Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, August 10, 2009

Shiitake Extract Used in Asia as Cancer Medication

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Tell Americans that a dish contains "mushrooms" and their minds automatically jump to button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), which have been grown commercially in the West since the 1600's. In contrast, individuals from Far East Asia are far more likely to jump to Shiitake as the most logical ingredient. Shiitake, which has only recently become a common household name in the West, has a long history of commercial cultivation in Asia.

Known alternately as Black Mushroom or Chinese Mushroom, wild Shiitake grows in Asia only. The name derives from the Shii Tree, its preferred host, although Shiitake may also grow on oaks and beeches. Shiitake has been cultivated in China and Japan for a thousand years.

Increasingly recognized in the West as a culinary mushroom, few westerners are yet aware of the medical applications of Shiitake. In Asia, it has a long tradition as a medicinal mushroom going back to the Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644) and the Chinese physician Wu Juei, who recommended it for conditions of the liver, respiratory and circulatory systems. Shiitake is also the most commonly studied mushroom in modern medical research, with special focus on its anti-tumor [94] and anti-viral properties. [93]

The preferred part of Shiitake to use medicinally is the mycelium (the "roots") because they contain compounds that either don't exist in the fruit body ("mushroom"), or are much more concentrated in the mycelium.

The most common extract is known as LEM, a protein extract from Lentinula Edodes Mycelia. (Lentinula edodes is Latin for Shiitake.) LEM has been shown to have powerful immune boosting properties, [95, 96, 97] particularly anti-bacterial. [98, 99] LEM has also been found to exhibit anti-cancer properties. [100] One study found it to kill melanoma cells while causing no harm to healthy cells. [101]

Lentinan is the name of another much researched compound isolated from Shiitake, named after the Latin genus name Lentinula. Lentinan is a polysaccharide that has been found to stimulate the human immune system to combat cancer. [102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110] It is currently used in Asia as an intravenous cancer drug.

Arabinoxylanes, compounds resulting from Shiitake-on-rice fermentation, have also demonstrated significant anti-viral activity. [111, 112, 113]

Two viruses in particular that have been studied with promising results are herpes simplex type 1 [114] and HIV [115, 116, 117]. It should be mentioned, however, that the previously mentioned Lentinan as an isolated compound does not appear to affect HIV replication. [25]

Additional studies have reported positive results with Shiitake extract in conditions of chronic fatigue syndrome [119] and Candida [118], as well as for septic shock prevention. [120]

In his book Mycelium Running, medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets also lists the following areas where research has shown Shiitake extract to have a beneficial effect: Blood Pressure; Blood Sugar; Cholesterol; Kidney Tonic; Liver Tonic; Sexual Potentiator; Stress; Breast Cancer; Liver Cancer; Prostate Cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17269

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Five Supplements to Help Lower Blood Pressure

By Esther Dacamay

Many of us do not partake in the healthy benefits of a proper diet. Supplementation with vitamins is a great resource to incorporate those healthy benefits we are lacking. However, it is futile to think that continuing a poor diet and taking these vitamins will fill the gap in our diet. In order to reap the benefits of vitamins, we must try to implement a healthier way of eating.

If you continue to partake in a diet high in saturated fat and red meat, you will only be overtaxing your already over burdened liver that is trying to filter out the bad stuff in your diet. In addition, anyone who has high blood pressure must adjust their diet to a healthier path. Otherwise, the body cannot fight this ailment with strength and vitality.

If you have high blood pressure and want a natural way to lower it, vitamin supplements can help. However, it also requires a healthy diet. Listed below are a few supplements beneficial in lowering high blood pressure.

1) CoQ10 - Coenzyme Q10 has been shown in research to be highly beneficial in fighting cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. It works by strengthening and oxygenating the heart muscle as well as aiding in the metabolic process.

2) EFAs - Essential fatty acids found in fish oils and flaxseed oils can contribute to decreased blood pressure and blood lipids. Most Eskimo cultures have low cardiovascular disease, mainly attributed to the fact that their diets consist of coldwater fish.

3) Vitamin E - This commonly known vitamin has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by reducing LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, it also scavenges the body for free radicals. Having a low level of this vitamin in the body is a primary indicator of heart disease.

