Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dont Use Anabolic Steroids To Cheat in Sports

By John Burks

The sporting industry is a million dollar industry, and many athletes go to great lengths to enhance their performance in order to give their best in the field. This is one reason why the intake of steroid has risen in recent times, and why the testing prior to an event includes testing for drug and steroid abuse. This protects athletes from using unfair means to increase their performance.

"Anabolic Steroids," is one popular performance boosting steroid, and apart from this several other common brand names for this are Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, and Sustanon.

Anabolic steroids in fact work by resembling androgenic hormones similar to testosterone. Since our hormones provide us energy and power, these thus help weight gain, muscle building, speed, and stamina in the field. These kinds of drugs are quite usually consumed in sports including weight lifting and field events. Apart from being just popular, these are quite controversial drugs and scientists are not certain of whether or not they actually help improve performance.

Conversely, athletes that consume these swear by them and insist that their increased performance is payable to the steroid use.

One of the reasons behind the dissimilarity in these opinions is the "placebo effect". As athletes think that the drug will assist them in recuperating their performance, they put in more effort into their game and consequently do better. One more reason is that the testing is carried out by using much lower amounts of drugs as compared to what is normally consumed by athletes.

These steroids work by means of testosterone which is the hormone that assists male human beings grow through their teenage years and adolescence stages. Testosterone brings about changes in sexual characteristics caused by the androgenic properties, which includes but is not limited to hair growth, penile growth, increased violence, and secondary characteristics like growth in muscle density, growth of bones, etc which is caused by the anabolic properties of testosterone.

Anabolic steroids imitate these changes while trying to bring down the androgenic effects and having just the anabolic properties play a role (thus the name), but this is not entirely possible and this causes harmful side-effects in the athletes who use these steroids.

Due to the increase in the quantity of testosterone, the most common adverse effect in males is infertility where the body stops producing testosterone on its own to compensate for the amount being consumed through the drugs. These drugs will as well cause liver damage, in increase in cholesterol level, and enlargement of breast tissue in males.

One more side effect of this is rise in aggressiveness. In women, the testosterone results in increase in facial hair, changes in the menstrual cycle, and deepening of the voice.

These drugs may be taken orally, via injections, or via creams and gels. Dosages taken by athletes are extremely high, and generally well over one hundred times greater than the suggested dosages.

Generally athletes take two different types of the drug at the same time to generate enhanced results, starting from lesser dosages and increasing these for twelve weeks after which they taper them back to a lower level. This is believed to assist the body adjust to the drugs.

Disclaimer: The constructive-metabolic steroids information provided above is just for educational and entertainment purposes. This article does not, in any way, condone the unlawful situation and/or use of anabolic steroids intended for purposes other than those approved by the FDA or other legally renowned dogmatic bodies. - 17269

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Want to Have a Better Brain?

By Michael Byrd

Are you satisfied with the way your brain works? Or do you want to make wiser decisions, think better or remember more ("I can't seem to find my reading glasses.")?

Oh how we dread the day when we cannot think well, make wiser decisions, or always forget things. We always want our brain to be smarter and better.

If these things apply to you then you should consider taking Omega 3 supplements and eating more fish for you to have better brains. However, you need to eat the right kind of fish and take the right kind of supplement as not all fish and supplements can help you in having better brains.

From the moment we are conceived we already need Omega 3 fish oil with EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are the major components of the new baby's nervous system and 70% of a newborn's brain is made up of this stuff. This means that Omega 3 fish oil is a vital food for a healthy brain for all of us.

Lots of scientific research has proven that high quality fish oil can produce positive results in various areas of our physical, mental, and emotional health. This is really important as it impacts greatly on our relationships with other people, the way we feel, our financial future, and our health.

Studies confirm that omega 3 fish oil helps prevent stress related diseases especially for people who are undergoing psychological pressure. It was also found through Japanese research that students taking high quality fish oil supplements got better grades, were less irritable and less defensive.

New studies also reveal that in countries with diets high in specific kinds of omega 3 fish consumption there were fewer cases of depression; while those with low levels of DHA have been attributed to increased incidence of violence, depression, and suicide.

