Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Childhood Sports Injuries

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Children get hurt all the time. They're running, they're jumping, they're crashing into things. Kids want to have fun, and when they play, they play full-out.

So, when children play real sports, stuff happens. Whether your kid plays soccer, baseball, football, or studies karate, a broken bone, sprained ankle, or twisted knee is just the natural fallout of learning new skills and having a good time.

The treatment for most childhood injuries is straightforward and standard. For strains and sprains that involve only mild to moderate swelling and pain, the time-honored RICE protocol is followed - rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Pediatric orthopedists get involved when the injury is more severe or when an arm or leg bone is broken.

But there are other issues, and every parent needs to be aware of these possibilities. In one of the unusual chains of circumstances that make the practice of medicine and the practice of chiropractic so interesting, a physical trauma (like a sports injury) can reveal an underlying serious problem.

In other words, various disorders of bone may not show themselves in terms of symptoms until a physical trauma makes them apparent. Such problems include metabolic disorders, growth and development problems, and even benign and malignant tumors.

What would make a parent suspect such an issue? First, if the child's pain seems out-of-proportion to the degree of injury. A mild knee sprain - for example, caused by tripping over second base while trying to stretch a double into a triple - should not be causing extreme pain.

Also, mild-to-moderate injuries should not be warm to the touch. A parent can evaluate this. And, a child should not be running a fever after an activity-related injury.

It would also be suspicious if the pain did not improve daily. For many injuries, pain that lingers beyond several days suggests an underlying problem. Children are resilient. Healthy kids heal quickly. They want to shrug off an injury, forget it happened, and get back to playing.

If your child is not getting better in a few days, seems lethargic, or feels ill following an injury, warning bells should go off.

Your family chiropractor is familiar with all such conditions and scenarios. He or she is always alert to odd situations and will recommend the appropriate steps to take, including a complete physical and x-ray examination. If necessary, your chiropractor will be able to recommend appropriate specialists for follow-up, including hematologists, endocrinologists, and pediatric orthopedists.

These more serious problems are uncommon. And, of course, well-informed parents help their kids grow up healthy and strong. - 17269

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Vitamin C Powder As A Dietary Supplement

By Richard Rosal

Vitamin C powder is a popular choice with people from all walks of life due to its myriad health benefits. This water soluble vitamin is derived from something called Ascorbic acid and it is a vital ingredient in proper body function, but it is praised for its assistance as an anti-oxidant, reversing the effects of LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol from causing oxidative heart damage.

Vitamin C powder contains an essential ingredient in the normal growth and development of the human body's tissue and cells. It is needed for muscle development, for the making of skin and scar tissue, to heal wounds and to maintain healthy teeth, cartilage and bones.

A lack of this important protein in the diet can lead to all sorts of health issues and problems, including bleeding gums, gingivitis, rough, dry skin, slow rate of healing, painful and swollen joints, a tendency to bruise more easily, a penchant for nosebleeds and weakened tooth enamel. All the more reason to make the addition of vitamin C powder to your daily diet a regular one.

Vitamin C powder contains an anti-oxidant which is vital to combating free radicals, by products that are created when our bodies convert food into energy. These free radicals can cause cancer, heart disease and inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Vitamin C is also an aid in fighting the effects of toxins, chemicals and pollutants, including cigarette smoke, which has far reaching negative effects on your health.

A wide range of vitamin C powders are available on the market and this odorless, flavorless fine granular powder can easily be added to a glass of water and consumed between meals. Some varieties have added bicarbonate of soda, to make for a fizzy, pleasantly flavored drink that often has additional nutrients, including calcium and magnesium. The recommended dosage is 60 milligrams a day, with an additional 35 milligrams for smokers, to guard against free radical damage. - 17269

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Muscle Building Routine to Develop a Wide, Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

While a well developed chest and arms is clearly an important part of any complete physique, the truth is that these muscles only play a small role when compared to a much larger, much more intricate muscle group that most people severely neglect in their training programs. I am, of course, talking about the major muscles of the back: the lats, traps, spinal erectors, rhomboids and lower back.

