Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why You Should Use Organic Fruits and Veggies During a Juice Fast

By Kate West

Two of the very best steps you can take to improve your health are closely intertwined-- juice fasting and the consumption of organic food. Organic food is grown without the use of chemicals and pesticides and is not genetically modified in any way so as to preserve the life force and highest nutritional benefit of the food. By adopting organic foods into your diet, you are giving your body a break from the constant onslaught of foreign contaminants that it is faced with day after day in the modern world. Learning how to juice fast correctly takes this one step further by helping your body reverse and heal the symptoms brought on by the consumption of such contaminants.

Your purchase of organic food means that fewer pesticides and chemicals were used in producing your food and therefore less harmful substances will make their way into your system. Considering that juicing concentrates it's components by removing the fiber and making the nutrition from the plant instantly available to your cells, juicing produce laden with toxic chemicals defeats the entire purpose of why you're fasting in the first place. Why go through all the trouble to juice fast only to inject your cells with concentrated toxicity! On the contrary, you're looking to give your body the much deserved break it needs in order to rejuvenate and repair. In this respect, incorporating organic food into your juice is perhaps the most important element in learning how to fast properly.

If you wish to dramatically improve your health by freeing your body of these toxic chemicals completely, then consider adding juice fasting as a regular part of your lifestyle. You don't have to commit to anything too intense. Short fasts can do wonders for your health. (Just one day a week adds up to fifty two days a year!) Juice fasting with organic fruits and vegetables for ANY length of time gives your body a major break from it's daily stresses, and you'll find that you quickly experience an abundance of energy and vitality as you release these toxins from your system once and for all. You'll also feel good knowing that the organic fruits and vegetables, free of the pesticides, chemicals and genetically modified ingredients of conventionally grown produce, won't be making their way back into your system by contaminating the water supply.

And there you have it. While there are many elements that go into learning how to fast properly, consumption of organic fruits and vegetables during your fast is as crucial as any. A juice fast using only organic produce will do wonders in helping your body detoxify from the pollution found in our air, water and food supply. Remember that by selecting organic food you are also supporting sustainable farming practices, which means that you're not only helping yourself, but helping heal the planet and it's inhabitants as well. This kind of symbiosis should be the basis of any health program! It just feels good!

. - 17269

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Uncover The Best Ways To Build Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

Some people want a trim and tight body. Others prefer to bulk up and channel Dwayne Johnson into their workout regimen. Which one of these are you? If you are in the latter group and love a good bodybuilding workout, then read on to find great ways to build muscle fast.

Building muscle mass is both a challenging and rewarding endeavor to take on. You will need tenacity and patience in the daily rigors of ensuring you reach your weight and size objective. Many times people think that spending every spare minute in the gym is the best way to accelerate muscle mass growth. This is not only untrue but doing so can even be harmful to your body. Workout sessions should only last around an hour for 2 to 4 days a week. The days in between should be dedicated to getting you plenty of quality rest which allows torn muscle tissues to be mended and developed-an important aspect in bodybuilding.

When exercising, use power in lifting the weight and control in lowering. This will increase your body mass, stamina and strength. Always ensure that you have a correct form so that you don't risk injuring parts of your body. Many times, all it takes is a shift in position to improve the quality of the whole set of drills.

Beginners usually start with lower weight loads and higher repetitions. As you continue to progress, your body becomes more familiar to receiving physical stress that training gives. Constantly push your body to its maximum endurance capacity. As much as you are able, have a spotter nearby to assist you in the heavier loads. Never compromise your safety in your training even if you are in a rush to build your muscles.

Obviously, train hard enough and your muscles will feel pain the following days-- anyone who has trained in the past knows what this feels like. When particular body parts are sore, it means the muscles in that area is still in the process of mending the tears. Do not attempt to exercise them until the pain goes away; work the other muscles instead. Trainers suggest training two to three muscle groups each day like the biceps and back on Monday and the chest and triceps on Wednesday. Take around 1 to 2 minutes of rest in between sets.

