Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Does Homeopathic HCG Have Side Effects?

By Amelia Handley

There are so many warnings and problems being discussed out there right now regarding weight loss supplements that it's hard to imagine that there might be one that isn't more trouble than its worth. So when interested parties begin to ask questions about the side effects of homeopathic HCG no one is really surprised.

The answer to every question regarding the safety or the side effects of homeopathic HCG is always the same regardless of your specific situation. It doesn't matter if you are on other medication. It doesn't matter if you're sedentary. It doesn't matter if you're 3 and 1/2 feet tall or 8 feet tall. It doesn't matter if you're male or female. It doesn't matter if you're 20 or 40.

Homeopathic HCG is just safe; regardless of the specifics you attach to your situation. There are no side effects. That is there are no negative side effects...there are the positive side effects to discuss.

Lisa S. completed the diet and lost a total of 22 pounds. She now claims, "I've kept it off. Not only did I lose the weight, but during the course of the program I somehow learned to exercise control over my appetite and my food choices. It's changed my life for the better."

Some interested parties and homeopathic HCG dieters are excited about the recent release of information on a study in its early stages that indicates that homeopathic HCG may prevent breast cancer. With cancer numbers constantly increasing throughout the world...any positive effects are noted and applauded especially when they come from a natural source.

Those who experience the wonder of homeopathic HCG don't question its effectiveness. They don't question its ability to make the changes they've been looking for and they don't doubt that the side effects are all positive. They've seen it in action. - 17269

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The Good For You Acai Berry And Fat Loss

By Diane B Collins

In the last five years the publicity on the acai berry has skyrocketed. There are ads promoting the benefits of this marvelous diminutive berry that go from fat loss to anti-aging to disease prevention.

Even so, the acai berry is not a new product that just arrived in the last five years. In fact it is actually a natural occurring berry that is found on the acai palm tree deep in the Brazilian rainforest. The acai has been a principal in the nutritional regime of the natives in the locale for centuries. This small berry is outstandingly perishable and it has just of late become available to other parts of the world because of sophisticated processing methods.

The acai berry is one of the highest nutritious fare ever located on the planet. It has an large quantity of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, fiber and phytosterols. Every single one of these things contribute to helping your own body work at optimum capacities. All of these things can assist you to lose weight.

When used as a enhancement to an already healthful food intake and reliable nourishment program, the nutrition found in the acai berry can be tremendously beneficial when it comes to weight loss. The fiber from the acai berry can help you to stay fuller for a longer phase of time and play a role to a strong digestive system.

The acai berry is a rich resource of Omega fatty acids. These are essential fatty acids that cannot be produced by the body and can only be accessed by the food that we eat. Omega fatty acids are vital to many of our bodily functions and investigation is ongoing on the benefits these essential fatty acids offer including helping with weight loss.

You can also locate 19 amino acids contained in the acai berry. Amino acids are the construction blocks of protein and protein is mandatory for many functions but specially for building and maintaining muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is metabolically more dynamic than any other type of tissue in our bodies and having more muscle automatically makes us burn more calories just in everyday life.

There is also a multiplicity of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants contained in the acai berry. Antioxidants assist your body to shield itself against free radical damage and vitamins and minerals help to provide you with the energy and stamina to unfailingly diet and exercise to drop the excess weight.

The acai berry and its related products can be an very good for your health addition to a wholesome lifestyle. With the optimal nutrients from this little berry you can drop fat, fend off the conventional declines associated with aging and retain your optimal health. - 17269

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Choosing Your Food To Lose Weight Effectively

By Selene Foong

An important component of losing weight is the food intake. What you eat is very important in any weight loss program as it could be the main ingredient in your weight loss success or failure. So, remember that what you choose on put on your plate is vital to your weight loss plans.

Do bear in mind that this is not about counting calories only but also about the quality of the food you eat. What you choose to eat for your meals is more important than counting the calories of every single morsel you put in your mouth. This is because some foods are healthier and could work in your favor even though the calories may not be that low. While there are some low calorie foods that are not healthy and do not give your body any benefit.