It's obvious why most lifters neglect the back muscles. 1) The back is not a "showy" muscle and you can't see it in the mirror. 2) Back training is far more stressful and taxing to the body than chest or arm training. 3) Most lifters are simply unaware of how important the development of these muscles really is.

70% of your upper body muscle mass resides in the back area! Nothing can replace the upper body thickening effect of big, bulging lats and a set of wide, tall trapezius muscles. That's how important your back is. I am, of course, talking about the major muscles of the back: the lats, traps, spinal erectors, rhomboids and lower back.

If you want to succed and have a wide back, just follow these simple steps.

1) Deadlifts. The deadlift will work you from finger to neck to toe and is irreplaceable in developing strong, thick back muscles. The deadlift will stimulate growth throughout the entire back complex and should be the cornerstone of your routine.

2) A vertical pulling movement. These exercises mainly target the lat muscles and will help you to attain that wide, v-tapered look from behind. You can try with lat pulldowns, v-bar pulldowns and chin-ups.

3) Horizontal pulling movement. For maximum results, stick to a basic freeweight rowing movement. I usually recommend bent over barbell rows, but bent over dumbbell rows are an acceptable choice as well.

4) A shrugging movement. It may not be the most important part of the routine, but it also plays an important role to succed. A basic barbell or dumbbell shrug will be enough for this part.

So, all you have to do is to perform 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps of every single exercise i mentioned before. That will do the job.

Perform this workout once per week with full effort and I guarantee that your upper body will appear thicker, wider and more muscular than ever before.

For specific training information on each of these body parts make sure to visit my webpage below and find out how you can finally get the rock-solid muscle gains you deserve without spending endless hours in the gym. - 17269

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What Makes The Acai Berry Regimen Succeed?

By Marvin U Gibson

If you have read anything about the acai berry you have probably noticed that this little berry has been touted as a miracle for weight loss. With all of the claims it may be enticing to believe that all you will have to do is gobble some of these delectable berries or eat some of the products made from these berries and the weight will just fall off readily and with no trouble.

There are some very important nutrients that can benefit weight loss that are found in the acai berry. On the other hand, this little berry is probably not the marvel cure that some of the claims would have you think. It is greatly doubtful that you will lose weight just by adding acai berry products to your nutritional regime. It is just not that uncomplicated and if it were, then each person would be lean and muscular.

Of all the fruits that have ever been found on earth, the acai berry is one of the healthiest. It has one of the peak ORAC levels of any singular food. ORAC is a measurement of functioning antioxidant activity in foods. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity. Antioxidants are of assistance to our excellent physical condition for a number of reasons.

The acai berry also has an array of healthy fats in the variety of oleic acid and Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. These are critical nutrients that are important to our health and especially the health of our heart. Essential fats can also help to enhance metabolism, which can lead to weight loss.

The acai berry contains a respectable amount of fiber, which helps with digestive health and can help you to feel fuller for a longer interval of time. This can be beneficial for you to evade excess snacking. Fiber is a critical nutrient for dieters as it keeps the digestive system running smoothly.

An exciting breakthrough about the acai berry and one reason why it may possibly help with weight loss involves some studies conducted with laboratory mice on anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are a influential antioxidant that is abundant in the acai berry. In the studies the mice that were given a purified form of anthocyanins dropped more weight and achieved leaner bodies than the control group. When you consume of acai berry extracts you are also receiving a more purified variety of anthocyanins.

People may be having such wonderful achievement with the acai berry diet because of the superb nutrition, as our bodies tend to respond positively to that. Also the fiber and essential fatty acids that are found in the berry are also helpful for weight loss along with the high antioxidant aptitude including the extraordinary amounts of anthocyanins. All of these things can be a factor to healthy weight loss.

