Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, November 28, 2008

Chair Recliners for Body Builders Lifts Performance

By James Knolan

Are you a serious about body builder? Then you may want to know that regular massage therapy can be a great enhancement to your routine. Regular massage therapy helps to increase muscle tone, improve range of motion, enhances your flexibility and reduces recovery time from injury. Your current routine is probably very disciplined with your diet, exercise and stretching. The addition of regular massage therapy can be the edge you are looking for. If you are not able to consistently see a massage therapist, you may be interested in the convenience and economics of a massage chair recliner.

There are many benefits to body builders of receiving regular massage therapy. If you happen to overwork your muscles or sustain an injury, then massage helps to soften and loosen the muscles, tendons and scar tissue. If you periodically have muscles spasms or cramps, massage helps to lessen the incidence of these occurring. If you have aches and pains after working out, then massage therapy releases endorphins which help to reduce pain. If your joints feel stiff or less flexible, then massage helps to improve your range of motion.

Massage therapy is becoming standard practice in many sports for both pre-event and post event. As part of your warm up, massage therapy helps you prepare for peak performance before your event. This helps to decrease muscle tension, enhance your flexibility while increasing your mental awareness and alertness. In the competitive arena, these are important factors which can give you an edge over your competition.

One of the challenges of getting regular massage therapy is reliance of going to a massage therapist. Most body builders have a strict regimen of diet, exercise and nutrition. Finding time to get a massage on a regular basis can be problematic. Massage chairs are a good solution for this situation. Massage chairs are always available when you need them and the massage can be delivered at your convenience. These massage recliners can provide you with regular massage therapy. Studies show that the real benefits of massage therapy are when massage is received on a frequent and regular basis.

Massage chairs provide a wide range of therapies. Some of the best massage chairs have hundreds of different possible massage therapies available. Some of the most common are Shiatsu, Swedish, deep tissue, sports massage and acu-pressure massage. Additionally, massage chairs can perform full body massage. A roller system is used for the back, neck and shoulders. The lower body and arms/hands are massaged using an air compression massage. These massage therapies are very effective.

The amount of technology you can find in the top massage chairs is outstanding. You can find traction systems. These traction systems have the capability to stretch the lower body from the hips, thighs, knees and ankles. There are also chairs that come with a shoulder and arm stretch. If you need to get away from it all and relax, then you should try a recliner with a built in music player. They come with headphones and you can load it with your favorite music. Some advanced chairs have heat built into the entire chair. You can activiate the controls to individually focus where you want the heat applied.

Most people think that massage chairs are expensive. However, if you are getting regular massage therapy, then they really are the most economic way to receive massage therapy. A massage therapist may cost $50 per hour plus tip. Massage chairs can provide an hour massage for as little as $3 per hour. Most massage chairs are rated for 1,000 hours. If you purchased a $3,000 chair, then your cost per hour is $3. This is a big economic advantage.

If you are looking for an edge over the competition, then you owe it to yourself to find out how regular massage therapy can benefit you. The benefits of regular massage therapy are significant. Massage therapy is useful before and after your event. Keep yourself in top condition and get the edge you need with the convenience of a massage chair recliner. - 17269

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Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle -Controversial But Very Effective

By Westy

Tom Venuto created the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle program to help bodybuilders get the kind of lean muscle that they are after. You will learn with this program how to cut the fat out of your diet and your muscles and create a lean and strong physique. This book delivers a great program that has been hot on the market for years. The author of the program is a competitive bodybuilder that gives you all of the information that you need to get the results that you want.

Venuto's aim is not only to teach every minute details of bodybuilding but also makes it easier for beginners to start off and achieve their goals, be it shedding 100 lbs or adding some extra pounds to get a six-pack. Venuto's writing style is quite calm and confident, it's highly communicable. It will also help you in having a clear perception about the fat loss program.

There is no ego involved in the program which is a refreshing change from most programs. There are many e-books on the market that give you nutrition plans and information on supplements, but they do not focus on the ultimate goal. The author of the book does not make any claims to know everything about bodybuilding, but will show you how to cut the fat in your diet and get the results that you want. The program is there to help you with its information and the author is a great resource for this information.