Why eat food that are bad for your health or do not even provide any benefits to your body even if it is low in calorie? It is better that you choose foods that are not so low in calorie but is nutritious and good for your body. It is when you eat healthy food that you will be able to provide the fuel to your body to assist you in your weight loss goal. If you only consume zero calorie foods with no nutrition whatsoever, it won't help your body to lose fat at all. An example are zero calorie drinks that are not nutritious and not good for you. But if you compare that to milk, milk has calories but it also has nutrients and vitamins that are good for you.

Do you know that milk is one of the easiest protein that you can supply your body with? It is healthy and easy to consume. And best of all, you can now choose the low fat kinds too. Although many popular diets suggests that you should cut down dairy products, consuming low fat milk will not put a damper on your diet. In fact, it may even help you to cut down you food consumption.

Milk is a protein and so it can fill you up pretty much. When you drink a glass of milk, it will cut out your hunger and thus, it will reduce the chances of you bingeing or eating more later. Similarly, if you eat whole grain food, it will also keep you fuller for a longer time. It is these type of foods that could help you burn fat faster and keep you full longer. This way, it will stop you from overeating later.

Choosing healthier foods is always easy as you need to go for natural first and reject most processed food. Natural means loads of fruits and vegetables, especially fresh ones. Even frozen ones are better than you choose for processed food. When it comes to choosing your food, you should know not to only look at the calories but also the fat content and the nutrients. Always go for those that has higher vitamins and nutrients but is also low in fat and calories. This way, you will ensure that you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs in your weight loss journey. - 17269

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Detoxifying Your Body - Is It Worth It?

By Ira Goldberg

We were designed in a world that was far less polluted than it is today. While your body does have an excellent mechanisms to get rid of unwanted substances, it sometimes needs a little help. Detox is a way to help your body get rid of toxins and other harmful substances that have accumulated over time.

The body uses respiratory, dermal, gastrointestinal, urinary, and lymphatic systems to eliminate toxins. Skin, liver, kidneys, and lungs are the mayor detox organs. In today's world, however, they often become overworked and this can result in a toxin accumulation in the body.

Toxicity within the body can produce many health concerns: fatigue, low energy, constant headaches, gastrointestinal problems, chronic colds, nausea, constipation, bloating, bad breath, food intolerances, skin problems, aches, anxiety, and irritability just to name a few.

Doing a detox can go a very long way in helping your body to get rid of all the accumulated toxins. And when toxins are gone your body can focus once more on more important things like rejuvenating the health and well-being.

There are many benefits of detoxification. It can, off course, eliminate toxins and other unwanted substances, but it can also improve your immune function, improve digestion, improve mental clarity, help you lose weight, reduce bloat, stimulate cell regeneration, and help get your body on the right track again.

Many detoxification methods are available today, from mild to extreme. One of the most simple and very popular is a method called The Master Cleanser. This method, also known as The Lemonade Diet, was written in 1941 by Stanley Burroughs and continues to be popular and effective to this day.

A detox is one of the easiest ways to regain your health and vitality. With little determination it can be done by anyone. Remember - "He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything. - 17269

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What is Ischemic Heart Disease - Are You At Risk?

By Barb Hicks

Ischemic heart disease is defined as decreased blood flow to the heart due to narrowed coronary arteries. The obstruction results from cholesterol deposits sticking to the artery wall interrupting the flow of blood to the heart. The deposits harden causing hardening of the arteries. This is called atherosclerosis, which is a medical term sometimes interchanged with arteriosclerosis. Both have the same affect, whereby both impede blood flow to the heart.

Plaque buildup or arteriosclerosis is one common factor in the onset of Ischemic Heart Disease. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels are the cause for the plaque which in turn results in the blockage of blood vessels which feed the heart. As a result, blockage to the heart occurs which then leads to heart attack symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and irregular heart beat. However, some patients may not even feel these symptoms as heart disease can also damage the nerves surrounding the heart.

