Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Muscle Building Supplements and Vitamin C

By Ricardo d Argence

If attempting to stay healthy, a balanced diet and proper exercise is required. Good nutrition is crucial for healthy living. Developing good eating habits helps people remain healthy for many years.

But today, due to our busy schedules and negative eating habits, many of us suffer from several vitamin deficiencies that can lead to negative health conditions. However, there is a way to correct this problem, there are many supplements that can play an important role in preventing vitamin deficiencies.

One such vitamin that is essential for good health is Vitamin C also known as 'Ascorbic acid'. Vitamin C helps in reducing oxidative stress that is caused by rigorous training during body building sessions and workout routines. Many animals produce their own vitamin C but unfortunately, primates and humans are unable to manufacture it. So, humans need their daily dose of Vitamin C from their diets, therefore, it is necessary to include food items in your diet that are rich in Vitamin C.

Vitamin C has a number of benefits, for instance, it can help protect cells and can aid the body to absorb iron from food. Vitamin C is also considered capable of fighting common cold. It even helps in the formation of collagen, which is a key factor in almost everything including muscles, veins, teeth, bones, cartilage, and capillaries.

In simple terms, you must have Vitamin C to maintain your body and keep it in excellent working condition. Healthy bones, a strong body and well-maintained musculature are the things you can accomplish by taking a natural bodybuilding supplement, Vitamin C.

Vitamin C occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables such as grapefruits and oranges. Food items like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peppers, kiwi fruit, sweet potatoes etc. are good sources of Vitamin C as well. In order to ensure enough Vitamin C is in your diet, it is important to include these foods in your diet.

Vitamin C can also improve your exercise routine. Proper dosage of Vitamin C can help to strengthen your immune system and it can even help you recover faster. Vitamin C is capable of suppressing a particular hormone named 'cortisol', which prevents muscle growth in the body while encouraging fat buildup. Also, Vitamin C being water-soluble would not build up in your body, and therefore you can take a safe dosage on a regular basis to improve your health.

If you want best results, it is advisable to consume 1000 mg of Vitamin C an hour before you begin your workout session. This would help reduce the muscle soreness and you would be able to recover faster at the end of the workout.

No other vitamin has such benefits on the body as Vitamin C. There are many different kinds of Vitamin C supplements available on the market, and all of them are efficient forms of Vitamin C. If you have a passion for bodybuilding or if you exercise on a regular basis, Vitamin C supplements can help you in your journey towards a fitter and healthier body. - 17269

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Teenage Weight Loss, Dangers of Being Overweight

By Ricardo d Argence

Today nearly nine million teens under the age of 15 are obese, but since 1980 the number of obese teenagers has tripled. The rise in teen-age obesity is staggering. It is even more difficult for teens to be overweight due to health risks and social repercussions.

Obesity is increasing as is the amount of kids with diabetes. In the past, this more severe form of diabetes was only seen in adults over 40, but current research shows the increasing obesity rate to be the real culprit. Type 2 diabetes can cause renal failure, blindness, and even death.

Sufferning form quit breathing for a while of short periods while sleeping is one of the most disorders is known as sleep apnea. The apnea means difficulty. Sleep apnea can often be caused by obesity as there is a lack of muscle tone around the airway. The lack of oxygen can cause major medical problems with the brain and heart, sometimes causing death.

Asthma may have an obesity link are the sudies that begun to show only recently. In cases of severe obesity the lungs cannot properly expand causing constriction of the airways. Also, its been suggested that the low grade systematic inflammation common in obese, this inflammation can affect smooth muscle tissue and cause more restriction of the airways.

It's difficult, but teens need to worry about their body's health and other things. Overweight teenagers often report that school is a horrifying experience for them. Other kids are cruel and say nasty things to them. Adding to the growing list of problems, overweight teens often become very withdrawn and suffer from depression due to their weight.

Teen eating habits can be attributed to obesity. Teens are known for their preference for junk food. There are alot of schools that no longer allow snack machines that contain unhealthy snacks. They have replaced them with juice, water, and healthy snacks.