General rule of thumb: if your aim is to lose weight, try a high aerobic training, low calorie diet; if building muscle mass is your goal, the opposite is what you want to do. Simply put, eat a lot. Check what your body type is but on average, you will want to take around 3000 calories a day. This doesn't mean it's time to throw a one man pizza eating marathon though, a sensible eating plan should still be observed. Maintain a diet rich in protein, fiber and carbohydrates. Get information on recommended supplements and protein shakes that can fill in needed nutrients in your diet.

Do not be taken in by every fad and promised benefit of fitness products and programs out there. Remember, many are the ways to build muscle fast, but you have only one body to keep. Take care of it and it will take care of you the rest of your life. - 17269

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6 Tips In Getting The Best Cheap Treadmill For The New Year 2008

By Chloe Adisson

The last few days of 2007 will definitely be bringing in more feasting and, therefore, more calories. Get the best cheap treadmill to start the 2008 New Year right.

It's generally known that the higher the cost, the higher the quality of the treadmill. This is also true if you only know little and you are in a hurry to get the purchase done right away. Take your time and understand what you are buying.

First of all, do not believe in sales hype especially if it's coming from the manufacturer or dealer. Getting the best cheap treadmill essentially requires you to figure out how the entire system works.

Whether its the expensive or the cheap type, all treadmills do the same thing. As soon as you turn it on and use it, you are aiming for a cardio vascular exercise, weight loss, and burn calories. That's just basically it. The price of the treadmill now varies on competitive features.

1. The treadmill motor is one of the most important thing you should consider when selecting a treadmill. The ideal minimum should be 2.0 horsepower and anything lower than that may not be worth your money.

2. Read treadmill reviews from professionals. The treadmill guru's personal ratings and recommendations may help you a lot in deciding which ones to buy. The premise of course is that these pros may favor at the more expensive ones.

3. Consumer reviews are as helpful too. There are so many websites that allow treadmill users to comment on the products they use. Their opinions can also help because they have used the equipment themselves.

4. A manual treadmill doesn't qualify for best cheap treadmill. Yes manual treadmills are cheap but if you can afford to buy the better ones, then do so. You should buy equipment that can last longer and is much convenient to use.

5. Check on the treadmill belt. This is another piece in the treadmill that is important to look into. Make sure the belt is perfect for you to use. Check on the safety as well.

6. The quality of the treadmill can also be detected from its warranty and service offers. Most reviews tell you that a good warranty should be at least 5 years on the motor, 2 years on frames and parts, and a year on service.

Other than the above-mentioned, there are still other points about a treadmill that you should consider before buying. There's the framework, cushioning system, and other extras like the accessories and stuff. Manufacturers take advantage of improving these treadmill extras because the standard treadmill gets more expensive when more features are added.

There is not one best treadmill for everyone. It all depends on what you know and how much you are willing to spend. At the end of the day, you will know that what matters most is your own judgment. It is understanding which treadmill is really worth your money. - 17269

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Mighty Memory - How To Improve Memory

By Chris Jensen

Do you want to know how to make more money and save time? Do you want to know how to get better grades and learn faster? Do you want to know how to get a faster job promotion and enhance your career? First learn the secret on how to improve memory, and be able to do all these things.

Memory is the ability to remember something that has been learned or experienced. It also refers to the brain's ability to store information. Certain structures of the limbic system appear to play major roles in storing and retrieving memories. These structures include the amygdaloid complex and the hippocampus, both in the temporal lobe. Evidence suggests that memories may be formed through the establishment of new brain circuits or the alteration of existing circuits. Storing new memories involves structural changes and chemical changes in the nerve cells of the brain or in the substances that carry messages across the tiny gaps between the nerve cells.

Memory experts say that the chief reasons for forgetting include interference, retrieval failure, motivated forgetting, and constructive processes. They believe that with practice, people can increase their ability to remember.

One of the most important means of improving memory is the use of mental aids called mnemonic devices. Another good way to help remember a piece of information is to repeat it a number of times. You can do this out loud or quietly to yourself. The more frequently you do this, the more lasting the memory will be. Elaborating the piece of information by relating it to something else may also help, as well as making the surroundings in which you remember material similar to those in which you learned the material.