Tom's BFFM program comprises of 4 key components:

* Goal setting

* Nutritional information and how you can achieve great results

* Using cardio to develop the body and burn fat

* Weight Training

From the very first chapter of the book, you will learn about the importance of motivation and goal setting. The formulas that are used to set your goals are very unique and can be used for any type of goal. Your brain is the most important part of your bodybuilding efforts and it should not be overlooked if you hope to achieve long lasting results.

Tom believes that some of the problems that people face when they are trying to reach their goals are related to a lack of clear goal setting. Unfortunately, some readers will skip right past this chapter to get to the bodybuilding information. This will eliminate some of the most important parts of reaching your goals with bodybuilding. This part of the book is something that everyone should read if they want to reach their bodybuilding goals.

The main focus of this program is on your diet and nutrition. You will find an approach to your nutrition that does not have anything to do with starvation diets. The program will teach you how to reduce your body fat and get the lean muscle that you want to create the kind of physique that you are after. The program will give you a permanent solution to your weight and body fat loss that will prevent the weight from coming back. Your focus should be on a healthy approach to your diet and nutritional needs and not on starving the weight off. The diet advice that you will receive is based on realistic facts.

The fundamental food habits are not all; he also brings forth the advanced techniques used by the bodybuilders to cut down these extra pounds. But before introducing you to these secrets, Tom says, you need to lean the basics and get it right into your head. The book doesn't go by assumptions and there are no stones unturned. It covers almost everything that is needed to have an awesome body. Your every misconception will be replaced with an undeniable logic.

Once you have learned the basic information you will be given advice on your nutrition that will help you to separate the myth from the fact in your diet. This information is essential to gaining the kind of muscle mass that you are after.

After you have gotten down the basics of bodybuilding you will learn some of the more advanced techniques that are used to give you the body that you want. The methods that are used will apply a carbohydrate manipulation to get the results. You must be very careful when you are using these techniques because when they are used incorrectly, you could have poor results. The bodybuilders who use these techniques are on an advanced level and have complete knowledge of the process before they begin and so should you. - 17269

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Weight Loss, Avoid Alcohol or it Will Make You Fail

By Ricardo d Argence

Over the years, there has been a lot of information spread around about weight loss. New diets here and a new gadget over there. There has however been little said on the effects of alcohol and weight loss. That is what we will look at here today.

While alcohol is caloric, as are virtually all foods and beverages, it differs in important ways from other substances. The first problem is that the calories that you get from alcohol are worthless, and not one calorie from alcohol has any nutritional value.

As with other calories, those from alcohol are converted in the liver in the body. Alcohol calories are kind of like bullies, as they must be burned first, all other calories are patiently stored. And we all know what stored calories are, they are fat.

Adding to the problem is the fact that alcohol provides twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins. What this means is alcohol provides seven calories per gram as opposed to carbohydrates, which contain four calories per gram. To put it in even simpler terms when you drink four 12-ounce beers you have consumed 600 calories! It is easy to see how prolonged use of alcohol could pack on the pounds.

One final point regarding the caloric outcome of alcohol is the mixers. Many popular alcoholic drinks are actually a mix of different substances. The preservatives and other chemicals make the calories add up. For example, one long island ice tea has an astounding 740 calories. You could get half of the day's recommended allowances just by drinking one!

Metabolism is another key ingredient to weight loss. The sum of the physical and chemical reactions in your cells that produce energy is your metabolism. Or more simply put the rate at which your body processes calories into energy. A study published in New England journal of Medicine shows how alcohol slows this entire process. A person on a 1250 calorie diet where 250 of the calories were from alcohol could see as much as a 36% reduction in their metabolism. In reality what happens is that the calories that you taken in are not being processed as fast as the should be. So you need to be more active and if you are then the calories will be burnt off a lot faster.