Still, age-related memory loss and the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease are significantly lowered by high intake of fish oil. Patients with Alzheimer's disease improved their quality of life when they started taking omega 3 fish oil supplements.

The benefits of using fish oil supplements have increased over the years. Research at Harvard Medical School has successfully used fish oil supplements in treating bipolar disorder and manic depression. In Britain, scientific studies showed positive effect in treating schinzophrenia.

So, if you want a better brain, now is the time for you to start eating more fish and taking high quality omega 3 fish oil supplement that contains EPA and DHA. It will make you smarter, happier, healthier, and live longer life. - 17269

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Truth About Abs - Fat Burning Foods

By Thomas Moore

Want to lose weight the natural way? Then get to know now what are the fat burning foods that could help you burn your excess and stubborn fats naturally to get started with your quest.

When you go for fat burning foods, you will surely lose weight the natural way. You won't need anymore to take those fat loss pills and supplements widely promoted nowadays. But of course, you need to be disciplined and do some exercises. Some weight loss programs may help you eventually.

Right now, there is good list of fat burning foods. These foods are believed to burn more calories than the calorie content of the food itself, thus fighting stored fat. At this point, fat burning foods are as follows:

* Foods with chillies or red chillies - these can greatly help as chillies actually contain capsaicin that is good for increasing metabolism.

* Vitamin C rich fruits - include oranges, limes, lemons, tangerines, guava, and grapefruit. These fruits are known for having fat burning properties that cause dilution of fat. These fruits have been known as fat burning foods, and also as fat burners or fighters.

* Apples and Berries - have great fat burning properties. From apples, it is believed that Pectin can be enjoyed. Pectin was discovered to help in absorbing water from the food which helps in releasing the fat deposits from the body as well as restrict the cells to absorb the fat.

* Dairy products - include cheese, milk and yogurt at most. Calcium in these products was discovered to increase fat breakdown in fat cells, thus helps in boosting weight loss. Discovery was the product of effort and hard work of Michael Zemel, a Professor of Nutrition and Medicine at the University of Tennessee.

* Vegetables - include asparagus, cabbage, carrot, beet root, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. These are popular fat burners as of today. All have great burning properties.

* Nuts - act like fuel so the body can burn fat according to Jordi Salas-Salvado of the University of Rovira i Virgili. Eating nuts will make a person full, so lesser tendency for a that person to overeat

Foods aforementioned are the foods that according to some studies can burn fats. They have the potential to burn fats, but of course success will still depend on the person. Nonetheless, these foods must be accompanied by exercise to make most out of their burning potential. - 17269

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Max Workouts Review - Fitness Program Discovered

By Kelly Becker

Feeling hopeless as with your current workout program you are actually not achieving the leaner body you've been wanting for so long? Then most probably, Max Workouts program is for you.

Max Workouts is very distinct. It is a revolutionary fitness program with high-intensity interval training, circuit training, & strength training at hand which can all help in making your body lean or even leaner. Its high intensity interval workouts and circuits are proven to be effective to burn fat and eventually build muscle in the shortest time possible. It is with full body exercises with weights for maximizing your metabolism, fat burning, as well as lean muscle building.

Most likely, with Max Workouts, you will get a different workout experience and finally be free from the tiring lifting of weights, hitting the treadmill, busting your butt at the latest fitness classes, or even cranking it out at your spinning classes. Max Workouts will make your venture to better body simpler.


Max Workouts is already proven to be really effective. Based from the testimonies of men and women who have tried it, certainly it is really effective.

Mainly, Max Workouts is effective because it has the secrets of the plateau-busting workout program that is scientifically proven to crank up your metabolism and melt away all your unwanted, stubborn fat. It also has the workouts that could help you in maintaining lean muscle, thus allowing you to still burn calories even after all the workouts are done.


No doubt, with Max Workouts you will surely get the body you desire with less sweat. The workouts with Max Workouts are shorter but are really effective. And so with these type of workouts, you'll save yourself some sweat and time and you won't tire yourself that much at the same time.