Angina will eventually occur as time passes. This affliction, commonly referred to as the strangling of the heart and known in medical terms as Angina Pectoris, is a result of the lack of oxygen due to poor blood flow to the heart as a result of blockage. Anyone with this type of heart disease is at a greater risk for experiencing a heart attack or cardiac arrhythmia.

High blood pressure, genetics and diabetes are all risk factors for Ischemic Heart Disease. Simple things such as lifestyle changes including weight loss and quitting smoking, can alleviate or eliminate risks for this disease. However, it is very important to note that these changes, while beneficial for everyone will not cure someone who already has ischemic heart disease. In addition, anyone having already experienced a heart attack will probably experience another one within five years. Regular visits to a healthcare provider is a great step in monitoring this diseases progression, as well as alleviating or eliminating any additional future problems from occurring.

Ischemic Heart Disease can be prevented or its severity lessened with lifestyle changes and proper healthcare. Although the thought of changing your ways after twenty to thirty years of constant routine may seem an impossible task, the results and benefits of a longer life are well worth the effort. - 17269

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The Breville Juice Fountain Elite - From Fruit To Glass in 5 Seconds!

By Kia Masder

Do you like to take care of your health? Do you listen to nutrition advice and actually implement it? Are you looking for better ways to integrate fresh, organic and local raw fruits and vegetables into your diet? Me, too! And I wonder if you can relate to the following about my own experiences.

Though I've never had any major health issues, I suspect that diet and exercise play a critical role in helping us all stay healthy. It seems like every study published agrees that a healthy diet and challenging physical fitness program can help us maintain our well being and increase our longevity. Unusually (and in my normal over-achieving geek-like way) I started working out in 6th grade with a running program. My father thought it'd be good for us all to get in better shape so my sister and I started jogging 3 miles a day with him after school.

I have always stayed fit and been active, kept my weight in check, and have always gotten a good health check from the doctor annually. Folks told me I was healthy.

But I have just been reading a book called "The China Study" which is actually making me reconsider the "diet" portion of the equation and ponder whether I am on the right track.

According to "The China Study," which is a superb, understandable research-based book quoting over 700 scientific studies, animal protein, including eggs, milk and beef, isn't the cure for good health and muscle-growth that we've all been led to believe. I was totally surprised to learn that skim milk isn't a super-food when it comes to robust bones, teeth and muscles. In fact, the writer is forced to decide that - much to his disappointment since he grew up on a dairy farm - a diet free from animal protein is truly optimal for boosting our health and reducing the signs of aging.

The China Study book recommends a vegan diet rich in unprocessed plant-based foods.

Many advocates to this philosophy take this approach a step further and focus on eating raw plant foods, forgoing foods like rice, barley, pasta, etc. These raw food advocates believe that we preserve and ingest the most nutrition in our foods when we don't prepare them by cooking them.

One of the hardest issues to deal with when preparing and eating lots of plants is that it can just plain take a particularly long time. Cutting, washing, for example is definitely a laborious process. Especially after you begin to have a look at incorporating plants like lettuce, spinach, kale, and celery - which seem especially tedious to wash and dry. We need them, though: greens that are important to our growth.

That's where a powerful juicer can solve your issues. Making juice out of your fruits and fruit with the Breville Juice Fountain Elite is a good way to combine your fruits and fruit into a fresh, nutritious and mouth watering drink which may guarantee you get all the nourishment you want, even if you are on the go.

Consider mouth-watering juice recipes like apple-cinnamon cider, carrot juice with ginger, or perhaps your own version of V-8. Green smoothies made with bananas and spinach are a favourite raw-food vegan classic - the fruit is cheap, the taste is great and it's vitamin-packed!

If you have a regular blender ( for making margaritas ), or perhaps a name-brand juicer like Jack LaLanne's from Television , you will find that they don't hold up to regular daily juicing, they are hard juicing, they are hard to use because they are under powered, or they just don't clean-up well.

The Breville Juice Fountain Elite solves all these problems. It is German-engineered to be a top-of the line juicer for people who make juice every day and need a quick-and-simple way to make their juice. Essentially, you can produce an 8-oz cup of juice in under five seconds and as the juicer takes Enormous bits of apple, carrot and other hard fruits - you do not have to do much chopping. THe juicer even does a pleasant job with leafy or stringy products like lettuce and celery. Including vegetables like this in your juice will truly increase their nutritive value.