Many who drink alcohol on a regular basis report that initially they feel much better. However, alcohol is a depressant and as such can lead to actual depression. It is definitely harder to diet when you are depressed, in fact most will eat more in an effort to comfort themselves. A vicious cycle if you stop and think about it. This depression can affect motivation as well making you less likely to continue on any kind of exercise program.

Water is an important factor in basic health but it is also important in muscle building. Muscles require a sufficient amount of hydration to function properly, without it, they can become weak and inefficient. Alcohol dehydrates the body because of the massive amounts of water the kidneys require to process the toxin from the body.

Too much drinking causes damage to various organs, but one drink a day is actually good for most people's health. Besides the issues it may cause for weight reduction, there are also medical concerns to keep in mind. If you are over weight, and are trying to drop it, you will loose more weight if you do not drink alcohol. Until you get control of your weight, red wine is the best choice if you must drink. - 17269

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Health and Fitness-Software eBooks and Information Sites

By Sunny4sky

In todays world it is not enough to take our health for granted. We must all take responsibility for our well being. We all know proper nutrition, exercise and enough sleep are great. Although it is easier said than done.

Busy schedules, fast food and just plain day-to-day life get in our way. How many working moms drag themselves home after a long day at work and prefer to pick up dinner on the way? Nothing against working moms. You have to give today's woman a lot of credit. Working, raising a family and running a household is not easy task. Dads too are doing their share more today than in any other time in history.

Exercise is a must to good health. When you are tired you don't feel like exercising. Even though exercise gives you energy! Sound like a vicious circle. You're right. Begin exercising with a short walk and increase the distance a little every day. Walking is one of the best exercise program you can do. Just 20 minutes a day will increase your energy and help you sleep better at night. Health and Fitness Information

After a while you could add bowling, dancing, golf or tennis to your schedule. This type of exercise is fun. You can share it with your family and friends. Which makes it even more enjoyable!

Stress is the quiet killer. You know we are all under some kind of stress. People have many ways of reacting to stress. While one person becomes stronger, another falls apart. Learning how to deal with stress is very important. Again, easier said than done. Stress can strip you of energy and seriously affect your health. What have you done to help yourself cope with stress?

We must not forget there is a wealth of knowledge just waiting for us to access it. Don't be in the dark about fat loss secrets, how to quit smoking, panic attack cures and many more tips for you. We all have access to the internet. Knowledge is just a click away. - 17269

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You'll Learn How To Get From Skinny To Sexy Fast!

By Westy

Vince Delmonte is one such personality who does not believe in week body and skinny figures, he is not interested in an alibi regarding this issue. His book, No Nonsense Muscle Building will surely give you a hard time. Well, he does not rule out some of the responsible factors like metabolism, genetics and illness, things that are not under your control. However, his belief is quite clear from the very first page of his book- he blames our ignorance and laziness for such an ugly physique. He says we should have it in our brains that nothing exists between our healthy body and us; it's our willingness and hard work.

The program will focus on eliminating negative thinking and hard work. You will have to follow the program to the letter to get the results that you are promised with this book, but if you can do that you will find success. There are some things that are included in this program that you will not find in a typical bodybuilding program. Focus on flexibility and endurance are covered extensively as well as weight training.

One thing you need to remember is the focus of the program lies on adding muscles to those skeletal-like bodies. Vince brings to you the best approach to develop great muscles; he emphasizes on it and says "The Skinny Guy's Secrets to Insane Muscle Gain." Vince would love to see you free from excuses and heading for some great work. Once he is convinced, he'll put you through his work out methods based on the 9 principles of growth. Every trainer has to abide by these basic rules, missing out on one will not produce the best results.

When the goal of your program is a massive amount of gain, you will have to follow the methods and techniques that are presented in the program. Explanations will help you to understand why you are using the techniques and methods. This is important if you are to fully understand the program. It is written very clearly so that you will have no problem understanding the information that is contained.

Two full chapters of the book are devoted to hormones and recovery and their importance in your program. You will learn why rest is so important and how you can use it to build up your strength. Hormones are responsible for the mass that you will gain with this program. It is an important component and is included in the program. The diet and training methods are designed to increase the hormones in your body to help you to gain the mass that you want. Vince is a tough trainer and you will have to follow his methods if you want the results that he promises.