In order for the teenager to go one-step further, they must begin to change their diet at home. Healthy home cooked meals need to replace the high caloric fast foods they so love.

To slowly introduce healthier choices in your diet, is the best plan. Three regular meals per day and two snacks. Throw away packaged foods in favor of home made. Beginning any meal with a small amount of food on your plate -remember they do not have to clean the plate!- and eating it in a slow, deliberate manner is the basis of "portion control." Eating several servings of fruits and vegetables will help you balance your diet. Sometimes the feeling of thirst can make us think we're hungry, drinking plenty of water and staying well hydrated is important and allows your body to function better.

In the way of exercise the teenagers are getting less and less. Due to all the increased activities that do no require physical activity, most teenagers do not get much exercise. Televisions should have viewing limits and should not be in the bedroom. Two great ideas for family exercise is walking or riding bikes.

You could even do your housework in a way that you could get some exercise while doing them. Providing movement is your aim no matter what is necessary. - 17269

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What Are The Best Muscle Building Supplements? - Creatine!

By Westy

Creatine has a pivotal role to play in muscle building, and while you are being educated on creatine, you are actually learning a lot about muscle building too. The second part teaches you how to extract the best out of creatine supplements. Creatine supplementation actually helps in maximizing the reserves in your body for optimal use. If you intend to use it like any other supplement you might not gain what you should have, so then a bit of learning is essential. Product labels do not contain the actual information; it is of no use basically.

The Creatine Guide teaches you the proper implication of the supplement, its dosage and related effects. You're also taught the ways of handling, maintaining and the washing out phases of a supplementation. You will also be taught the techniques like cycling and others and how these help in increasing the efficacy and safety of use. A proper supplementation of creatine can produce dramatic results. I know that the whole idea of learning something new is not that exciting for everyone, but it's effective for sure.

The e-book not only deals with the supplementation part, but also includes the meals to be taken pre and post workouts. The Author believes in creating an anabolic environment and presets the guidelines for doing so. He also emphasizes on the glutamine content, proteins and other supplements. He also narrates the role of every supplement on human body; which is unique and quite helpful.

The guide also runs through the different supplements that you can buy on the market. You will find out how safe some of these products are and which ones you should consider buying. The questions that most people have about this supplement are also gone over in great detail. This is all of the real information that you will need when you use creatine in your muscle building workout. There are some myths out there about creatine and the guide will help you sort through this information and find the truth behind the use of the supplement.

The different processes used for creatine synthesis is mentioned, he prefers the use of higher creatine quality than the rest. He also has a list of manufactures who can give us the best quality stuff. Part 4 consists of the glossaries and appendices supporting the book, including the dosage, meal plans pre and post workout and much other essential information.

When you use this guide, you will also receive a lifetime of updates so that you can stay as current as possible on the latest information about this supplement. It is a new idea and there is still a great amount of information to learn. But you will be sure that you are getting all of the best information that is available so far.

You will find that it is simple to use the guide and the organization helps to find all of the information that you need quickly and efficiently. The Creatine Guide is something that you should use if you are serious about your workout.

You will have a clear understanding of creatine, its use and effects. You will get a lot tolerant about muscle building and also about meal plans. So much of information and at a price as cheap as $20, its great. All of us can use creatine, but its optimal use is only meant for people who have learned and have an understanding of the product. - 17269

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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Mexican food

By KC Kudra

Mexican food is gaining popularity all over the globe for many reasons. There is a wide range of Mexican food and you can taste combinations you might not have tried before. It smells wonderful, tastes great, and is also very healthy. Mexican food differs through the ages, depending on the ingredients available but the sheer volume of Mexican restaurants appearing all over the world prove what an exciting and enjoyable cuisine it is. Authentic Mexican recipes are easy to find but if you want to make your own Mexican food, you can be as creative as you like.

Many of the Mexican foods of today are based from long ago when the Aztecs and Mayas first created them. Some dishes that are exotic and eaten long ago include iguana, spider monkeys, and rattlesnakes. It is not eaten most of the time in this century, but it is also not unheard of.