The main edge of Max Workouts is its being comprehensive. It has the goal, the tips, the workouts and the like. It also has the key to success considering it tackles importance of increase metabolism to losing weight which is often overlooked. Not to mention that it also has the myths that could be sabotaging your workout efforts. These are common mistakes that can be avoided actually but were not usually tackled in most fitness/fat loss programs. In Max Workouts, these are very well discussed and explained. Thus, ensuring you that you will never go wrong with Max Workouts. - 17269

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Losing Weight With Baby Steps

By Jose Grinden

When working on losing weight, plenty of people get involved with the newest fad diet, or new this or that with the desire to be shedding several pounds hastily so that they can look toned for a notable occurrence that's coming up in the coming weeks.

That's all well and good if they are only aiming to lose that weight in a temporary period. They certainly should not be all that amazed when it all comes back to haunt them not long after that all important date! That's because rapid diets and other weight loss processes simply are prone to failure.

They usually fail as the person doing them generally does not have the required motivation to keep doing the good work they started out doing. This can occur for a variety of reasons. But the most common of these is that they merely failed to enjoy losing weight. There is no truth in that they didn't love seeing the final goal, naturally! It was the procedure that got them to that point that they didn't like!

As such when it comes to successfully losing weight, the answer is to make sure the process of losing weight is enjoyable enough, that the person running with it will stick to their guns. It's accepted that when anyone runs with a weight loss program for the long term, they can not only lose the volume of weight that they wish to lose, but they are disposed to keep it off.

So what do you think are the best weight loss tips to bring about that long term desire?

Well, it is more simple to stick with a diet that is stimulating and diverse, rather than one that is boring and rigid. It's also much easier to stick to an exercise routine that is interesting and varied rather than one which is a major toil and more closely resembles an army fitness regime.

So the key to the most easy of weight loss tips is to make it agreeable, enjoyable, joyous and pliable and then the no longer wanted weight will not only decrease, but it will remain off as well! - 17269

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Natural Remedies For Constipation

By Julieanne van Zyl

One of the most universal digestive complaints in the United States is constipation, so it's good to find some constipation remedies. This may be attributed to the conventional Western diet. Common to most folks in the U.S., it is often high in fats and processed foods and low in natural fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

The natural incidence of purging will vary from individual to individual and also from day to day. One person will have bowel movements once or more per day while others may not have them anymore than 3 times a week. Constipation is defined, not by the number of times a person has a bowel movement, but rather by the consistency of the stool when it is passed.

Although it will affect anyone, constipation is more common in women and in older folks. Pregnant women, those who have just given birth, or anyone who has just had surgery will also be proclivity to develop constipation. Medications such as pain relievers or some physical conditions such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries will also place folks in a higher risk group.

Medications that can be used to increase the number of stools as well as improve the consistency of the stool, are readily available, but natural remedies are most recommended for improving this particular condition. Constipation is explained as a condition in which stools are hard and spherical and difficult to pass. The sufferer often feels distended or of not having completely emptied their bowels. It can be a very horrible feeling and really ruin your day.

If you consider using anything other than a natural remedy to improve your condition you should ensure that you really are constipated. TV ads shower us daily, exhorting us to use their products and laxative laboratories push their products vigorously. Sometimes this publicity can tempt individuals to believe they are constipated when in fact they are not. Always remember, using natural remedies for constipation will not negatively impact on your health. In fact, using these natural methods will only make better your overall health.

One of the first things to do, if you think you may be constipated, is to increase your fluid intake. The stools stay soft according to the amount of water left in the stool. A dehydrated body will pull as much water as possible from the stool in order to help uphold hydration in the body. A minimum of six to eight glasses of liquid a day should be a part of every adult's diet. While almost any fluid will do the trick the most recommended one is water. Fluids that contain caffeine however will do more to dehydrate than to improve your condition.

The conventional Western diet invariably does not provide enough fiber. The American Dietetic association recommend 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day per each adult. It's not difficult to consume those 30 grams per day if you look carefully at your diet. One small apple is 3 grams and half a cup of green peas is 5 grams, or a bowl of bran cereal can give you as much as 13 grams. However the fiber heavyweights are cooked dried beans, nuts, oatmeal , prunes, figs, raisins.. Another good source of fiber is the mangosteen fruit or if you cannot buy the fruit, mangosteen juice.