4) Calcium - Not only does this supplement give a body strong bones and muscles, it also helps maintain normal blood pressure. Research has proven that in some people, calcium can modify hypertension.

5) Nicotinc Acid - This compound, found in niacin, has the ability to substantially lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Other beneficial nutrients able to aid in lowering blood pressure include Zinc, Ginger, Vitamin D, Lecithin (granule or capsules), and Chromium.

There are also several herbs that have been shown to be highly beneficial in fighting high blood pressure. However, it is extremely important that you consult with a medical professional before implementing these supplements as they can create adverse reactions when taken simultaneously with medications.

Here are a few herb combinations that can assist in lowering blood pressure. Garlic, Valerian Root, Black Cohosh Root, Kelp, Cayenne, Blessed Thistle and Parsley Leaves. These herbs come in capsule form and are suggested to be taken four to eight times a day. However, once the desired blood pressure has been reached, it is important to gradually lower the dosage to maintain it. In addition, women who are pregnant or nursing should not use this combination. - 17269

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The Truth about Antioxidants and Aging

By Travis Van Slooten

Many of us would give a lot to turn back the clock and go back to our youth. The truth is, not all people age gracefully, and the older we get, the more it will reflect on our skin and bodies. No one has yet been able to discover the Fountain of Youth but there is one thing that can help slow down the aging process - antioxidants.

The truth about antioxidants and aging is this: there are benefits from natural antioxidants found in food, and from taking a high quality natural antioxidant supplement. These potential benefits include prevention against diseases and the process of aging is slowed down in your skin, cells, organs and tissues.

Antioxidants are naturally found in certain fruits and veggies. They have been proven to protect the human cells in the body from oxidative damage. They also provide a stronger resistance in the immune system for protection against flu, infections and viruses. Many of those consuming antioxidant-rich foods are those that have cancer. Another benefit is the reduction of cholesterol problems and heart disease. The risk of getting glaucoma and macular degeneration is nearly prevented. Of course, over all the body sees aging slowed down in every aspect.

Free radicals, which are the substances that cause damage to our cells, are caused by our mere breathing, eating, and all other activities that we do on a daily basis. They can also increase the more we get exposed to the pollutants in the environment. While free radicals in lower levels are not harmful to us, when they start to increase their damaging potential grows too. They can cause illnesses and poor health. Antioxidants are the best defenses against free radicals in the body. Some of the common antioxidants found in food sources are Vitamins A, C, and E, and the minerals zinc, beta-carotene, selenium, and all of the phytonutrient carotenoids.

Antioxidants work by eliminating the corrosion and oxidation in your cells, tissues, organs and skin. With the increase of phytonutrient carotenoids in your body from the antioxidants, the healthier you will be.

As mentioned, people can easily get antioxidants from different food sources, but the problem is that one can only eat so much fruit and vegetables in a day, and still not get enough antioxidants for optimal health. A high-quality supplement that contains antioxidants can augment your diet of fruits and vegetables.

The following fruits and vegetables are known to be abundant in antioxidants: broccoli, spinach, greens, Brussels sprouts, beets, red peppers, carrots, tomatoes, berries. oranges, pink grapefruit, apricots, plums, peaches, papaya, and red grapes.

Try to get as many of these healthy foods in your diet everyday to get you much needed dose of antioxidants. An anti-oxidant supplement will also go a long way in strengthening your body and slowing down the aging process. - 17269

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Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Is a lack of sleep thwarting your best weight loss efforts? There is much evidence to suggest that a lack of sleep goes hand-in-hand with weight gain. But first, it is important to address why you arent sleeping well. Is your stress level or caffeine intake to blame? Or is your sleeplessness due to a common but very serious condition called sleep apnea? Sleep apnea can affect weight loss, hunger and hormone activity in a number of ways, thwarting your best efforts to maintain a healthy weight.

Simply put, sleep apnea happens when breathing is obstructed or ceases altogether while sleeping. Symptoms of the condition range from light snoring to waking up several times during the night, gasping for air. The most common form of sleep apnea " obstructive sleep apnea " affects approximately six percent of the population. But this number is expected to rise along with the increasing rate of obesity, because obesity is a chief cause of obstructive sleep apnea.