You might find the program to be a little complicated in the beginning. When you get past this part of the program it becomes easier and easier. The members part of the program will help you to get past this part of the program. It will answer all of the questions that you might have in the beginning. A calendar is included so that you can schedule your workouts and make sure that you stay on track. The exercises are completely described and animated so that you have a very clear picture of how to use the exercises properly.

This enables you to have a clear picture of what you need to do and what are you goals. The training program demands a gym session for 3 weeks including extreme workouts for the full-body, quick and intense. Programs are individualized and that allows you to understand your performance and the need for an improvement. Vince also emphasizes on the methods of training being used for an individual; whether it suits the person or not, whether a lighter exercise would be better for the person, such issues are taken care of.

Flexibility is used to help you with your workouts. When you can lessen the impact of imbalances in your body, you will be able to use the workouts more extensively. Weight training is stressed in the beginning of the program and eventually you will work toward some of the modern methods that are used to maintain your body.

Vince teaches you how to listen to your body and follow the program that will work for your bodybuilding workout. The trainer must learn how to use the methods that will work for your body. When methods are used that will work for your particular needs you will have a much better physique in the end. - 17269

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Lap Band Surgery Qualifications and Considerations

By Amy Nutt

Lap Band surgery may seem like the perfect solution to obesity for those who are struggling to lose weight. After all, a simple, non-invasive surgery could make you feel full with just a few bites of your meal, thus helping you to lose weight. Who wouldn't like that idea? Before you sign up for the surgery, however, you need to know that not everyone who wants the LapBand system is qualified to receive it.

Patient Qualifications

Lap Band and other weight loss surgery options are not available for all patients. In the United States, the National Institutes of Health made regulations that state that weight loss surgery is only an option for people who are clinically obese or are suffering from ill health due to their weight.

Clinically obese people, or people with a body mass index of 40 or greater, qualify for the surgery. Body mass index is found by taking your weight in pounds, multiplying it by 703, and dividing it by the square of your height in inches. It can also be found by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters.

Patients who have a body mass index that is between 35 and 39 can also qualify for the surgery, but only if they have serious medical conditions as a result of their obesity. Serious medical conditions include diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. The NIH feels that the danger of these conditions makes the risk of surgery worthwhile.

Non-Medical Considerations

Some patients who qualify for the surgery under the basic physical qualifications should not have it done. Lap Band surgery requires a change in the patient's diet once the surgery is complete. Since the patient will not be consuming as much food as before the surgery due to the smaller stomach created by the procedure, the nutrients in the food that is eaten must be carefully considered. Patients who eat junk food after surgery can suffer from deficiencies in certain essential vitamins and other nutrients.

Also, the small pouch created by the Lap Band system can stretch, because it is still part of the stomach. Patients who continue to overeat after the surgery in spite of the increased feeling of fullness will not lose weight. They will simply have wasted their money on the surgery, because they will not get the results they want.

Those who are good candidates for Lap Band surgery are those who are ready to make a commitment to change their lifestyles afterwards. Those who have tried to diet and follow a workout routine without successfully losing weight are good candidates. They have already shown that they can make the changes necessary to lose weight. They simply need the extra help that weight loss surgery can provide.

Why Choose Lap Band

If you are a candidate for weight loss surgery and have decided that the potential lap band risks and high cost are worth it in return for finally being able to lose the weight, LapBand is an excellent choice. This surgery will help you to feel full on far less food. It is an adjustable surgery, which means that your doctor will be able to make simple changes to adjust for too rapid or to slow of weight loss results.

Before choosing Lap Band surgery, be sure that you discuss the potential benefits and risks with your physician. Make sure you understand what will be required of you after the surgery. If you still feel like LapBand will give you the help you need to get back to a healthy weight, then schedule the surgery. If you meet the qualifications, you will find that Lap Band is an excellent alternative to gastric bypass or other weight loss surgeries. - 17269

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A Review Of Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building

By Westy

Cardio is an integral part of Vince Delmonte's workout routine, but it is not meant for the skinny ones, not at least for the first 4 weeks. It can be implemented thereafter. Cardio are not just meant for fat reduction, it helps you to develop a well-shaped physique as well.