If you are prepared to make some changes in your diet - begin with including more fruits and veg. Like the Omnivore's Dilemma advocates - Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.

Start with healthful juice from local organic produce made with the Breville Juice Fountain Elite. - 17269

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Not to Lose Body Fat Totally

By John Knight

Fats are helpful and to lose body fat totally is not good. They form the building blocks to develop bodily hormones, controlling inflammation and digesting some vitamins and minerals that are good for us. We also need them as our source of energy. Not all fats are harmful to our body. In fact, they carry vital nutrients that help our systems work correctly.

The types of fats found in our diet are: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and the trans fatty elements. According to medical guidelines, it is not the fats that cause our diseases but the types of foods that we eat. So, the right amount of fats is indeed important for our bodily needs.

Trans fatty ones are no good at all which are found in baked and fried foods. Monounsaturated ones help lowers bad cholesterol which can be found in olive oil, fish oil and nuts. Polyunsaturated fatty elements found in liquid vegetable oils, fish, seeds, meat, eggs lower bad cholesterol and controls heart function as well as proper clotting and many more. Saturated fatty substances are contained in butter, coconut oil and other oils which raise total bad cholesterol but helps raise bad cholesterol.

Be mindful of the elements or substance that you apply on your skin or you touch for they can be absorbed by the skin and will be circulated in your system. The skin is trans-dermal in nature so anything that gets in contact with is just the same as putting it in your mouth. Having known these things, you will be more selective and careful with the foods that you put into your mouth.

You will be able to find in certain websites the methods to eradicate the undesirables. If you want to have further studies on the good and bad fats, you can browse and make a research online. You can find on the internet the natural and organic substances that can be good for your health as well as how to lose body fat. - 17269

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Juicer Recipes A Treat For The Whole Family

By Mike Anderson

A lot of people don't like eating solid fruits and vegetable, therefore it can be a problem for them because they need the nutrition in order to keep healthy and fit. Juicer recipes are here to solve all those problems, now we can simply juice all the fruits and vegetables and the result will be a delicious drink you will most certainly enjoy even if you hate fruits and vegetables.

Most juices are very beneficial to our health and fitness; in fact, there are some special juices for curing colds and fevers. And other juicer recipes that are for boosting you with energy.

The best thing you can do is have a juicer machine in your kitchen, this will help make things a lot easier with making your juices at home. All you need now are good juicer recipes.

As for juicer recipes, they come in a variety of tastes, they're simply unlimited and you will have an unbelievable range of choices. You have fruit recipes, vegetable recipes and both combined in one drink recipes.

The healthiest juicer recipes are the ones that are made of as many fruits and vegetable combined because they consist of a lot of nutrition that is very beneficial to the human's body and health. They will also help you keep up with your diet.

The most hungered and desired for by most people is the cocktail drinks, but of course cocktail drinks themselves come in a variety of different recipes.

If you want to try one then it's a good idea to start with the simplest one, all you need besides a juicer is 3 carrots, a stalk of celery and 2 apples. Juice them together in your juicer.

Adults and children alike enjoy having a refreshing and cool drink from time to time. They give a chance to people who'd rather not eat any solid fruits and vegetables.

Kids love drinking delicious cool drinks, in fact they can be irresistible sometimes to them that it will create a problem. You will run out of fruits and vegetables continuously and your kids will demand for more, that's why it's best you organize a schedule for them and yourself to keep things under control.

If this develops a problem for you, it's always good to keep things well organized. So set up a schedule for you and the times for having cool refreshing drinks.

Peel to lemons and juice them in the blender then juice a handful of celery with it, after that you can add half a cup of raw sugar until it looks just about right.

To make the celery and lemon delight you will need to peel 2 lemons then juice them and after them you juice celery leaves and add half a cup of sugar. Keep blending until the juice looks complete. - 17269

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Good Diet Equals Health

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

There is substantial research that shows a Mediterranean diet provides protection against type 2 diabetes.

