Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Learning About The Quickest Way To Gain Muscle

By Cliff Pape

The quickest way to gain muscle consists of many techniques. You will want to make sure you are doing a lot of research when you are looking to gain muscle mass. The last thing you will want to do is something that would be harmful to your body. Also, just because it is quick does not exactly mean it is harmful to you. You want to learn the good and bad things out there so you can gain muscle the quickest, and so yo are not doing more harm than good to your body.

One of the best ways to gain muscle mass it to work on resistance. You will want to progress the weight of the load while keeping the exact same number of repetitions for each set. For example, during workout number one, you will want work with 100 pounds for 8 repetitions. Then, for the second workout, you will want to work with 105 pounds for a total of 8 repetitions. For workout number three, you will want to go for 8 repetitions used 110 pounds. The idea is that you will be adding weight increments of five pounds of five percent, whichever turns out to be the smallest.

If you are looking to gain muscle mass quickly, it is important to watch your diet. You will need plenty of water, protein, and vitamins, while also staying away from bad carbohydrates and overly sugary foods. Many people think they can focus mostly on working out and not worry about there diets, which is alright if you want to stay the same size, but when you are trying to gain muscle mass, diet is incredibly important!

If you have the money, you may want to hire a personal trainer. A personal trainer can give you guidance and support all while helping you stay on the right path. While you have you routine in place, it is important to give yourself time to relax. Your muscles will grow while you are in periods of rest, so do not work out seven days a week.

There are many ways to out there to gain muscle, it is up to you to do the research and find out which routine will benefit you the most! - 17269

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Exercise Programs For Lower Abs

By Rex Walters

The first step for you is obviously to eat right. You can't be spending hours doing abdominal exercises and then rendering all that work pointless by eating fast food and unhealthy food. Eat a balanced diet before you set out on exercising your abs. This tip will serve you well, and the unawareness of this will result in you having to work twice as tough to get that 6 pack. Read further on abs diet.

Workouts for Lower Abs for Men and Women

Leg Lifts

This is the most elementary of all the workouts for lower abs for men and ladies. You need to lie down on a smooth surface, and place your arms on your side. Tighten your abdominal muscles, control your respiring and lift both your legs up off the ground, till they are vertical to the ground. Keep them there for a couple of seconds.

Then delicately lower them back onto the ground. Start off with sets of 10 - fifteen repetitions and perform 2 - 3 sets at a time. As you progress and your abs get stronger, you can increase the number of repetitions per set.

Alternate Leg Walk

This exercise is very similar to leg lifts. You want to position yourself in a similar way as before and then proceed. Now lift your legs together until they're at an angle of forty five degrees to the ground. Now gradually lower one leg towards the ground, but ensure not to let that leg rest on the ground. Meanwhile the other leg must remain as it was. Now get the leg you moved back up and move the second leg towards the ground. Set the number of repetitions for yourself depending on how long you can continue this procedure. Do not forget to time your breathing to perfection.

Leg Circles

This is another one of the best exercise programmes for lower abs for ladies and men, that you're going to come across on many occasions. You need to lie down on a level surface for this exercise as well . Place your hands under your lower back or your butt. Now you want to lift your legs up to a 90 degree angle ( just like you did for the leg lifts exercise ) and revolve both your legs together in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. As you are feeling your abs getting stronger, you can increase the number of circles you make. - 17269

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Cooking: Five Tips

By Owen Jones

There can not be a lot of individuals who do not enjoy their food, but the human race, being what it is, I suppose that there are a few of them. However, for the rest of us, food is a font of daily enjoyment and, like a beverage, it is frequently employed to denote a happy event. not only that, but various foods are used for the different meals or distinct events. Celebratory meals were indubitably planned around the seasonal foodstuffs available, but some foodstuffs were transported huge distances for the benefit of those who could afford them. For example, my Dad considered it a grand treat to be given an orange in his stocking on Christmas Day 60 years past. How the times have changed! Very few children would judge an orange a present, special or not, any day of the year nowadays.