You can take advantage of the benefits of the acai berry for weight loss yet you will still need to have a healthful all around nutrition plan and a recurring exercise plan to reach successful weight loss. If you have all these components plus the supplement of the acai berry diet you will likely achieve the accomplishment you are looking for. - 17269

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Body Detox Dieting Is It Safe

By Ron C Cripps

If you would like to go on a detox diet, you shouldn't need to pay out hundreds of dollars on nutritionists to tell you what you already realize. Instead, take a crack at following these clear-cut suggestions.

To start off, halt altogether smoking and drinking. In order to detox your body, you ought to start by stopping all the substances that are damaging your body, and alcohol and smoking are the major causes your body is chock-full of toxins in the first place.

I know its difficult, nevertheless if you are serious concerning your well being, then you will need to stop. You will be able to still consume alcohol once and a while (no more than once in seven days and in very small amounts), and you should have no dilemma reducing your intake. On the other hand, if youre unable to end drinking alcohol or limiting your intake, in that case you should get professional help. If you have a drinking issue, you can detox your body afterward and you should focus on that predicament instead.

While you can still drink alcohol sparingly, you definitely can not keep on smoking. Smoking not only pollutes your body with nicotine, but with a combination other bad toxins to. You are wasting your time if you think you can detox your body while smoking. No ifs, no buts, not just a little, not once in a while.

An additional way to do a body detox is doing exercise. This also requires a lot of willpower and dedication, but it has various rewards. To start with, sweating is your bodys best way of removing toxins. Your bodies circulation will operate better and so will your respiratory system. It will what's more let you vent off all the stress that fallout from the workplace, traffic, and other frustrating situations, so youll actually feel better and contented after exercise. If youre persistent, you will become aware that you also lose weight or bit by bit transform that fat into muscle.

You should drink more water when doing a body detox. This will help your body stay hydrated and clear of toxins. This will clear harmful toxins faster. Professionals say you should drink 2 liters or half a gallon of water per day. Oh, and by the way coffee doesn't count in this. In truth, you ought to think about limiting your coffee intake if you propose to do a body detox, at least for the duration of the master cleanse diet.

In conclusion, you should contemplate adjusting your eating lifestyle. For a complete body detox, you should stop snacking all the foods you understand arent advantageous for you. Cake, chips, candy, chocolate an so on. You know which ones, I dont have to tell you which ones.

So, there you are. Some basic tips to detox your body. No pills, no prescriptions, no doctor bills. It sounds difficult, but its a good idea to do it now that youre healthy, than waiting for a sickness to bestow you the drive your require. - 17269

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What Is Body Building All About?

By Daniel Waser

Body building may be a favorite past time of many, but do you know what body building really is? Normally this is done for the purpose of competition or for vanity. Body building is a systematic way to develop a wonderful physique through the use of proper nutrition and exercise program that can sculpt strong, solid muscles. The result of these intensive training and dietary programs is visible in the form of strong and toned muscles, which creates a very attractive and sexy appeal for those professional and amateur body builders.

Is there a way that bodybuilding standards can be realized and how do you ensure the best way to achieve it? To begin the discussion on this interesting topic, you would need to realize that there are two parts to an effective body building program, exercise and proper nutrition.

Every successful body building program needs a systematic and effective weight lifting program. It is important to possess physical strength and endurance to perform weight lifting exercises, which often involve the use of machines and equipments that are specially designed to stimulate the necessary body parts. Body building is a form of sport, but there are many who adhere to a strict body building routine for aesthetic purposes.

Weight lifting can assist those who need to recover from a serious injury, while toning and sculpting the body at the same time. If strict observations can be exercised, weight lifting may be useful to assist those who are recovering from illnesses or introduced as part of a rehabilitation program.

The next element of a successful body building program is the use of proper diet. A diet high in protein and carbohydrates is essential for many athletes who aspire to compete in body building competitions. Complex carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body.

When selecting your carbohydrate foods, brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal are excellent choice to include. For a healthy bowel system, include a nice portion of fiber rich food such as vegetables and broccoli.

Without proper hydration, your body will start using the next available sources and you will find that your muscle mass will decrease. Start a healthy habit by drinking plenty of water just before you embark in a vigorous routine at the gym and pamper yourself by indulging in more refreshing water after a tiring session. It is also helpful to drink between exercises.