The composites of what make the Mediterranean diet so perfect against type 2 is it is robust in olive oil, grains, nuts vegetables, and fish yet it is low in meat, alcohol, and dairy products.

The current studies are showing that the body has a positive effect in regards to cardiovascular disease when a diet such as the one explained is implemented.

Researchers gathered 13,000 graduates from the University of Navarra in Spain with no history of diabetes and recruited between December 1999 and November 2007; each graduate had their dietary habits and health were subsequently tracked.

To start the study off, the graduates all completed a questionnaire designed by the developers of the project. The questions were summarized at 136 and asked the participants specific questions that related to how they cooked, what types of oils they used, and their dietary supplements.

The 13,000 participants were tracked by a questionnaire that was administered every two years and asked questions about thier lifestyle, eating habits, and overall medical conditions. From this, researchers were able to pick up new cases of diabetes.

During the follow-up period (median 4.4 years) the researchers from the University of Navarra found that participants who stuck closely to the diet had a lower risk of diabetes. A high adherence to the diet was associated with an 83% relative reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Interestingly, those participants who stuck strictly to the diet were expected to have the highest prevalence of risk factors for diabetes such as they got older with age, a family history of diabetes, and a higher proportion of ex-smokers.

This assumption proved to be false; If fact, say the authors, they had a lower risk of diabetes, suggesting that the diet might provide substantial protection.

The primary compounds of the diet include a high intake of fiber, vegetable fat, trans fatty acids, and a moderate intake of alcohol.

A key element of the diet is the abundant use of virgin oil for cooking, frying, spreading on bread, and dressing salads.

The scientist finished by calling for larger cohorts and trials to confirm their findings. - 17269

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Make Your Next Bodybuilding Supplement Purchase Online

By Aaron Wilding

You've probably shopped online for a lot of things, but have you ever bought your bodybuilding supplements online? This can be a great way to save money and time, while also becoming more educated about the products you're using.

Just because a supplement is classified as a bodybuilding supplement doesn't mean that bodybuilders are the only ones that can benefit from their use. No matter what your sport, you can find a supplement that will help you to perform better. And by shopping online you can save money while doing so!

A key thing to do when shopping online for supplements is to shop around. You can either go from site to site or you can use a comparison site to find the best price. This way you can really make the most of your money and get discount bodybuilding supplements.

Another reason to shop online is the convenience of having your item shipped right to your door. Some online retailers offer free shipping on orders over $50.00. You can place your order within minutes and it will arrive at your door within 1-2 business days or overnight if you choose the expedited shipping option. No running from store to store looking for a specific bodybuilding supplement.

If you are trying a product for the first time, you can find product reviews for that item either on the companies website or through a Google Search. See what other customers who bought that product had to say about it.

Convenience is the main reason to shop online. You can shop around and have your order placed in a matter of minutes, all without talking to a single person or being pressured into buying a high-priced supplement that you don't need. Once you start shopping for discount bodybuilding supplements this way, you'll never go back to going to the store!

So the next time you need to buy some bodybuilding supplements do yourself a favor: plan ahead and get them online. You'll save time, money, gas, and sanity by doing it this way. - 17269

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Why You Should Get Colon Cleansing Done

By Erica Wylieson

Colon cleansing has gotten a lot of attention recently as a treatment that can help to cleanse our bodies of harmful toxins. This can in turn help to improve the immune system, increase energy levels, clear up skin, improve the digestive system, help lose weight, and even decrease the risk of colon cancer. However, not everyone agrees that colon cleansing is necessary.

Proponents of colon cleansing think that toxins building up in the colon is very harmful and may lead to numerous health issues including, constipation, headaches, fatigue, low energy, gaining weight, and compromised immune system and organs. By removing unhealthy toxins, colon cleansing can strengthen the immune system and internal organs and provide your body with a boost of energy. They also point out that there are all natural colon cleansing solutions available, making it safe and healthy.