To make matters worse, those who are already overweight may gain weight more easily if they are not getting adequate sleep, fueling a vicious cycle. Several theories attempt to explain why a lack of sleep may encourage us to pack on the pounds. Some say that a sleep-deprived person simply doesnt have the energy to be active during the day. Theyre too tired to get to the gym or even take the stairs, burning far fewer calories than a well-rested individual would. Others believe the sleep-deprived attempt to make up for a lack of energy by consuming a greater number of calories. Additional evidence surrounding sleep deprivation and weight gain suggests the problem may be hormonal.

Hormone function is largely responsible for the way in which fat cells respond to the food we eat. Cortisol is a hormone that is usually released in response to emotional and physical stress. When we dont get enough sleep, cortisol is released at an increased rate, making us feel hungry even if weve eaten enough.

Just because sleep apnea is most common among adults, do not assume that children are exempt from the problem. Its no secret that the number of obese children is rising steadily; and its no stretch to imagine that some of these children will develop sleep apnea.

If youre having trouble sleeping on a regular basis, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Otherwise, a few simple tips and tricks just might help get you back on a regular sleep schedule. If you are already obese and suffering from sleep apnea, your chiropractor can discuss a sensible dieting plan with you, helping you return to a healthy weight and enjoy more restful, unobstructed sleep. And of course, never underestimate the importance of exercise. Exercising three to four times per week is crucial for restful sleep. Getting your workout in long before bedtime is helpful, leaving ample time for your heart rate and hormone levels to return to a resting state. Make sure your room is dark and the temperature of the room will remain comfortable throughout the night. If youre one of those people trying to squeeze extra tasks and activities into your day, leave more for tomorrow and get some sleep. Adequate sleep will increase your productivity during waking hours. - 17269

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Agaricus Extract Research Summary

By Dr. Markho Rafael

In 1993, Japanese mycologists discovered and began to cultivate a new medicinal mushroom found in the fields northwest of Sao Paolo, Brazil. Best known by its Latin name as Agaricus blazei, it has rapidly become one of the top five most sought after medicinal mushrooms in the world.

Research on Agaricus extract has largely focused on its anti-cancer properties. Results on uterocervical cancers appear promising. [25]

Agaricus extract contains more beta glucans than any other mushroom species investigated. In addition to the research on Agaricus blazei itself, it may be worthwhile to look into the abundant research that has been done on beta glucans. [25]

Research on Agaricus extract against cancer cell cultures (in vitro) have yielded primarily negative results, but testing on live individuals (in vivo) have shown some positive results. What this tells us is that Agaricus blazei's effect on cancer is by stimulating the immune system rather than killing off cancer cells directly. [135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140]

In fact, one Japanese study from 2002 showed that when stimulated by Agaricus extract, macrophages would deliver a two punch knockout to cancer cells. (Macrophages are a type of white blood cells.) Eight hours after taking Agaricus extract, the patient's macrophages excreted a cancer killing compound known as alpha tumor necrosis factor. Then four hours after that, the same macrophages excreted another compound specifically targeted to finish off the now weakened cancer cells. [141]

An additional cancer protective property of Agaricus extract is that it helps inhibit the production of aromatase, a human enzyme associated with breast cancer development. [142]

Alcohol and water extracts of Agaricus blazei mycelium ("roots") are both rich in potential medicinal compounds. [143, 25]

In addition to showing promise as cancer medicine, Agaricus extract also demonstrates antibacterial properties. In one study, it was particularly effective against salmonella. [144]

Finally a few words of caution: One test in 2003 showed that Agaricus blazei grown in China contained a significantly larger amount of cadmium than Agaricus grown in the United States. [145]

Secondly, although Agaricus extract has demonstrated some powerful anti-cancer properties, it also contains a family of cancer-inducing compounds known as agaritines. (These are also found in button mushrooms, crimini mushrooms and portobellos.)