Nevertheless, the storage of foodstuff is still a daily affair and therefore, I have written a couple of top guidelines on preserving food below, so that you will obtain the best from that which you have bought or grown in your garden even a long period afterward.

Chicken Stuffed With Spoons: a great way of preparing chicken to be eaten at a cold buffet or in sandwiches, is to put as many spoons as possible into the cavity of the chicken (not silver or plated ones though). Then, place the chicken in a large saucepan or pot and bring the water to the boil slowly. Simmer for 10 minutes, cover and leave until the water is room temperature. The spoons will retain the heat and cook the chicken from the inside out. it will be one of the most succulent chickens you have ever eaten.

Roasted Crisp And Light: if you like crisp-skinned roasties, it is best to parboil them first, but that is only half the story. so, boil the potatoes for five minutes and drain thoroughly. Put the lid on the pan and shake it about violently. Bang it hard on the chopping block several times. The harder the better. Then put the parboiled potatoes in the baking tray with the meat or fowl to cook as you would normally.

Salad Soup: Do not throw away salad that has been soaked in salad dressing. Whisk it up in a food processor with a can of tomatoes of tinned soup. Add lots of garlic to taste and adjust the thickness to suit your taste. Chill it down and you will have one of the most delicious summer soups ever.

Curdling Cure: if your mayonnaise has curdled there is one sure fire way to bring it back to life. stir in a couple of tablespoons of Hellmann's mayonnaise and your problem will be over.

Simply Scrumptious Topping: a really, quick, delicious and almost infinitely variable topping for a savory pie can be made in seconds. Choose the flavour you want from the crisp rack; puncture the bag to let our the air and then crush the contents in the gag. it really adds something to a pie. The same trick can be used on the bottom of a potato pie a Texan housewife told me. - 17269

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Trampolines And Gymnastics- Things To Know About Them

By Dave Vower

When it comes to trampolines and gymnastics many people are unaware that there are a variety of different options that can be used. It all depends on the situation that they are being used for on which type would be the best.

Often those that are beginners in the sport will use mini trampolines. They can be a good way to get gymnasts used to the way that the trampolines work. This can prepare them for the time that comes when they will be using the larger trampolines in competitions.

These mini trampolines are found in various shapes and sizes as well. This is not the case with competitive ones as they need to stick to certain specifications for certain things like the Olympics for example. These specs help maintain equality and fairness for all the people that are competing.

Large trampolines are the ones that you find used in competitions like the Olympics. These are rectangular in shape and consist of a far heavier type of spring than what is used in the smaller trampolines people use.

These springs are what give the athlete the lift that they get when they bounce. This bouncing is what allows them to perform the tricks that they do to keep the audience and judges captivated. The higher that they bounce the more complicated tricks that they are able to perform.

Safety is crucial when it comes to using trampolines in combination with gymnastics. No one wants to see a person get hurt. This is why safety guidelines are strictly enforced by those that are involved in this sport. - 17269

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Body Building Workout Routines For Your Triceps

By Ricardo D Argence

Our arms are composed of a number of different types of muscles. Among these muscle types, it is the triceps that are always used with arm movements. As the name implies, triceps are comprised with three main muscles. Strong and big triceps gives an individual the ability to lift heavy loads. Also, having well-developed triceps is a known characteristic of great and powerful arms. That is why so many people are seen doing military presses, bench presses and any other triceps exercises to develop lean and strong triceps.

Without strong triceps a strong arm can not be imagined. This is because the muscle takes 2/3 of the entire length of your arm. You also have to exercise your biceps, so that your arms will look rounded and properly proportioned.

Dumbell exercises are most effective in triceps building. Before doing any of these, remember to have a proper warm up. Which minimizes the chance of injuries to warming up is crucial to ensuring great exercise results, it basically prepares the body to the physical demands of doing certain exercise.

Toning up of muscles of triceps is achieved by push ups. Using dumbbells for load or increased body resistance helps in intensifying any form of triceps exercise. Another option you can use to tone your muscle is to replace the pull down machine with a dumbbell, grasp it with both hands and point it to the rear of the head. You will feel the triceps flex by maintain a position and gently pull the dumbbell up and down.