It has been proven that having a strong, dependable memory is directly correlated to one's quality of life. Discover the ways on how to improve memory and become a memory master. - 17269

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Personal Trainers Find Satisfaction At Work

By Jack Leblanc

The field of personal training is expanding at about the same rate as American waistlines. Obesity is a serious and growing problem among average Americans. As medical research links more health risks, like heart disease, hypertension and stroke to even moderate obesity, more Americans are trying to improve their health by getting fit. Some companies have even opened employee fitness centers in an effort to improve their employees' health and reduce the cost of health insurance.

This has created a huge demand for certified personal fitness trainers. Personal fitness trainers work with their clients on nutrition and exercise programs that are tailored to the individual. The goal is to improve the client's overall health by increasing their level of fitness.

Personal trainers need to be competent in several areas in order to properly serve their clients. The first area is nutrition. One reason for the epidemic of obesity is the poor diet than many Americans chose to eat. High fat foods and refined sugars add unnecessary calories without providing nutrition. The personal trainer works with his clients to encourage a healthy diet with less fat and sugar and better nutrition, not just for weight loss, but for overall health.

In designing fitness plans, the trainer has to be aware of limitations that such health conditions can place on their client's plan. It may be necessary to speak with the client's physician before designing their plan.

Nutrition is an important part of overall fitness and the personal trainer has to know about basic nutrition. Part of a fitness trainer's job is to work with his clients to improve their diet. Motivating clients to eat healthy foods and cut high fat foods and refined sugars from their diets is important. Since there is more to fitness than exercise, the trainer has to cover other issues.

Setting up proper exercise programs is central to the job of personal fitness training. The trainer must consider the individual clients fitness level, general health and age and set up a program that meets all the client's needs. The trainer must be well versed in both aerobic and strength training exercise and equipment, since a balanced approach to exercise contains elements of both.

Training to become a certified personal trainer can be done in a number of ways. You can chose a college program at either the associates or bachelors level (2 or 4 year), or you can enter a training program to earn the necessary credits to become certified. This is a rewarding career choice both from the standpoint of salary and from the satisfaction of helping people improve their health and their lives. You can chose to be a private trainer or work in the fitness industry.

Personal trainers have rewarding careers and the ability to make as much or more income than many college graduates. Look into the career possibilities for personal trainers today. - 17269

7 Pitfalls Of Extreme Caloric Restriction To Tone Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

We would all like to tone arms, and we would all like to do it fast. In this day and age, we expect lightning quick results.

The sad truth is that many women have fallen under the false belief that extreme caloric restriction produces the fastest results. Perhaps you 're considering going on a very low calorie diet because you're fed up with having flabby arms. But before you do, consider the following 7 pitfalls of extreme caloric restriction to tone arms:

1. Malnutrition. Many women who eat an EXCESS of calories are malnourished because their food lacks nutrient density. Put yourself in a massive deficit of calories and your risk for malnourishment is even higher.

2. Brittle bones. Bone density is a very important thing for female health. As we age, our bone density can be compromised because of cyclical levels of estrogen output. And restricting calories too much to get rid of arm fat, can reduce bone density.

3. Metabolism dips. A decrease in metabolism is the main reason why women on ultra low calorie diets reach a point when they can no longer lose weight. The amount of muscle mass loss associated with crash dieting will make it extremely hard to get toned arms.

4. Suppressed hormones. If you really want to tone arms, you need hormones on your side. They are the most powerful substances for burning arm fat. Period. Unfortunately, massive caloric restriction and hormonal production do not mix well.

5. More sickness. Being sick is not fun. Being sick will set back your sexy arm mission by leaps and bounds. And to fight off sickness, your immune system needs a bare minimum amount of calories. My worst cases of flu and fever came when I was dieting too hard.

6. Decreased fertility. Ever hear how gymnasts regularly lose their period? That's because they eat so few calories to make their weight class. Tons of exercise with minimal caloric intake shuts down the female reproductive system.

7. Emotional roller coasters. The female body needs a steady and sufficient stream of calories in order to produce feel good substances. Without them, the risk of depression increases. Just hang around a fitness professional whenever they're going on a low-carb diet to see what I'm talking about.