In 2003, Stijve et al. published a comparative study of agaritines between Agaricus blazei from different sources. The extract of Paul Stamets' Agaricus blazei grown in Washington State contained eighty-fold less of the carcinogenic agaritines than the samples from China, and twenty times less than samples from California. [145]

"Years ago, Paul Stamets ... developed methods that precluded agaritines, and Stijve et al. (2003) published a comparison of commercial products from the US, China, and Japan. All but [Paul Stamets] products contained significant amounts of agaritine." [145]

In his book Mycelium Running, medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets also lists the following areas where research has shown Agaricus extract to have a beneficial effect: Viruses; Blood Sugar; Cholesterol; Colorectal Cancer; Sarcoma. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes. - 17269

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Being Obese Is Killing Us

By Marilou Lissandrello

ATTENTION EVERYONE who's overweight. If there was ever a time to get ourselves motivated to loose those unwanted pounds, this is it. Most people don't understand what obesity is costing this country. It is killing us financially and physically.

I am not talking about the cost of food but of the billions of dollars that are being used to treat obesity. Obesity increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Two thirds of Americans adults are obese.

Let me say it another way, 6 out of every 10 Americans are obese and that number doesn't even include our children. America, we need to change and change now. I'm not talking about super model skinny either, but having a healthy body weight and a BMI between 20 and 25.

This message is for me as much as anyone else. My husband and I had lost around 40 pounds total and it felt great. Unfortunately, we got a little lazy with our exercise and eating plan after we got a taste of being thinner.

Now, we have gained a few of the pounds back and unless we get back on the horse, we will both be back up to where we initially started. It is a never ending struggle but one we must not give up on. If you are overweight, your body is telling you that you are consuming too many calories and not exercising enough.

This is common knowledge but what do we do with that information? The answer is not to eat less though. You need to eat food with fiber that will give you the feeling of being satisfied. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain a lot of fiber so I recommend that you get 3 servings of whole grains and 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

Here are some other thing things you can do to lose weight:

* Drink plenty of water, non fat milk and zero calories beverages.

* Don't rush when eating your meal. When you realize that you are full STOP and push away your plate.

* If you go out to dinner, put half of your meal in a to-go container before you even start eating.

* Never skip meals - always have some vegetables, piece of fruit, or lean protein nearby.

* Clean your cupboards of all high calorie and processed foods. You will be less tempted to eat them if they are not there.

* Write down all of the food that you eat - You will be amazed at the end of the day what you've eaten.

* Get your body in motion - walk or run at least 30 minutes every day.

Does this sound too hard or complicated? No, it is so easy but it all depends on your mindset. Go ahead and get started today. Change one meal, one day at a time. One small change is all it takes to get off the ground. Instead of an all-or-nothing approach at this, it is instead slow and steady. After all, this is a lifestyle change. Don't look back only go forward and let me how your progress goes. - 17269

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The Top Benefits of a Low Potassium Diet

By Jesse Regan

Through time, various health professionals have been continuously developing different health programs to meet various health concerns. In most cases, these health programs focus on helping a person lose weight in a healthy way, while there are others that are specifically designed to improve the health status of an individual. One good example is the low potassium diet.

To a lot of people, this type of diet may not be that familiar. But this diet is specially intended for those that face great risks when found with high levels of potassium. These people are those that have certain kidney diseases that need a low potassium diet.

Basically, potassium is present in various types of food like vegetables, seeds, fruits, nuts, and beans. Potassium is of great significance to our body as it plays an important role in our muscle functions but can be a great threat to others when present in high concentrations. However, it is through low potassium diet that a person gets to significantly reduce the amount of potassium in his blood. Furthermore, the diet helps individuals maintain the healthy level of potassium in order to keep normal heart and muscle functions.

For a low potassium diet, the person engaged in the program must make sure that frozen fruits and vegetables must be cooked in water and must be rinsed and drained well before serving. When it comes to canned goods, it is advised to drain the liquid inside the can and to rinse the fruits and vegetables inside it before it is allowed to be served.

Whenever you feel like wanting to add some potatoes on your diet, its best to have them firs peeled, thinly sliced, and then soaked in water for at least four hours or even better if overnight before it gets to be cooked. The same procedure should be followed when preparing green leafy vegetables for cooking such as kale, spinach, and collards. This certain type of procedure is of great importance as it helps in the reduction of the potassium content in the mentioned fruits. Salt substitutes on the other hand are strictly prohibited as they are known to contain potassium. As an alternative, slat-free herb blends and spices can be considered. And when on the grocery store, it is wise to keep a heads up on the labels and check for words that include potassium like potassium chloride in order to avoid certain foods that contain them.