To prevent the risk of injury to tendons and ligaments, you could hire a training instructor to help you develop the right lifting habits necessary for long term success of your body building efforts. - 17269

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Muscle Building Tips for Beginners, Common Mistakes to Avoid

By Ricardo d Argence

There are many techniques and routines that you can use to build your muscle mass, if indeed you perform them properly while paying attention to your daily food and water intake. Of course, you also have to make sure that you are taking proper care of yourself and you muscles by resting and recovering from all your hard work.

These overall principles are important but it's also important to take a close look at some of the ways that people slip up so you can learn how to avoid them, stay injury free and reach your goals. These typical downfalls include:

- Having No Bodybuilding Plan of Action: You should never begin your bodybuilding training exercise without a plan. One of the first things that you should do is purchase a notebook or journal and a good pen. Keep this training journal handy and up to date. Make it yours by sectioning it out for various subjects such as:

A personal assessment of where your body currently is, goals of where you're trying to get your body and the training strategy for how you are going to bridge the gap.

Strategy Planning " You'll need to plan the steps involved and implementing your training strategy to reach your goal.

Measuring Results - Keeping up with your measurements allows you to see yourself moving towards your goals as well as knowing when you have reached your goals

Additionally, if you use a calendar and a planned series of workouts you're much less likely to miss any sessions, which will keep you on track towards seeing muscle building success.

-Making Poor Eating Decisions: To help avoid poor eating decisions either keep track of your diet in your journal or use a separate notebook to cover everything you eat and drink. It's important to adequately fuel your body with protein at the right times, and it's also important not to overeat. Keeping track will enable you to walk that fine line.

-Wasting Money on Supplements or Drugs: By and large, the majority of supplements and over the counter drugs out there do not live up to the claims that they make. Illegal drugs such as steroids are extremely harmful for your body and of course can land you in trouble with the law. Avoid all of these things and save yourself the money and hassle.

-Doing the Same Workout Every Time: If you do the same workout every single week your body and your muscles are going to adapt and you won't be able to see the results that you are looking. Be sure to add in variation and challenge your muscles to grow larger.

To stimulate your muscles into growing you have to make changes in your workout plan so they don't get complacent. You should try things such as progressive overload, where each workout you add more weight and reps to your previous best to constantly push the limit. You can add additional sets to your workout, change the order you train in and try different exercises. Anything you do to add variation into your workout is going to help you achieve far improved results over the same, boring old workout.

-Failing to Rest and Recover: The bottom line is that your muscles need time to repair and be built anew. You need to get a good deal of sleep and your muscles need breaks in between workouts. - 17269

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Top Ten Foods Packed With a Load of Nutrients

By Spencer Gabato

What is the secret to a long and healthy life? It is in the food that we eat. As you may be aware, all foods are not created the same. Selecting and ingesting the right foods may help increase your life expectancy as well as the quality of your life.

Here are ten of the top power packed foods created to provide you energy, vitality and all around good health!

1. Oatmeal - Oatmeal is gaining popularity as a food that lowers blood cholesterol. You can make it yourself with rolled oats or eat the instant kind if you are in a hurry. Oatmeal is a filling grain that also provides much needed fiber to keep hunger at bay and a constant blood sugar level.

2. Beans - Beans can give you gas so for precautions, you can soak it first before cooking. Lentils, chickpeas, kidney and navy beans are all high in protein. This kind of protein are very low on carbohydrates, fat and calories. The fiber it contains can promote a healthy digestive system.

3. Allium foods - Garlic, leeks shallots and onions all have allium which is health promoting. Garlic can lower your cholesterol. Vegetables with allium help prevent the risk of cancer. They can prevent blood clots and lower your blood pressure. More health benefits can be acquired if you eat these foods raw.

4. Fruits - Fat soluble and water soluble antioxidants can be found in fruits. It helps prevent free radical damage to our bodies and minimize cancer risk. It also has anti aging properties and can boost the immune system. Grapes, blueberries, acai berries and goji berries have the highest content of antioxidants. But its better to have a wide variety of fruits as they all differ from one another in providing you with health.