Healthy eating is a big part of the program and you will receive access to a calorie calculator that will help you no matter which phase of the program you are in. If you are looking to cut calories, maintain, or gain weight, the calorie calculator will work for you.

Vince has made things quite simple for you, with an online calculator you can put in the details in this format- Maintenance- Cutting- Progressive Weight Gain-Advanced weight gain, and you will get the result. Vince agrees that it is not easy to diet and gain weight, but he has proper workout methods to facilitate your body. Vince's 10 No Non-Sense Nutritional Rules for Muscle Gain will keep you posted on the required amount of nutrition for the body and how to gain it. This makes things even easier.

Supplements are the worst option, according to Vince. He warns all of us against these fancy drugs, it is just a business with zero benefits. Vince has detailed all the probable effects of supplements like that of glutamine and creatine. Go through these details before rushing to a pharmacy. Besides, Vince introduces you to the world of nutritional dense shakes, with proper guidelines about the usage and how much you can gain from it. It's tasty, easily available and quite affordable.

These are some of the add ons to the program that you will find very enjoyable. In fact, you will get a three month personal training with the use of email with your program. There is a fifty two week workout plan that will help you to achieve great results as well. Your diet is helped with an eighty four day meal plan that will give you the help that you need.

The workout portion of the program is called the muscle stimulator and it will show you all of the exercises that you can do to work every part of your body. You will find the program is full of animated illustrations that will help you to determine exactly how to perform the exercises in the program. Vince also offers you some of the pitfalls that some bodybuilders face when they are working on their program.

The upgrades that you can add to your muscle building program, will enhance the experience of the No Nonsense Muscle Building program. Some of the bonuses that you will receive with the upgraded program include:

1. A plan to reduce those extra pounds with the help of No-Nonsense Fat Cutting.

2. Meal plans for vegetarians among all of the different caloric levels.

3. The program comes in an audio format for those who prefer this method over reading the guides and books.

4. The best of the program includes an email consultation with Vince. You will receive real answers to your questions about the program from the person who created it.

Any complaints?

The book is a bit disorganized, but this is mostly due to the uniqueness of the program. The exercises that are in the program can be a little complicated for beginners. You will have a program that works to explain everything in great detail, however. There is an opportunity to ask about these difficulties and get some real answers to your problems. Even though it may be difficult for a beginner the program is an effective way to get some results.

The program gives you information on everything from your weight training exercises and diet. There is plenty of information about the No Nonsense Muscle Building program that you can find to help you make your decision about purchasing this program. - 17269

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How to Build Muscle Fast

By Carl Winemen

Whether you are looking to bulk up for the first time, or you are simply looking at putting on some tone, you will find that the question of how fast you can build up muscle is one that will often occur to you. While the truth of the matter is that everyone's body is different and that everyone will put on muscle at their own rate, you can build muscle faster if you only keep a few things in mind. Take some time and really consider your options when you are thinking about building muscle fast and remember that these tips can help you out a great deal.

1.Get plenty of rest When you are trying to build up muscle, you will find that one of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you don't short yourself any sleep. Sleep is when your body takes the time to heal and repair itself, and if you are not letting it do that, you will find that your muscle building will grind to a slow but unstoppable halt. Really figure out how much sleep you need and make sure that you are going to get it. Even if it means going to sleep early, you will soon see that it is worth it.

2.Change your routine When you are looking to make sure that you are getting the best build that you can in a short amount of time, remember that varying your workout is key. Your body will get used to a workout faster than you believe is possible, and when you stop pushing yourself, you stop growing. Make sure that you do some cross training and make sure that you are keeping your exercises from getting stale and boring.

3.Keep your rep range low When you are looking to build up muscle, take some time and really think about what you can do to move from machine to machine after only a few repetitions. You will find that the more variety your body can enjoy, even during the course of one workout, the better. Remember that if you are using good form that you do not need more than six to nine repetitions for each body part!