High levels of potassium can be a great threat for some individuals but it can be avoided with the help of a low potassium diet. One particular example of a threat is the fatal cardiac arrhythmia. With this condition, a person may feel some various symptoms like irritability, diarrhea, stomach cramps, tiredness, anxiety, slow weak pulse, palpitations, and even heart failure. That's why it is always significant to have more knowledge about weight loss . - 17269

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Are Cold Sores and Genital Herpes the Same?

By Cristina Rosch

To many people cold sores and genital herpes are just the same. It is true, though, that both are strains of the herpes virus but they have distinctions that should be considered. Doctors surely notice the difference but herpes is so common that many people think that seeking professional help is unnecessary. The lack of comprehension of these diseases can only lead, of course, to the wrong remedies and prevention. The misconception that they are very alike can result into faultily treating one for the other.

The herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) is the culprit when oral herpes, also named as cold sores, breakout. Its easily noticeable signs are found in the face while suffering fever, the reason why people sometimes call it as fever blisters. Once afflicted, you can easily transmit the virus to someone with oral sex. You can still be at risk though even if you refrain from sex. It should comfort you to know that most people have had it or will have it.

Cold sores can be transmitted easily and unknowingly since it does not have visible indications sometimes. The viral spread can be avoided or diminished if the infected person abstains from sexual activities for period of time or from non-sexual close contacts. Parents who have caught it may need to keep distance from their kids, especially the younger and frailer ones.

While cold sores can be spread through non-sexual contacts, genital herpes is a very common sexually transmitted infection. The herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), another herpes strain, is its main culprit. You might have one if you experience itchy and tingling sensations in the genital area. If you perform oral, vaginal, or anal sex, then you could easily spread the virus to your partner. With the indications barely felt or seen sometimes, you may still be passing the virus to your sexual partner unwittingly.

A genital herpes outbreak can easily occur if the body is weak because of another ailment, fatigue, or even stress. For prevention, one only has to make sure that his bodys immune systems are functioning well. This involves taking in proper diet, enough rest, and vitamin supplements. However, if the outbreak does happen, avoiding sexual contacts with anyone can greatly prevent the spread of the disease.

People have wrongly thought that only those who are very sexually liberated commonly suffer herpes. Certainly, though, herpes is not limited to the sexually active. Anyone can get it. It is just that right measures should be taken to avoid a rifer contagion. Isn't it good to know more about cold sores? - 17269

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Summary of Research on Maitake Extract

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Known for its high content of beta-glucans [71, 72], powerful immune-stimulating polysaccharides, the gourmet mushroom Maitake is one of the most commonly used medicinal mushrooms in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Maitake is the Japanese name for the mushroom species Grifola frondosa. American mushroom hunters know it as Hen-of-the-woods. Common in eastern Canada and the United States down to the Mid-Atlantic States, Hen-of-the-woods is one of the most easily recognizable wild gourmet mushrooms.

Research has found Maitake extract to increase tumor necrosis factor [73, 74, 75] and demonstrate other anti-tumor properties. [76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81] Specific focus in these studies has been given to breast, prostate, lung, liver and colorectal cancer. [82] In fact, a Phase II study of Maitake on breast and prostate cancer was approved by the FDA. [83]

The immune enhancing properties of Maitake extract have been under intense scrutiny by the scientific community. [84, 85, 86, 87] Its anti-viral properties have been of particular interest, since viruses are especially difficult to combat. [88] Research on Maitake extract as an adjunct in the treatment of HIV is ongoing. [89]

Of further interest is the well demonstrated blood sugar lowering effect of Maitake extract. One study on insulin-resistance found blood glucose drops of 25% average. [90, 91, 92]

Apart from research conducted specifically on Maitake extract, there's also a sea of research done on the active compounds themselves, most importantly the beta-glucans. For example, there is a patent application on "Methods of using beta glucan as a radio-protective agent." More specifically, the patent "relates to methods for treating and preventing radiation and/or chemotherapy related injury and/or afflictions, such as myelosuppression and decreased macrophage activity," [93] which is probably why NASA gives beta glucans to astronauts, for the prevention of radiation poisoning and the degradation of the immune system.