In my opinion, extreme caloric restriction is not worth it. Even if you do lose a lot of arm fat, it's most likely to come back once you start eating normal again. This has happened to me multiple times in the past! A far better (and sustainable) approach to tone arms is to follow a balanced diet so that your body doesn't shut down. - 17269

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Discover the taste and potency of Acai Berry Juice

By Berry Thomas

Acai berry juice has recently become a popular and a refreshing drink. You will often will see it being advertised on TV, in magazines and on the internet.

Many people ask why is acai so popular? It originates around Brazil in the Amazon rainforest and the local tribes in the region tribes have been using acai as a staple for hundreds of years. Brazilians have found ways to make acai a healthy and tasty dessert in sorbets and drinks when honey and bananas are added.

The dark purple color of the fruit and is about the size and shape of blueberry with one difference, the hard seed makes up the majority of the berry. The fruit and skin are often used for consumption. The seed is either discarded or ground up for livestock feed or made into jewelry.

The acai berry is harvested from the acai palm tree. The fruit is then processed at the source to preserve its healthy qualities. Acai contains omega oils that must be processed immediately after picking or they will spoil.

Acai also contains many other nutrients similar to other fruits. Acai also contains antioxidants that may help against free radical damage. The most enjoyable form of acai is either in juice or puree form where you can enjoy it as a drink or a sorbet and mix it yourself with other juices since the pure taste of acai is rather bland.

Acai can be used in recipes and mixed with other fruit juices. Acai makes a great smoothie and tastes great with grape and blueberry. A refreshing treat can be made from mixing it with yogurt, granola, honey, bananas and apple juice. Acai will continue to be popular for sometime because it has established itself as a tasty and healthy fruit juice. You should look for a product that is pure, organic and kosher contains no fillers or extenders. To get the best acai berry juice you may have to purchase it online since most Acai juices contain sugar, high fructose corn syrup and preservatives. - 17269

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Work Out In Privacy With Home Gyms

By Krasen Dell

Home Gyms mean having your personal fitness areas in the comforts of your homes. This set up is truly something very practical. You can do your work out anytime you want to at your own pleasure. You can wear whatever you want as long as you feel comfortable. You do not need those outfits that are worn in the regular gyms. In fact, these home-fitness set ups are gaining numbers these days.

In having a home gym, it is also a vital factor to invest on good quality tool or equipment that will last for a long time. It is also important to have the appropriate fitness equipment to achieve your goal. Any part of your home can be an ideal fitness area which is accessible to any member of the family at any given time. The gears that you need can be found in some reputable shops and body building sites.

The most important item you must have is the weight calculator. This uses your height, gender and frame size to help determine a healthy weight range for you. You can check your weight regularly as in a daily basis. It is also fun how you have progressed in your weight program. Make sure you have the following things in your fitness are such as the:

Treadmill: You do not have to go out to jog or do some walking outside of your home. Rain or shine you can do powerful leg works. This is useful for exercising those leg muscles and the whole body as well.

Heart Rate Monitor: This is ideally attached to the treadmill. It is also important to buy a device like this that is compatible with your treadmill to attain an accurate reading. The device is for reading your pulse and heart rate.

Adjustable Weights: Its storage does not occupy any amount of large space. You can always adjust the load with your desired weight. A good substitute for a dumbbell set. This comes in one portable tray that can be kept in a corner of your fitness drawer.

Position Step: It is also another gear which can be kept in a drawer or cabinet after use. You can find this gadget in any sports bar or fitness shop. This is an ideal gear for allowing flexibility of your leg movements.

Foot Weights: These are very effective in reducing your calories. The purpose of the weights is to build strong muscles and bones of the lower extremities of your body. They are good in keeping your weight down.

Home Gyms should have exercise mats for the members of the family. You should not forget these mats for they are important when doing floor exercises. You need that to keep you from slipping especially on a waxed floor. - 17269

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For Convenience, Safety And Health Use A Kitchen Faucet Filter

By Terry Johnston

Kitchen faucet filters are so convenient. Easy to install they make sure your tap water is fresh clean and healthy. They give you peace of mind about the water you drink and cook with.