Rope pull exercise is basic exercise in triceps building. The machine works the triceps by letting you do exercises comparable to those you perform using the dumb bell. When doing these exercises always remember to maintain proper posture to ensure correct execution. Exercises are all for quality of movements and not the number of reps.

The mass and stretch of the upper and lower triceps advanced triceps exercises are usually designed to improve. For mass, heavy weights such as the close-grip barbell bench and weighted dips may be used. Cable pressdown is one of the important exercise in building triceps. For building lower triceps, weighted dips and dips was found to be effective, intensify the exercise by only going 3/4 of the way up force to fully concentrate on the lower triceps.

For getting good result for triceps building you should start while you are fresh. By supersetting triceps exercises, one can have an Olympia-quality arm. Usually, it is harder to build bigger triceps. It is the key to achieving well-proportioned body building results, as according to the priority principle of body building, targeting first the-hard-to-workout muscles.

Diet, nutrition and rest are of equal importance to doing the exercises when it comes to strengthening the triceps. One must maintain proper nourishment to have the energy to go on with the demanding exercises. Exercise and nutrition is like science and fitness working together in achieving ideal results. Remember, a decent weight training routine is one that combines equal attention to the exercise, well-balanced diet and sufficient rest in producing long-term gains. - 17269

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How Can I Build Muscle Quickly? Here's How - It's Not Hard!

By Austin Smith

We're frequently getting emails from people wondering what techniques they can utilize to build muscle rapidly. Obviously people are eager to get results as rapidly as possible, so we decided we could take a look at this subject.

It's nice to know there are certain steps you can use to kick-start your weight lifting efforts and begin building lean muscle quickly. Naturally it takes some dedication, but getting that dream body is worth a bit of work right?

Getting to the gym a minimum of five times a week is critical to gaining muscle fast. Your workouts shouldn't be any more than an hour - any longer and you are body won't be utilizing the extra time effectively.

While you're lifting weights, always think about these ever important words - "proper form"! I observe far too many guys trying to lift way more weight than they should which makes them throw their body around. To build muscle fast, you have to ensure you are targeting each muscle the right way. You must ensure you are isolating each muscle and using proper form. It doesn't matter that you may have to lift a little less because you will get far superior results by observing this tip.

It's a good idea to utilize a three day rotation for your workouts. Plan your workout routine so that you exercise every muscle group during the three days. By only taking 3 workout sessions to work on every one of your muscles you will have results much more rapidly.

Finally, you must eat healthy and eat often. Make certain you eat at least six meals each day. Of the six meals, three of them should be your typical ones and make the other three smaller snacks that have roughly 300 calories in total.

Using a protein powder is very useful - you must be taking in a lot of protein to help your muscles grow and repair themselves. Using a protein powder is a terrific way to take in pure protein and you can purchase them for very little these days.

Packing on muscle quickly and getting the perfect body fast is possible by being dedicated and using the above techniques. - 17269

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6 Best Ab Exercises For Ripped Abs

By Adrian Edwards

Here's the 6 best ab exercises for ripped abs :

1. Crunches.

While crunches have their critics, this basic exercise when done properly can be highly effective for developing your upper abs. The upper abs are reasonably simple to get ripped, and the convenience and ease of crunches makes this one of the six best ab exercises.

2. Leg Raises.

The most uncooperative part of the gut to define are the lower abs. This is where leg raises come in. They particularly work those lower abs. By doing leg raises you isolate and work the lower portion while not permitting the upper abs to aid in doing any of the work.

3. Side Crunches.

there are numerous adaptations to side crunches, but once you get comfortable with the change that works for you, your obliques ( side abdominal muscles ) will be on their way to getting ripped.

4. Hanging Knee Raises.

These are great for working your lower and side oblique muscles and are a great variation to standard on the floor abdominal exercises.

5. Elbow to Knee Crunches.

These are great as you are working your upper and lower abs at the same time. And it's very easy to do, simply crunching up with your hands behind your head and elbows extended straight, while concurrently bringing your knees toward you body to touch the elbows.