Many other effects of Maitake extract have been researched with promising results, including: blood pressure regulation, respiratory conditions, stress and nerve tonic, anti-bacterial and anti-Candida. [25]

In his book "Mycelium Running," medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets also lists Maitake extract to have a beneficial effect on leukemia, according to research. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17269

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How Long Should You Take the Atkins Diet?

By Jesse Regan

The alarming number of obesity cases in many parts of the world enabled nutritionists to create diet plans which should result to weight loss. Diet plans became well known because of famous celebrities who permitted the media to publicize their fitness plans which encourage their admirers to follow their example by following some diet plans too. Hence, media outlets usually feature news or write ups about the weight reduction effect of diet programs. But, no matter how effective these weight loss programs are, there are certain considerations which should be known when following any diet plan.

One of the most popular diet programs is Atkins Diet which has some considerations when it is strictly followed. One of these considerations is for how long it should be followed. This has bewildered some dieters, so read on to find out the real and clear answer.

According to the author of Atkins diet, permanent weight control is the ultimate aim of Atkins diet. The suggested meal plans are meant to control the amount of carbohydrates in the body so that fats can be used as source of energy. In the starting phase which is called induction phase, foods with almost no carbohydrate content are eaten by dieters to quickly reduce weight. After losing too much weight, healthy carbohydrates that come from vegetables are included in the meal plan of dieters.

But the question how long should a dieter stay on a diet? remains unanswered. The answer actually lies on the goals set by every dieter. In short, every dieter can only stay on diet unless he has achieved his desired body weight. But achieving the desired weight loss can be affected by several factors. These factors are metabolism rate, age, gender, and overall fitness of dieters. As studies revealed, the metabolism rate of any person gets slower as he gets old. Hence, a woman dieter who is in menopausal stage can have a hard time shedding off fats because she has lower carbohydrate threshold or slow metabolism rate. Moreover, a dieter who began to take a diet when his body weight amounts up to hundreds of pounds has greater period of time before he can achieve his desired body weight compared with another Atkins dieter who have lower body mass.

Having the desired body weight is not the ultimate aim of Atkins diet. After losing weight, dieters should still be watched the foods they eat to ensure that they only eat the right foods needed by their bodies. Moreover, they should also work out regularly in order to increase their metabolism rates even if they are approaching old age already.

Despite the negative criticisms attributed by some nutritionists to Atkins diet, the benefit of this diet can hardly be ignored because it is its edge over other diet plans. Atkins diet does not only make dieters fit, but it also makes dieters to become accountable for their physical fitness. You should take note of these details about weight lifting diet . - 17269

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Learn about the Real Cause of Autism?

By George Alarcon

Autism is a spectrum disorder which means that there are varying degrees of autism. One person can be mildly affected and may be able to function in society while another individual may be profoundly affected to such a degree that there is no hope of independent living. With such varying degrees of this disorder, one might expect that there are several underlying causes which increase the chance and severity of autism.

The causes of autism have not been determined. Physicians will use symptoms noted by parents, family medical history, standardized tests and clinical observations to diagnose autism. A few of the tests used to diagnose autism include the Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test -2, CHAT (Checklist for Autism in Toddlers), M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers) and ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale, CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale). When a certain number of characteristics listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) are present, a physician will have more evidence of autism.

The presence of Thimerosal in vaccinations, particularly in the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine, has long been thought to cause some cases of autism. The preservative has been removed from the vaccine due to this belief but many parents remain unconvinced that the vaccine is safe. Parents have the right to choose not to vaccinate their children--if they feel their children may suffer a serious health risk. Other parents argue that autism may be caused by the overload on the immune system by the current vaccine schedule. Many children with autism suffer from asthma, other respiratory ailments and impaired immune systems. It is now hypothesized that exposure to a virus either as a fetus or as an infant might also cause the damage to the immune system which results in autism; of course, this is only a mere theory which tries to search at the core cause of autism.

The diet of the pregnant mother might also contribute to autism. Studies have suggested that retinoids, retinoic acid or too much Vitamin A could increase the chance of a fetus developing autism. It is also believed that environmental toxins or pollutants may contribute to the development of autism although no definitive link has yet been found. An increase in regional cases suggests an environmental trigger and much is being done to study this possibility. Of course, this also is only a mere theory at this time.