Once installed, the water filter system will provide many gallons of fresh clean water. Water you can use to fill travel containers at much less cost than buying bottled water.

The greatest convenience of having access to truly fresh clean water whenever you desire it.

You will be pleasantly surprised at the compliments you will get from family and friends about how great your coffee, tea, soups and sauces taste and you will still be using your same tried and true recipes. The only difference? You are now making your coffee, tea, soups and sauces with pure, clean, fresh water.

Don't think all kitchen faucet filters are the same. There not and they are not all designed to do the same job. Hyperbole can surround any product, not just water filters. Often the most expensive portion of a product is the advertising. It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction.

Any filtration system designed for drinking water must remove lead and chlorine, but that is a minimum standard. You want more than that. You want the system you choose to remove all harmful elements, while maintaining the minerals in the water necessary for good health. Luckily the law states any claims made for a water filtration system, must be backed by independent research and only proven results may be advertised.

A really great kitchen faucet filter will do all of this for you and do it for a fair and reasonable price. All you have to do is discover the one that is right for you and your family.

Finding the information to make the right choice is the reason you are reading this.

For more in depth information about great kitchen faucet filters, please visit my Web Site. - 17269

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Learn How Bill Farley Went From Rags to Riches

By Kent Harrison

Bill Farley has built and grown many companies and familiar household brands over the years after buying his first company in 1976. He is considered to be a turn-around business expert and has been involved with leveraged buyouts and acquisitions throughout most of his career. Currently the President and CEO of Zrii, Bill Farley founded Zrii through his passion for health, wellness, fitness and nutrition.

Bill Farley is a man of humble origins who realized his financial ambition through hard work, courage and determination. Bill Farley is a true "American Dream" story raised by a factory worker mom and a mailman dad. Before finding success with Zrii and other major companies, Bill Farley used to earn his living by delivering Sunday newspapers.

Bill Farley engaged a team of doctors and nutritionists to create the Zrii product after learning of the amalaki fruit, and knew it would revolutionize the world of nutrition and wellness. Compared with other natural health supplements in the market, Zrii amalaki juice is one of the best known. Amalaki juice from Zrii may be more beneficial compared to other products in its class because the amalaki fruit is traditionally known as the great rejuvenator.

With full endorsement of the Chopra Center, the Zrii brand was officially launched in October 2008 with Bill Farley leading the way. The logo for the Chopra Center can be found on the side of every bottle of Zrii juice. The authenticity of the Zrii product and company are key factors in receiving this endorsement, according to Bill Farley.

With a full understanding of the ayurvedic method and taking wellness to another level, Bill Farley approached Zrii juice as a way to ensure his team of executives found health and success. The Zrii formula is the ultimate means to deliver health and wellness to the mass public. Bill Farley's amazing business plan and high quality Zrii product has surprised everyone, and he knows that the wave of the future is liquid nutrition.

Zrii also offers you a unique opportunity to become part of the business and find lasting financial freedom and success. Bill Farley offers everyone the business opportunity to become independent, home-based distributors of his unique program. Zrii provides a generous prosperity plan, which is a key component to success in this generation seeking residual income and overall health and wellness.

World-renowned business icon and Zrii CEO, Bill Farley, hired a dream team of network marketing professionals and created an amazing organization. The way he prepared to launch the Zrii product with so much dedication only proves he is a self-made business success. In a short period of time, Zrii has become surprisingly important to the network marketing industry.

Committed to starting his own company from the ground up in the health and wellness industry, Bill Farley considers Zrii will be his best and largest legacy. Possessing every leadership quality necessary to be successful, the Zrii product and company will do very well. As the product he manifested out of thin air, Bill Farley want to leave his legacy in Zrii and turn Zrii into the biggest network marketing company on the planet. - 17269

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Weight Loss Programs Are Making the World Fat

By Owen Scott

Have you ever attempted to lose weight before? If so, it's a safe bet that you wanted to look better or feel better. Am I right?