6. Twisted Elbow to Knee Crunches.

Out of the 6 best ab exercises, this one's my favourite and one of the handiest ever. Because you are doing a normal crunch, and bringing your knees toward you to touch with your elbows you are working both your upper and lower abs. Now, throw a twist into the mix ( twist to touch your elbow to the opposite knee ) you are also employing your oblique muscles, making this an all around ab exercise, perfect for those with little time, wanting to get a healthy exercise in to work the abs. - 17269

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Myths Revolving Muscle Building

By Rowena Antonio

1 - If you eat a low fat diet, you cannot get fat.

If you surpass your energy needs, you will still get fat. However, consuming a diet high in fat will add the weight faster. Fat has nine calories per gram compared to carbohydrates or proteins, which have 4 calories per gram. It also takes fewer calories to absorb the energy in fat than it does to absorb a similar quantity of carbohydrates by weight. Therefore, fat calories get stored more readily than calories from carbohydrates. However, carbohydrates and proteins have calories too. Hence, taking in too much of these will also get you fat.

2 - In order to get a large physique, you need to consume a lot of calories.

High calorie diets will definitely lead to you getting positively large. Unless you are someone who has a high metabolism, you will only be saving any extra calories that you do not burn and turn it into fat. Scientists have shown that all but 35% of the newest tissue generated due to calorie-dense regimens is actually adipose tissue. Only 20% of the added weight from high calorie consumption is lean muscle mass.

Therefore, if you are trying to get lean muscles, then you should avoid high calorie meals.

Prevention of protein breakdown appears to be the most applicable factor in determining muscle growth. However, studies show that adding adipose tissue via gorging can indeed augment muscle breakdown. Besides, added fat can extravagantly change hormonal balance, which is responsible for regulating protein breakdown in your muscle. For example, insulin, which partly controls protein breakdown in the body, is handicapped through constant deglutition.

3 - You do not need steroids to get as huge as the models and professionals in bodybuilding magazines.

Companies that sell bodybuilding supplements support many magazines. Therefore, they have to imply that you can get big without taking steroids. However, all professional bodybuilders use steroids or steroids in combination with other growth-enhancing drugs. It is not likely to get that scale of muscularity and the paper-thin skin without manipulating hormones.

Regardless, you should not use that as a reason to abandon your bodybuilding objective. You can almost certainly build significant muscle mass if you train properly, follow a nourishing dietary regimen, and make sure to get sufficient rest.

If you do not plan to take steroids, then you may want to think twice about engaging in competitive bodybuilding. But, building the type of physique that commands respect is absolutely possible.

4 - The more you workout, the better for building muscle.

Ninety five percent of bodybuilding professionals will remember that the biggest mistake they ever made in pumping iron is that they over did it. If your muscles are going to heal they are going to require rest. In situations like this, muscles that are worked too frequently do not have time to heal, no muscle gain will occur. If you are doing it properly, intensity wise, and if you work out every day you are sure to over strain yourself, leading to all sorts of bad things. Any part of the body that is pushed to complete muscular failure could take anywhere from five to ten days to renew itself.

You can also over train, even if you are working a different part of the body each day. You will actually inhibit your muscle growth progress if, for example, you work your quadriceps to failure one-day and then try to do some heavy bench presses the next day. Your entire body fails to regenerate from the blow that it has experienced.

You cannot count on your body to recover from a strenuous workout the following day unless you take steroids or other drugs to help you deal with the catabolic operations working inside your body. Make rest and recuperation a part of your exercise regimen.

5 - The more sets and longer workouts; better the results.

Studies prove that you can really work a singe muscle during a single set, provided your workout consolidates particular muscles and brings them to the point of ischemic rigor. Instead of relaxing, then contracting, the muscle fibers harden and additional contraction leads to microscopic tearing. One adaptation to this type of stress is muscle hypertrophy.