Autism can be treated by common means and by more unconventional methods, such as chelation. Extreme care should be taken when using any unconventional method that is not approved by a doctor. Counseling for the family will create coping skills in dealing with symptoms of autism in children which would indeed help everyone involved in the long run. Thankfully, today there are many health centers that offer very practical programs on how to cope with autism in a number of different levels. If you are having trouble coping with autism, be sure to check around for a health center close by that may offer a program on coping with autism. - 17269

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Thai Mangosteen Fruit

By Ronald Quinn

Mangosteen juice is not only popular for its wonderful taste but also for its rejuvenating properties. When bought commercially, it is fairly expensive because a mangosteen tree takes up to 12 years to yield fruit. The juice is rich in vitamins B and C as well as phosphorus, iron and calcium. Studies have revealed that people who take mangosteen juice on a regular basis generally enjoy holistic health. Its beneficial effects are said to be noticeable in as little as 4 weeks of continued use.

Mangosteen is rich in the group of antioxidants known as xanthones and may therefore have an anti-aging effect too. It is an accepted medical fact that the ingestion of antioxidants promotes overall metabolic resistance to disease by boosting the absorption of vitamins. Eating fruits has always been the key to a healthy diet: add exercise to it and your body will reward you with tremendous energy. While some of us love our fruits, some can hardly swallow a handful a week. Eating smart helps a great deal in promoting good health. Try and learn a tiny bit about your daily food, and thus you will be able to eat right even if you dont consume the exact quantity required daily.

The Thai Mangosteen tree requires warm temperatures and abundant rains to grow. Its growth is slow, and it reaches its peak in about 10 years but by then it is producing huge quantities of Mangosteen fruit annually. The health benefits from Mangosteen juice is quickly absorbed by the body rather than eating fresh or dried. The most important health benefit from Mangosteen juice probably is the rich content of antioxidants within in each fruit.

Drink Mangosteen juice for good health. These health benefits can include such things as ones daily doze of vitamins and minerals, because Mangosteen contains vitamins such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, calcium, potassium, iron and fiber. While the health benefits from Mangosteen juice are vast, it should not be taken instead of required medicines, as it only complements our immune system by helping it fight infection and other such diseases.

Preparing our body with natural ingredients found in nature without any preservatives or additives is the only way to ensure a long, healthy and happy life. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as often as possible to maintain yourself in great health and spirits.

The mangosteen fruit is considered safe and also helps protect the entire gastrointestinal system, unlike many drugs which are not safe. The body requires antioxidants because of the damage done to the cells by free radicals, which can trigger the initial phases of certain illnesses. Dirty air, smoke, stress, over exercise, and environmental pollutants are the cause of free radicals getting into the body. These free radicals are neutralized by antioxidants, helping to stop disease from occurring and promote wellness.

The power of antioxidants neutralize free radicals, can be measured, and this is called the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value. More free radicals will be neutralized, as the value of ORAC in your blood is higher. If an antioxidant supplement has an ORAC value of more than 90,000, it is claimed by experts to be effective. If you want to receive the full benefits of the nutrients in the mangosteen, it is best to check for independent laboratory tests performed on a particular mangosteen juice product.

Research has found that Mangosteen juice using cold processing when being prepared is of much higher quality. This is because it's been found that some nutrients in the Mangosteen fruit die at the time they are cooked. Cooking the juice (pasteurization) can render some preservatives more harmful, and also make the juice acidic. Its best to select a Mangosteen juice which uses cold processing when being prepared since it is of higher quality. A liquid formula is more bioavailable (body ready) so that the cells in the body can absorb it more readily. The phytonutrients and xanthones are within the Mangosteen whole fruit, which includes the pericarp and the pulp, and they work synergistically. Powders and pills cannot include the mangosteen whole fruit, so these may not provide the health benefits that a liquid product provides.

We have identified important points to consider when looking at the different brands of Mangosteen juices, independent testing, amount of xanthones, amount of phytonutrients, the ORAC value, the other nutrients in the product, the way the product is processed and whether it is a liquid product or not. For a fair comparison of quality, potency and price, have a look at how many bottles of a less expensive product you would need to give you the same amount of nutrients as a more expensive product has. What you think is a 'cheaper' product may be a lot more expensive when you do the Mangosteen juice product comparison carefully. - 17269

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