Daily exercise is of great benefit in the maintenance of a healthy bowel. Regular exercise will help to alleviate constipation because the continued movement helps the peristalsis in the lower intestines. Peristalsis is the motion, or movement, of the intestines that pushes the stool through to the rectum. While any form of exercise is of benefit, walking appears to be the best and is especially advantageous for pregnant women who face constipation as their babies develop.

We can also train ourselves to go have a bowel movement at a particular time. We tend to choose to go when it's convenient for us to go. However, habitually putting off the urge to go, can lead ultimately to constipation. It is never, never too late to improve your bowel habits. A gastric reflux which is triggered approximately 20 minutes after each meal, especially heavy meals, will subtly send a signal. So choose a meal, any meal, and every day after that meal go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet for at least 10 minutes. Wait for 20 to 30 minutes following that meal before going. It won't be long before you will begin to create the habit of evacuating at the same time every day.

Should these dietary and lifestyle changes not be successful, individuals may choose to add a little assistance. Eating a half a cup of sunflower seeds every day will help to increase the fiber. They are tasty and will help move the stool along. Whole wheat bread, bran and even oatmeal, horseradish, dried figs and plums will help the problem.

A condition in which the pelvic floor muscles don't work properly is known as pelvic floor dysfunction and this does not allow the bowels to empty properly. It is sometimes the cause of constipation in individuals. Biofeedback therapy helps teach those individuals how to coordinate the muscles and it improves the ability to go to the toilet.. Although biofeedback has only recently been explored as a treatment, the results appear to be promising. For example, after six months of biofeedback sessions, 43 of 54 biofeedback patients found them more effective than laxatives. Benefits appeared to last for at least two years.

A long time constipation problem will ultimately lead to the development of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which are not only painful but can also exacerbate the constipation. They do this by narrowing the opening and not allowing as much stool through with each evacuation. Straining can also raise blood pressure and lower the heart rate which can result in elderly patients blacking out and falling off the toilet.

If these methods are not successful in alleviating your constipation and its related problems you should seek the care and advice of your primary care physician or health care practitioner. - 17269

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Use Wheatgrass Juicers to Create Healthy Wheatgrass Juice

By Randal Pike

Wheatgrass is a powerful source for many vitamins and nutrients. To capture the healthy benefits of wheatgrass, wheatgrass juicers make the task fast and easy. In just a few minutes, you'll have a glass of wheatgrass juice that meets the recommended daily serving.

Fresh, organic wheatgrass can be purchased at your local nursery or local farm. Or you can grow wheatgrass at home using seeds or a growing kit purchased at your local health store. Wheatgrass is part of the cereal grass family that includes oat, barley and rye grasses. Considered young grass from the common wheat plant, wheatgrass is a green leafy vegetable that can easily be pressed into juice with wheatgrass juicers.

While wheatgrass offers so many health benefits, wheatgrass juicers are the way to enjoy those benefits. For starters, wheatgrass is high in amino acids, natural enzymes, vitamins A, B, C and E, essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium, chlorophyll and fiber. Plus, wheatgrass has shown to prevent heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Wheatgrass also helps in digestion and can eliminate toxins in your body that are linked to illnesses and diseases.

To enjoy the healthy benefits of wheatgrass, a two ounce serving of wheatgrass juice once or twice a day is recommended. Using only wheatgrass juicers to make wheatgrass juice is important because wheatgrass juicers crush the wheatgrass leaves while extracting the juice from them. This method preserves all the vitamins and nutrients.

Wheatgrass juicers have a squeezing action that presses the wheatgrass into liquid. It's important to use wheatgrass juicers with wheatgrass because they are designed with the proper speed to ensure the wheatgrass enzymes are not destroyed. Unlike juicers that have an RPM over 1000, wheatgrass juicers have an RPM between 80 and 120. There are many wheatgrass juicers on the market today, with manual and electric options. So which one is best for you? The Blender Juicer Depot at www.blenderjuicerdepot.com is a helpful resource in comparing manual and electric wheatgrass juicers and their features.