4.Eat lot's of protein Protein is the building block that muscles are created on, so make sure that you eat plenty of it. There are protein shakes to make sure that your system gets everything that it needs, and also remember that you can't go wrong with lean red meat. Find ways to cook it that you really enjoy and make sure that you think about what your options are going to be when you are looking at getting the right kind of result!

5.Drink lot's of water When you are working out, you are losing water, so make sure that you take the time to replenish it. Water makes your body process faster, so take some time and really think about what you need to do in order to get the water that you need. - 17269

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Chest Muscle Building - How Important Is Bench Press?

By Westy

The Critical Bench Program is one that you should have if you are looking to increase your chest area and find a good workout for the rest of your body. The program will let you create a program that works for you personally.

The personalization that this program will offer you is what makes it easier for you to follow. You will have a target to reach each week and as you move through the weeks it will become more and more apparent that you are making progress. You will have the email address of Mike, who designed the program and all of the expert advice that he has to offer to you.

A huge collection of books related to bodybuilding are included in this program, which is very helpful. Ken Lian, the world class bencher's exclusive interview and also his "matrix" program is included in this book. The best bench workout of Shawn Lattimer is an add-on. You also get Charles Staleys' book, which is quite a good one and is a great collection of Staleys articles. Some famous writers have also given essential tips on bench.

This extensive program even has a number of books included to give you even more information on bodybuilding. There is a great interview with Ken Lian. The book has an exclusive program that is designed by Ken Lian as well. The inclusion of a workout by Shawn Lattimer is also a included in the program. The articles that you will find will help you with your goals.

You will learn how to spot for others and help with your partners program as well There are some modifications that can be made to your program, but make sure that you are not going outside of the rules.

The program is ten weeks long and at the end you will have achieved some great results. Remember, that your bodybuilding will be very hard work and you will have to stretch beyond your limits. The physique that you create at the end of the program will be well worth all of your hard work.

Mike has vast knowledge and he is glad to share it with us. His book happens to be the best of the lot and is well recognized and praised by some of the expert trainers. It gives you ample knowledge and you will be one of the most educated people in your circle. It is wise to be knowledgeable in every sphere and if bodybuilding is what you prefer, you need to learn about that as well.

If you want to have a great result from your bodybuilding, you should invest in a quality program that delivers results. There are many books and programs out there, but this is a great addition to your collection. Show your friends who are into bodybuilding as well and you may be able to work as partners to have a great body at the end of the program. - 17269

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Health and Fitness-eBooks Software and Information Sites

By Sunny4sky

In todays world it is not enough to take our health for granted. We must all take responsibility for our well being. We all know exercise, proper nutrition and enough sleep are great. Although it is easier said than done.

Busy schedules, fast food and just plain day-to-day life get in the way. How many working moms drag themselves home after a long day at work and prefer to pick up dinner on the way? Nothing against working moms. You have to give today's woman a lot of credit. Working, raising a family and running a household is not easy. Dads too are doing their share more today than in any other time in history.

Exercise is a must to good health. When you are tired you don't feel like exercising. Even though exercise gives you energy! Sound like a vicious circle. You're right. Begin exercising with a short walk and increase the distance a little every day. Walking is one of the best ways to exercise. Just 20 minutes a day will increase your energy and help you sleep better at night. Health and Fitness Information

After a while you could add bowling, dancing, golf or tennis to your schedule. This type of exercise is fun. You can share it with your family and friends. Which makes it much more enjoyable!

Stress is another killer. You know we are all under some kind of stress. People have many ways of reacting to stress. While one person becomes stronger, another falls apart. Learning how to deal with stress is very important. Again, easier said than done. Stress can strip you of energy and seriously affect your health. What have you done to help yourself cope with stress?

We must not forget there is a wealth of knowledge just waiting for us to access it. Don't be in the dark about fat loss secrets, panic attack cures, quit smoking and many more tips for you. We all have access to the internet. Knowledge is just a click away. - 17269

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