Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What would you give for a muscular physique?

By Jon Cardozo

The goal setting is one thing that I've often been excited about, but I haven't always kept up with it the way I should have. I've recently decided that I need to become more consistent, and I've been reviewing my goals carefully. I started to think about what it would take to achieve these goals, and they got me thinking about what it really takes to reach your fitness destination.

I asked myself a critical question: Are you prepared to work diligently towards these goals? If so, what are you willing to give up in exchange for these objectives?

If you're going to be writing a list of goals in the near future and building muscle will be on the list of things you want to accomplish, take a moment to ask yourself the same questions. You see, achievements such as building a strong, muscular body do not simply happen by themselves. They take dedication, commitment, and the initiative to take action.

You may think that you've heard all this before, and maybe that's true. But hearing something a number of times and actually putting it into practice are two completely different things. Without action, that knowledge is worthless.

Whatever you choose to do in your life will be at the expense of something else. You can really only do one thing at any particular moment, so you should know what you're willing to give up.

So are you willing to do what it takes to reach your fitness goals? Which do you prefer, watching that favor TV show or working on a solid strength training program? Can you give up the incredibly tempting ice cream sundaes you eat every day in exchange for a healthier and better looking body?

Remember that most great things in life are not achieved with one amazing act. Rather, it is a series of small choices carried out on a daily basis that will determine our ultimate success or failure in life.

A half hour workout a few times a week for several months will accomplish what one five hour workout cannot. Whatever you choose, keep the long term in mind and rest assured that living your dreams tomorrow, in both bodybuilding and beyond, are well worth the price you pay today. - 17269

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