It is possible to attain this intensity level with breakdown or drop sets. Do all your reps, lessen the weight and then keep going for as long as you can. Another way is to get the maximum number of repetitions, then do 10 more reps to failure. Lock out the weight-bearing joint but do not lay down the weight. This is one way to take a short rest. Conclusion: completely exceed your energy and discomfort thresholds.

If you can definitely work your muscles like stated above, there is not much benefit in doing an additional set. One of the exceptions would be to work on regions of the body with distinct geographical areas, like the back, legs or chest. - 17269

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Cure for Eczema - 3 Natural Ways You Can Cure Eczema

By Tess Rainey

This article will discuss a cure for eczema and a few natural ways to cure it that you may not know about. The 3 options listed below can help clear your eczema symptoms and finally free you of this annoying problem.

1. Remove Gluten: Gluten and wheat are in a lot of foods that people consume on a regular basis. What most people don't know is that these two ingredients could be causing hidden allergies that are so subtle you would never connect the two. One of these symptoms can be eczema and by removing gluten from your diet for a little while and reintroducing it you can discover if this might be your problem.

2. Eliminate Dairy: Dairy is another common food that causes hidden food allergies. Symptoms can be common place so you might not ever make the connection between dairy and eczema or even a headache.

Remove dairy for a little while and see how you feel. Introduce it slowly and keep track of your symptoms, if you don't feel any different you are probably fine, but if you notice even some subtle things you may want to cut back or eliminate it permanantly.

3. Eat Whole Foods: There are other foods that can cause problems for people, but the two foods mentioned above are more common than you might think. By eating real, whole foods you can remove them easily from your diet. Your eczema symptoms might disappear quickly; when you reintroduce pay attention to see what changes with your body. Since wheat and dairy are in a lot of prepackaged foods, avoiding these will allow you to easily side step some common hidden food allergeies.

In this article we looked at a cure for eczema that most people don't know about. The three natural ways of curing eczema include eliminating gluten, dairy and some other foods that can cause hidden food allergies like eczema.

Blood tests can determine if you have an allergy to something, but simply eliminating it from your diet for awhile is even easier and less expensive. When you reintroduce, keep track of your symptoms and see if any symptoms that had disappeared reoccur. Eating real, whole foods may clear up your symptoms as well since you may be missing important nutrients that lead to your condition.

Want to know more? - 17269

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Learn Best of Healthy Eating Diet And Enjoying Simple Things In Life

By Antonio Khatemi

The best healthy eating diets are those that include a variety of key elements - protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals include: salt, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc chromium and selenium.

So how do you know if your getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet? It's different for every person and depends on what you like and most often eat as well as your physical make up - how tall you are and how much you weigh.

I am a 245-pound male, 6 foot 2.5 inches and a very active person.I probably eat six or seven meals a day.I don't like special diets. I don't believe in the all-fruit diet or the all-vegetable diet. Instead, I think a balanced selection will give the body all it needs.

- Six or seven meals a day.This may sound like a lot, but smaller meals eaten more often are actually quite good for you. They keep you from overdoing it at fewer meals. - Keep away from diets that are "all" anything - all fruit, all veggie, all liquid. Instead, work towards a balanced diet to give your body all the necessary nutrients. You may lose weight initially with those "all" diets, but you won't be healthier.

And here are some of the things I often include in my healthy diet each day: - Two scoops of High Protein Whey Rapid Absorption by Proto Whey and sixteen ounces of water. - Whole grain raw almond sandwiches with bananas. - Green tea. - Omelets made with six egg whites and one egg yoke and full of vegetables. - Whole grain chapatti. - An all-veggie drink of dark green veggies, organic apples, whey protein and beets. - Nordic Naturals Pro-Omega (1000 mg). - Fruit capsules. - Half a banana with two scoops of whey protein. - Salads. - Proteins of my choice. For example, egg whites make me feel great! - At least eight glasses of water. - Glucosamine supplements - ZMA supplements - Vegetable capsules.