5. Flax seed - Like salmon it contains omega-3 fatty acids. These seeds also contain omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. You get a lot of power to fight high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes with this seed. Ground flax seed can be added to fruit smoothies, sprinkled in yogurt, ingested with cereal or added to pancake mix to name a few.

6. Salmon - Just like flax seeds, salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It reduces diseases of the heart and atherosclerosis. Salmon contain good fat that is proven to improve health in adults as well as children. Its protein can help build muscle tissue when eaten after an exercise.

7. Nuts and seeds - Fats found in these food are the good kind. Brazil nuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios and walnuts all provide good fat and protein. It can help lower cholesterol and it can be eaten raw untarnished by preservatives.

8. Peppers - Peppers are colorful. They contain antioxidants like beta-carotene and Vitamin C. Peppers range from mild and sweet to so hot you?ll be calling the fire department. All peppers contain a substance called capsaicin. Capsaicin has the properties of an anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever, lowers cancer risk and heart disease. They are good in salads, salsa and all sorts of dishes.

9. Yogurt - The fat free variety is good for you. Yogurt contains calcium, Vitamin B, and protein. If you hate milk, yogurt is an alternative to get your calcium in to build healthy bones and teeth. Live yogurt also contains friendly bacteria to help promote a healthy digestive system.

10. Acai Berry - This berry is getting popular because of its high antioxidant content. Acai berry drinks, juices and supplements can be found in most health food stores.

Building a better healthier and stronger body begins with the kinds of food you eat. Try these super foods to get your feet on the road to healthy living. - 17269

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What Is The Benefit Of A Detox Diet

By Ron Cripps

Do detox diets spring to mind when you see super models on television, notably as they appear to look outstanding and that they are in exceptionally good healthiness and do you desire that you could manage their lifestyles and appear that fine.

Even though it's accurate that a few models hold nourishing lives, the truth of the matter is that the necessities of the profession make them accept dreadfully unhealthy eating habits in bid to keep their bodies in that shape.

In actuality, being healthy is more about feeling well and being well inside. When our bodies operate well and are clean from toxins, we feel in good health. What many don't know is that, it shows on the outer surface, mutually through our bodies (the improving in the skin's condition is specifically remarkable), as in our character. In my humble view, this is much more attractive than an malnourished, slim individual that is complaining all the time.

On the other hand, if you feel short-tempered with a good reason, or are in a bad mood very often, or if you feel drained even following a normal session of time-out or slumber, that's an indication that your body is asking you to take better care of it.

One of the finest favors that you can do for your well being and most definitely for your body is go on from time to time one of the several detox diets available today.

Because they are in vogue, some of these detoxification diets are available in e-book downloads and audio, hard cover books, magazines, and even the internet. On the other hand, the best way to decide on one is to consult a health professional that you have faith in. The again you could also consider downloading our E-Book and Audio book Detox Diet 4 Idiots for a portion of the price of a consultation and get the exact same recommendation or better.

One more good preference is to speak with friends and relatives who have been on these detox diets to report to you about their experiences. I consider this is actually the best guidance you can get a hold of, as these individuals think about about you and don't take a fee or sale on what they say that could affect their advice.

The key part in doing a detox diets is the drinking of water. Consuming water has a lot of advantages to having a healthy body, including stopping dehydration, which can be damaging to the bodies functions. However, it's even more valuable when adopting detox diets for the reason that water is the natural means through which our body removes harmful toxins. As soon as harmful elements get treated by the liver detoxification process, they get expelled by means of the bladder or through sweating, both of which require water to effectively complete the process.

Detox diets also necessitate complements or particular substances to hasten the detox process. A large amount detox diets will consist of some variety of milk thistle, frequently in the form of tea or detox pills. Milk thistle is recommended because it eases the liver's workload and helps it work more effectively.

To conclude, even the best detox diets in the world can't do a large amount if they're not complimented by some form of physical activity from walking through to aerobics training. - 17269

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