Individuals who are not in favor of colon cleansing say it could be harmful and that it is completely unnecessary. Doctors and other experts note that the digestive system and bowel can get rid of waste and toxins without any outside help. Therefore the use of special diets, enemas, powders and pills are not necessary.

Colon cleansing is based on the theory that our poor diets, pollution, stress, chemicals and other types of environmental factors expose our bodies to harmful toxins. When these toxins accumulate in the colon, it makes it harder for our colons to properly function and this can lead to serious health conditions and problems. Colon cleansing is used to flush these harmful toxins out of our bodies.

Colon cleansing can be performed using a variety of different methods. Colon irrigation, which is also called high colonics, is done through the use of a machine or pump which flushes out the colon. Or alternatively, different substances can be used such as anti parasite capsules, enzymes, powders, herbal teas, enemas and laxatives to cleanse out your colon.

Before undergoing colon cleansing just be sure that you are aware of the following. Be aware of the fact that the federal government does not in any way regulate, oversee or guarantee colon cleansing products made of natural ingredients. This means that the products' potency, safety and purity is not at all guaranteed. There are also potential side effects to colon cleansing that you need to be aware of such as vomiting, nausea, dehydration, dizziness, cramps, bowel perforations, and unknown interactions with your medications that you take.

If you are shopping for a colon cleanser, you want to look for one that has all natural ingredients. Colon cleansers that include chemicals may only produce temporary results as well as possibly dangerous side effects. All natural ingredients include roots, herbs and extracts from medicinal plants.

You can help to increase your colon's health whether you choose to partake in colon cleansing or not. You do this by eating enough fiber every day. You should be eating about 20-35 grams of fiber on a daily basis from consuming cereals, bran, whole grains, oatmeal, vegetables and fruits. - 17269

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Massage Chairs Contain Abating Acupressure Massage Treatments

By Joshua Ford

Acupressure massage is an ancient healing art. Acupressure uses the application of pressure to the body's acupressure points. Acupressure seeks to regulate the flow of energy throughout the body. It helps to bring the body back into its natural balance. This ancient healing art has been advanced by technology and is now available in the best massage chairs.

There are different types of acupressure based on the traditional trigger points in the body. The differences between the types are the rhythms, techniques and pressures used. For instance, Shiatsu is a subset of acupressure massage and is its most famous form. Other techniques involve applying firm pressure for 3 to 5 seconds on trigger points. Another technique involves using a pressing pressure with an intermittent tapping action. Yet another technique involves slow pressure on the trigger points to induce whole body relaxation.

Massage therapist are highly trained to locate and manipulate an individual's trigger points. Now these methodologies have been integrated into the best massage chairs. The top massage recliner brands like Omega, Panasonic and Sanyo offer acupressure massage therapy. They have developed advanced technologies that can locate and then focus on these areas. These mechanical masseuses can systematically hit your regions in need of attention.

These massage recliners take a reading of your back as the acupressure massage is activated. The computer in the chair takes in all the information. It will then, processes it and then create a program just for you. The recliner knows how to manipulate the most critical trigger points and knows the precise location of your points. The massage recliner runs a customized massage just like a massage therapist. These acupressure massages are very effective in revitalizing your body and spirit.

To help you relax some massage chairs incorporate other features to compliment the acupressure massage. Most spas have soft meditative music to help the mind to relax and get away from thinking about the stresses of the day. Some massage chairs have MP3 players built in with headphones to help you to relax. You can also find heat therapy, where there are heating elements constructed into the chair. Heat helps to reduce swelling and increase blood flow.

The acupressure massage helps to encourage the flow of blood and lymph. The increased flow of blood and lymph increase energy and help the body to heal. Additionally, some of the benefits of acupressure massage are the following:

Increases in alertness; Higher levels of energy; Lower anxiety; Decreases in Toxins

The ancient Chinese pioneered the use of acupressure massage. They discovered that your trigger points are correlated to greater healing and longevity. These treatments were effective if done on a recurring basis. This is perhaps the greatest challenge of massage is getting it done frequently. Now, with massage chairs, one can have affordable access to these important therapies. Getting recurring massage from an economic perspective is much cheaper with a massage recliner. - 17269

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