a high calorie protein shake. This should consist of protein, juice or milk, a tablespoon or two of peanut butter, a banana, and any other fruit you prefer. You could drink half of it between breakfast and lunch and the other half between lunch and dinner. Or if its not convenient just down the whole thing at once during one of those two periods.

You'll basically force your body to gain weight on this program if you are consistent with it and stick to it day in and day out for at least 6-8 weeks. Eating this way and combining basic weight lifting exercises can create a stronger and much bigger physique. - 17269

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