With manual wheatgrass juicers, you do all the work, so make sure it's easy to handle. With a manual wheatgrass juicer, you will be crunching the wheatgrass, rather than shredding it, to squeeze out the juice. You'll want to have the option of refeeding the pulp back into the juicer to get even more wheatgrass juice out, so be sure to choose a manual wheatgrass juicer that has this feature.

The best electric wheatgrass juicers are those that have all stainless steel juicing parts, are self-feeding and are multifunctional. A powerful motor, around 90 RPM or more, is something to look for in a good wheatgrass juicer. The lower priced electric wheatgrass juicers generally have plastic parts and are not as powerful. These more economical wheatgrass juicers are ideal for those who don't plan to use them on a daily basis or who don't need a large quantity of juice at one time.

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, wheatgrass juicers should be one of the appliances on your kitchen counter. Nature has provided us with a tasty way to get important vitamins and nutrients. But only wheatgrass juicers can properly process wheatgrass to maintain its healthful benefits. - 17269

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Tips For Weight Trainers

By Brian

You face one of the biggest challenges to body builders in that all muscle fibers must be exhausted to have the best muscle gain.

The simple answer is, you have work beyond failure and experience a higher level of training intensity than before. This also ensures that workouts remain challenging and continue to engender progress over time thus reducing the likelihood of regression. But how do you go about intensifying your training? Fortunately there is a tried and tested path to follow as outlined below:

1. Increase resistance - increasing the weight lifted in meaningful increments ensures the muscle is pushed beyond its previous point of failure thus maintaining the muscle building process. Aim to increase the weight when you reach six to eight reps and failure does not occur.

2. Change the exercise - to achieve maximal gains all muscle fibers in a body part must be trained. Changing the angle (e.g to incline bench press) or introducing a new exercise will stimulate growth.

3. Reduce rest intervals - giving the muscles less time to recover before exposing them to further work has the effect of increasing intensity.

4. Pre exhaustion - The weakest muscle in an exercise involving two or more muscles will always fail first. This means it will fail before you have the chance to exercise the main muscle to exchaustion. To overcome this, focus on tiring out the main muscle before doing the exercise with both muscles working together.

5. Introduce supersets - this involves performing two exercises for the same muscle group without a rest interval. This means you have to utilize different muscle fibers which stimulate greater growth.

6. Do partial repititions - You will not be able to complete the full range of movement for any given exercise once you reach the point of failure. Using only a segment of the lift by doing a partial rep will work your muscles beyond the point of failure. It allows you to increase intensity without adding extra routines that could cause overtraining.

7. Isometric contractions - when you hold a weight still at the point of failure it stimulates a static contraction in the muscle.

8. Get help from a friend - having a gym partner will help you push your body one or two more reps past your point of failure. When you are at the point of failure, your friend can assist you in doing one more rep than you normally would be able to do. - 17269

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Planning a vegetable garden- what you must know

By Petra Spink

Planting a vegetable garden can be a very rewarding hobby as well as provide you with a healthy food source. Planning a vegetable garden gives you the chance to grow only the ones that you and your family love and it gives you the satisfaction of knowing that they are healthy and contain no pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

While many people think putting out a vegetable garden is too much trouble, it really isn't that hard and can be quite fun for everyone involved. If you take care of your vegetable garden properly, then you will be able to grow some of the most delicious, fresh vegetables.

The area you choose for your vegetable garden needs lots of bright sunlight at least 6 hours a day. It is fine to pick an area that might be shady for part of the day if you are planning on planting leafy vegetables because most of these can thrive in partly shady areas and can handle the cooler temperature.

There are things you can do to improve the quality of your soil. For instance, consider adding any of the following: compost, leaf mold, rotted manure, peat moss or other types of organic matter. While it is true that it is difficult to grow things in clay soil, adding vermiculite or humus will enable draining thus making it a more viable option. Squeeze a handful of soil to see if it crumbles while still retaining its shape. If that's the case, you're pretty much set and need only to add in basic enriching materials.