Weight Loss. Why is everyone so fascinated with weight loss? When are people going to realize that weight loss is NOT important. What??? Let me say it again -- Weight Loss is not important.

When you attempt to lose weight with most weight loss programs, you're going to be losing a combination of muscle mass, body fat, and water weight. Most programs cause you to lose tons of muscle mass, which is very bad. But people believe they were successful because they lost weight and they're really not.

Weight loss is not important. The number on the scale is NOT IMPORTANT...

Why do you care so much about that stupid number that shows up on the scale? Would you rather have a lower number on the scale or look great? That number on the scale may decrease but you're probably losing muscle mass. You DO NOT want to lose muscle mass. You want to lose body fat -- that's all.

Muscle mass is active tissue. What does that mean? It means muscle mass works for you each day. Muscle helps you move, helps you lift things, and helps you through your everyday life. Without muscle, you couldn't do anything. Body fat is dead weight. You do not need very high levels of body fat like most people in this country have. When you lose muscle mass, you are losing your biggest ally in your quest ot get a better body. You must eat less just to maintain body weight.

Weight loss diets cause you to get into a very bad habit which is eating less and less to lose more body weight. Bad idea! The body will begin to hold onto body fat because it believes it is being threatened. It then turns to muscle for energy. You begin to lose muscle because your body has nothing else to use for energy.

Trigger the starvation response and you lose!

You see... the human body is made for survival. Body fat is stored for energy use at a later time. It's there for us in time of need. We don't need so much extra body fat to survive in today's world. If you want to look better and feel better, it's time to get rid of body fat and build muscle. People that starve themselves simply lose body weight but it comes in the form of muscle mass and not body fat! That's the wrong way to lose weight.

When you trigger the starvation response and lose body weight in the form of muscle, all of that muscle mass will eventually be replaced with body fat. You start eating more later and weight comes back fast in the form of body fat. You end up looking and feeling even worse than before you started.

So, all of those weight loss diets out there are only hurting you. If they worked, wouldn't you see many more healthy, lean, and fit people walking around? Instead, the world gets fatter each and every day. And you can give all the credit to those weight loss programs that are supposed to be helping you.

So what are you supposed to do to lose body fat and get REAL results?

Instead of focusing on weight loss, you should be focusing on building muscle and burning body fat. Then, you'll get the body you want. Your body will look better and you'll feel better. No one cares about that stupid number on the scale. You don't carry a scale around and say, "Look what I weigh!" People look at your body -- not the number on the scale. So start building muscle and burning fat and STOP worrying about weight loss.

The solution to this weight loss dilemma that's overtaken the world? What is it? Weight training, healthy and nutritious diet, and cardiovascular exercise are the basics. Start doing that and you'll be on the right track. - 17269

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The Correct Way to be Fit

By Stephen Unato

Its easy to enroll in a gym. Its easy to choose a diet. Its easy to wish you have a beautiful body. But then, once you begin these things, you will realize that not all of them are easy. Not all of them are easy to achieve.

They will start a certain program and later own they will realize that they just cannot do it. Without proper help and guidance they will really fail. And then they will find other gyms, only to suffer the same.

The same as diet, you will hear a lot from different persons. You can make your own diet and you can read and try some. Your friends may even suggest what is effective for you. You listen to them only to find out that you are now confused, where and what should you follow?

Every problem has a solution. And when we talk about weight loss, The Body Project Studio is the one who have all the expertise on it. They will give you all the things that you need in order to have that perfect body that you want.

They have pretty good instructors that aides you in every exercise. And these exercises are for the ones that you really need to develop. You do not have to do a lot and then suffer a terrible effect. They will take you slowly but surely.

In terms of your diet, they have nutritionists know what to do with you. You will be given diets that are suited to your needs. And together with proper exercise you will have what you want.

These people will monitor your progress. And while doing so, they can study and suggest what is best for you. Isn't that nice? You will be treated accordingly. No hustles and worries. Your payments will not go to waste.

They can also be checked on line. There are people who have undergone their training and joyfully posted their testimonies to the site. You can check them out to, and once you have been successful you can post your story there and help change others lives. - 17269

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