At end of the night I take a glucosamine supplement, ZMA supplement and one more pro-omega. I also take two vegetable capsules. I sleep well through the night. I wake up fresh and ready to take on the world. I typically do a minimum of thirty minutes each day of cardio. Some days I replace this with yoga, a four mile walk, or stretching exercises. The point of all of this is to keep my body away from doctors and to minimize deterioration. I want to encourage my body to stay in good shape internally. - 17269

Making Fitness Training More Fun

By Jason Thompkins

Everyone wants a better looking body, but to get that you have to take part in some kind of workout program. Many people find that working out is very boring, and they would rather participate in something fun, compared to boring workouts at the gym.

However, you have to consider that more and more people are putting up with the boring workout routines because of the alarming increase of heart related diseases and obesity. You have to consider that you have to take care of your body in order to live a happier and more satisfying life.

The person that is in charge of their body is you, no one else but you. You have the choice to go to the gym 3-5 times a week, and condition your muscle fitness and health. If you choose to slouch and be lazy you could increase health risks.

By being physically active with fitness, you can enjoy sunny days at the beach showing off that body that you worked for. You also will not have to worry as much about getting heart diseases and diabetes, as people that are overweight will have to concern themselves with that.

However, if you find regular fitness workout routines very boring, there are quite a lot of fitness workouts that you can do to make workout more fun. There are fun activities that you can do where you can definitely enjoy and at the same time, give you a great quality fitness workout experience.

There are many sports that require a great level of fitness. Some of these include swimming, tennis, racquetball, track, football, basketball, along with many more. Some sports are more intense than others of course, as you will not get that fit playing golf.

If you are not sports minded or you can't think of any sport that can be fun for you, you can also consider dancing as a great fitness workout experience. You can try and enroll in dance classes. Although some people think that dancing is easy, you have to consider that it's not.

Dancing is quite difficult and can be very stressful for your body as it will require you to run, walk, and jump around in the dance floor to do those dance moves. Dancing can definitely be a great fitness workout alternative if you find regular gym workouts boring. Plus, dancing is also fun especially if both you and your significant other enroll in the same classes.

These are just a handful of examples that can make fitness workout more fun and more enjoyable. There are still quite a lot of activities out there that you can do for fun and at the same time, give you a great quality workout. There are belly dancing activities, there are hiking and camping activities, there are rock climbing activities and a lot more. All you need to do is find one that interests you and be creative. - 17269

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Is Mediterranean Diet For You?

By Pete Smith

Many dieters will recommend you to try out the Mediterranean diet. It's not that restrictive as other diets. Also, appealing thing about this diet is that wine consumption is encouraged, with moderation of course.

Many, including nutritionists, dieters and medical professionals strongly believe that Mediterranean diet is excellent to get a healthy weight. It also improves your overall health including normal blood pressure and reducing risks of health disease.

Is this diet really for you?

Basics of this diet are: large amounts of fresh fruits and veg, lots of vegetarian dishes made of fresh produce only, plenty of fish, poultry and small amounts of pork or beef.

It seems a very healthy diet indeed but there's first problem with it, especially if you're not from the Med. For those who come from Western Europe or US fresh vegetables and fruits are not available all year round. Actually they are but they are quite costly, depending on the season.

Another thing in Mediterranean diet that "turns off" is that olive oil is considered to be the main source of phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds help reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of having certain cancers but olive oil is not the only product you can get phenolic compounds from.

Prunes, berries, red grapes and their juice, kiwi, apples, currants, apple juice and tomatoes also are great sources of phenolic compounds. Red wine also isn't necessary to use if you're not a fan of alcohol; it can be replaced with red grapes or red grape juice.

Last problem with this diet is its lengthy preparation. Of course, if you have time it's not a problem at all and you should invest it in your health but for many, especially for those from the West, where lives are lived fast and time is in short supply, picking right products and preparing them is not an option.

Also it's important how we eat our meals. In the Mediterranean people have long relaxing midday breaks to enjoy their healthy meals, opposite to our fast snacking and running to the next meeting.

In conclusion, it doesn't matter if you stick to Mediterranean diet fully or just use its best elements, if you spare more time for your meals and think of what you eat a bit more, you could have a healthier body and better health. - 17269

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