Vegetables need to be mulched in the early summer. The thicker the mulch, the better to keep away weeds. It will also aid in providing keeping the soil moist. Some great things that can be used for mulch include compost, straw, hay, and shredded tree bark.

As you start planning a vegetable garden, a drip irrigation system may be a smart choice to install for your garden. This will deliver water directly to the roots of the vegetables where it is needed most. A timer can even be installed, automating the times you irrigate your plants and freely you for other activities.

Choosing the vegetables that you will be growing is very important. You want to choose the ones that will grow the best in your soil and ones that both you and your family will enjoy. Many people will experiment and grow things that they find they don't even like, so when planning a vegetable garden, focus on the varieties you truly enjoy eating.

When you are able to feed your kids homegrown, top quality vegetables it really is a great feeling. You are doing your very best for them and they can only benefit from your hard work. Don't let a lack of experience put you off or knock your confidence. Even the experts had to start somewhere. If you follow their lead, with a bit of effort and dedication you will reap the benefits for years to come. - 17269

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How to achieve natural weight loss

By Sandra Carmen

Lose weight and keep it off with a proven and quick natural weight loss program. Lose Weight Group is a complete online resource designed to teach people how to lose weight and keep it off for the long term. Lose weight gradually--you are more apt to keep it off. Lose Weight in 2 Weeks Lose Weight in 2 Weeks There is a way for you to get a Sculpted Look. Lose weight faster with enhanced ephedra-free formula without harmful side effects. Lose weight without going on a diet.

In my fast natural weight loss program, Ill show you an easy way to naturally trick your body into eating less with delicious foods that satisfy your hunger cravings. Ill show you how to get the best of both with 1 efficient fast natural weight loss program below. 8 dress sizes in minutes per week and how you can simply copy their fast natural weight loss program. Sit back and get comfortable and grab your favorite beverage, because this will be the most important letter you ever read about fast natural weight loss program to get a dynamite body.

Natural weight loss using herbs and supplements is not only effective but is also safe if you use common sense when choosing products. Natural weight loss is healthy weight loss. Natural weight loss supplements usually contain herbs and there are no harmful preservatives. Natural weight loss is achieved through healthy eating habits, exercise and dietary aids such as vitamin supplements and natural ingredients that don't involve artificial medication or stimulants.

How to begin a simple exercise program , and what exactly to do to maximize results How and why to change the acid levels in your body to lose weight How your mind plays a role in achieving anything you want , including weight loss Why you must focus on your health , not weight loss for life long success Why fat is good for you and why you must eat fat in order to lose weight Simple replacement foods that practically assure your success What to do about loose skin and stretch marks How stress plays a HUGE role in your weight loss success How to restock your kitchen so you'll have easy, healthy choices to snack on How snacks can work in your benefit , not against you How you get to eat more, not eat less.

I was so convinced all the doors of opportunity for fast, permanent and natural weight loss were locked, I nearly gave up even trying to open them. -so, why not just check to see if the door to fast and natural weight loss is really locked for good. Im going to explain to you right here why I believe YOU too can unlock that door with my fast natural weight loss program, and walk through it to a lean, firm, and sexy body one that will have your friends (and even your enemies) snapping their heads in awe. (Go to any gym in the world, watch the dozens of people whose bodies seemingly never get any better and you ll see what I mean) So why not just copy my fast natural weight loss program. - 17269

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Vemma Mangosteen and Natural Cholesterol Treatments

By Julieanne van Zyl

Modern society speaks familiarly about "lowering your cholesterol", but do we even know what it is? All that most people know that it is bad for your health and that it is related to fatty intake, which is to some degree, correct.

Cholesterol is a substance which is yellow in color, soft, and it clings to your membranes and cell walls throughout the inside of your body systems. In order to stay healthy your body does need cholesterol, but since your body produces it we definitely do not need to add to it.

There are things that you can do to keep your cholesterol in check and to keep your body healthy without using medications unless your cholesterol is critically out of control. some remedies for excess cholesterol have quite a lot to do with lifestyle changes.