Mexican food developed further, when the Spanish colonists arrived in the country, bringing with them different cooking methods, and ingredients formerly unknown in the area. One ingredient, which has always been popular in Mexican food, is chili pepper. Some Mexican recipes have a Caribbean influence and this is especially true in the Mexican states of the Yucatan and Vera Cruz. Other Mexican dishes contain a French influence. Bolillo, which is a popular type of bread in Mexico, has a French influence.

There are many health benefits when it comes to Mexican foods. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, with low fat and calories. You are not eating authentic Mexican food if you eat at Taco Bell. America has added many fats to the foods, which does not contain all the nutrients you would eat if you ate in Mexico. Mexican dishes contain many fresh ingredients that you may not be able to find in other types of cuisine. Tomatoes, peppers, onions, and others are very healthy for your body.

Foods differ in the different regions of Mexico. It depends on the climate and geography of the area along with ethnic differences. Northern Mexico is known for its dishes that contain meat, while in Southern Mexico, dishes popular include vegetable and chicken. Seafood is commonly served in the Mexican state of Vera Cruz. Vera Cruz is a Mexican state that is very long and tropical with lowlands that runs up and down the Gulf of Mexico. It is easy to get fish such as red snapper, snook, grouper, and mojarra. Mojarra is a prized fish in the area. Crab, lobsters, and oysters are abundant.

Besides the ocean, the state has more than 40 rivers that run through it. It has an endless supply of freshwater fish and shellfish. The food is prepared in a way that reflects unique dishes of the state. Seafood is very healthy for your body and can add a different taste to regular classic Mexican food dishes.

It is fascinating to realize that Mexican food differs all over Mexico and it is great fun to try new flavor combinations. With such a colorful history, Mexican food will always be popular and the number of Mexican restaurants springing up all over the world is a testament to that. The more you know about the history of Mexican food, the more interesting it will be to cook and taste a variety of Mexican food recipes. - 17269

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Jeff Anderson Presents Homemade Supplement Secrets

By Westy

If you are into bodybuilding then you know the high price of supplements. When you take a look at the information that is provided in Homemade Supplement Secrets, you will learn how to make your own supplements at a fraction of the cost. This book has given people the option of making their own supplements and saving a great deal of money. Moreover, you will learn how to make an even higher quality supplement than you would be able to buy in the store.

You can be assured that the quality of the supplements that you make for yourself will be as high as you want it to be. The best part is that you will receive a higher quality supplement at a much lower price. The supplements that you will learn how to make can be made into capsules or powder forms, whichever you prefer.

Homemade Supplement Secrets Revealed!

Well, I know it does. Some trainers have already been using this method.

The information that is contained in this program will show you how the manufacturers make their supplements and how they do not contain the right amounts of the ingredients that you need to make them of the highest quality. Once you learn this information you will no longer be fooled by the advertising that these supplement manufacturers use.

The manufacturers of these supplements count on the desperation that a great many people feel in their efforts to lose weight. The companies promise results from the use of their supplements and many people buy them in a desperate effort to lose some weight. The products may very well work, but the amount of money that is charged is outrageous and the companies are more interested in the money that can be made than the health of the people that they are targeting.

Weight loss and bodybuilding supplements should be use intelligently to get maximum benefits. Jeff is very honest when it comes to the value of money. Now let us learn about how much we can save with "knock-offs", the difference is quite a lot you see. If you are set to buy a Cytosport's Muscle milk it would cost you $79.90, that's the retail price. But with Jeff's kick-off cost you can have it at $16.85. So now you know the difference.

Jeff Anderson discusses the manufacturers and why they charge such huge markups. Many people who have been paying these high prices will learn how they are being taken advantage of and can now do something to stop paying these high prices. If you are planning on using supplements in your bodybuilding program or to lose weight, you should read this book first.

Once you read the information about the supplement companies and how they are more concerned with the advertising than they are about the quality of the products that they sell, you will be outraged. It is highly unethical and you will now know why. These products are directly aimed at your health and it is up to you to protect yourself from these companies that are out to take your money and give you inferior products. - 17269

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