You can maintain optimum cholesterol levels by doing the following:

1) Lose weight if you are overweight or maintain your weight if it is already optimal. Not only does excess weight cause your cholesterol levels to rise but it also keeps it imbalanced. High levels of cholesterol can and do clog up your blood vessels. Excess fat - the worst place to carry fat is in the abdominal area and is a good indication that your cholesterol is too high.

Take Regular exercise. Getting regular exercise, ideally four times a week for 30-minutes is a a great way to keep your overall health at optimal condition. Regular exercise has been found to lower your cholesterol. By exercising regularly you are able to heighten your good cholesterol, HDL, and lower your bad cholesterol, LDL. Also, by exercising regularly you will be able to lose weight at a faster rate and to keep your weight maintained once you have lost it. Although some forms of exercise are better than others just concentrate on any form of exercise to get you moving.

Foods that lower cholesterol are:

Nuts, such as walnuts and pecans Whole grain cereals Olives Fish Fruits, such as grapes, mangosteen, citrus fruits, strawberries, and apples Chicken Seeds Lean meats and more.

Levels of cholesterol greater than normal, will cause a great deal of harm to your body. It will cause health complications, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. If you have high cholesterol, confer your doctor about additional ways of lowering your cholesterol. a few lifestyle changes pertaining to weight, exercise, and dietary modifications and you can be healthier sooner than you think. It takes work, patience, self-control and lots of ambition, but it can be done. your cholesterol levels can be returned to good health by following these natural remedies. - 17269

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Obtain Safe Drinking Water with a Countertop Water Distiller

By Randal Pike

Health professionals remind us of the importance of drinking eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day for good health. But how healthy is the water that we are drinking? Water from the faucet could contain high levels of chemicals that are not good for the body. Purifying the water is the safest option. This can be done easily at home with a countertop water distiller.

By definition, water distilling is a process to clean and purify water. Municipal water treatment systems do this on a large scale, but it is not foolproof. Alerts to boil drinking water may be necessary because bacteria somehow seeped into the drinking water. Those who use well water face even greater problems with contaminated water. With a home countertop water distiller, the water is purified, providing consistently safe drinking.

Familiar substances that can be found in drinking water are mercury, lead, fluoride, nitrate, pesticides, radon, asbestos and arsenic. Other additives and toxins that can find their way into drinking water are biological, such as bacteria or viral, organic, or inorganic, like sediment or metals. A countertop water distiller and its filters remove additives, toxins and other dangerous substances from drinking water.

A countertop water distiller works by boiling the water until steam results. The steam is then collected in a container and condensed into water again, leaving behind all the contaminants. Many experts believe that distilling water using a countertop water distiller is the most consistent and effective method for removing contaminants than reverse osmosis, ultraviolet filtering and other purification procedures.

Often times, drinking water has a strong taste and odor, resulting from chlorine or iron bacteria. A countertop water distiller is the best method for ridding the water of these contaminants. Additional benefits realized from a countertop water distiller include better tasting water, healthier water, and safer water for the elderly, babies and those with compromised immune systems.

Since home water distillers come in different sizes and shapes, two factors to consider when choosing the best countertop water distiller for you are space and usage. A good resource is Blender Juicer Depot at http://www.blenderjuicerdepot.com/Water-Distillers_c_30.htm, which has a wide selection of countertop water distillers to meet your needs and price range. There's no denying that a countertop water distiller will save you money, especially if you currently use bottled water or faucet filters.

When purchasing a countertop water distiller, look for a machine that is built solid and durable, has good, quality parts, is energy efficient and has escape vents and carbon post filters. The countertop water distiller should also be easy to use, by simply adding tap water and pushing a button. They come in different sizes, depending on how many gallons of water you want distilled at one time. Convenient features, like a programmable time-delay and multifunction LCD readout are also available with certain countertop water distiller designs.

No one wants to drink impure water. With regular faucet water, contaminants can enter the water supply at any time. This problem won't occur when using a countertop water distiller. They are economical and easy to incorporate into your daily life to ensure that your water is safe and clean at all times. - 17269

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