Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Add Weight Training To Your Health And Fitness Regime

By Jose Bautista

There are many important parts to maintaining proper health and fitness. But one area is frequently neglected in women and that is weight training or some type of weight bearing exercises. Over 70% of all women do not do any weight resistance training. Weight training can help you lose weight faster and keep your bones stronger and body more flexible, stronger and mobile.

Most individuals focus completely on cardio workouts to lose weight. However it is possible to burn more calories by doing weight training. This is possible because your body keeps burning calories 24 hours after the workout.

The muscles you are strengthening are also very important for your metabolism. If you have more muscle then you have a greater ability to burn more fat. Even when you are sitting down your muscles are using up calories. So if you can replace 10 pounds of fat with muscle you will burn more calories each day by doing nothing.

Additionally muscles can help to increase your metabolism because with an increase in muscle you also can increase the amount of fat you burn. Muscle needs energy to work so just by having more muscle you are automatically burning more calories as you move during the day. The best thing to do is replace your fat with muscle and you will burn more calories, be more toned and feel great.

However if you also incorporate weight training into your exercise this will change so that you will lose only fat as you are maintaining your muscle mass. Weight lifting is also better at getting rid of those nasty pounds around your abdomen.

When tracking your success you need to measure yourself regularly and not just rely on your scale. Muscle is heavier then fat so if you are weight training you are putting on muscle while you are losing fat. Therefore your scale may not be registering a change but you may be dropping in clothing sizes. So keep track of a few measurements to help track your success. - 17269

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6 Week Body Makeover - Body Type C Meal Plan

By Rico Kidd

So you've taken the 6 Week Body Makeover Blue Print and have concluded that you are a Body Type C. The next step is deciding what type of meals you are going to eat based on your body type. The good thing about the body makeover is that there are an unlimited amount of food choices and meal plans to choose from. This way, you won't get bored with the plan and will get to eat foods that you like. Remember, this is just a sample of what you can eat, but the meal is totally customizable.

C people are allowed to eat more carbohydrates like white rice and pastas because their bodies have an easier time burning calories than other body types due to their lean muscle mass. However, people with body type c should moderate their red meat consumption as they will gain weight and bulk up.

All of the sample meals were planned using the Infinite Meal Planner (IMP). All of these meals and many more can be planned out using the IMP. The food listed below is a typical meal plan, which includes breakfast, morning snack, lunch, dinner and a night snack.

Breakfast - 1 cup of egg whites with a slice of wheat bread and cup of cantaloupe. Mid-morning snack is 4 oz. of ground chicken patties and cup of orange slices. You will eat grilled blackened grilled halibut, a a sweet yam and 1 cup of broccoli florets.

Mid afternoon snack will consist of 3 oz. of chicken breast and cup of mashed potatoes. Dinner will be 3 oz. of New York steak and 1 cup of brown rice. The late night snack will be a cup of sliced strawberries. - 17269

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Caution: 5 Reasons Why Arm Flab And High Protein Dieting Don't Mix

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

We used to only eat what could be taken from nature. Back then, arm flab was probably not on most women's radar.

Then came along the food industry and the marketing of magic-bullet diets.

Once there was money to be made selling food, all hell broke loose. From this point on, the media waves would be flooded with massive amounts of confusing and contradictory information.

Perhaps one of the most influential fad diets of all time has been the high protein diet. Why? Because it produces the fastest short-term weight loss of any other type of diet.

Nevertheless, consider the following 5 arm flab pitfalls of high protein diets before buying all those steaks:

1. Energy lulls: Your brain will be foggy. Your body will want to sleep all the time. Why? Because without carbs, your body's ability to produce energy will be slowed by a factor of 3.

2. An inability to exercise hard: Without carbohydrates, exercise will be extremely painful and your ability to recover will virtually vanish. Your body needs carbs to efficiently produce its energy currency, ATP.

3. Insulin issues: Very high protein intakes can mess up a normal insulin balance. Carbohydrates aren't the only insulin-changing macronutrients.

4. No more arm definition: Your arm muscles hold a lot of water (not to be confused with subcutaneous water). Once you restrict carbohydrates the water will flush out and they will look deflated.

5. The biggest arm fat rebound: As demonstrated by Christopher Gardner PhD at Stanford University, high protein diets produce the fastest and biggest weight gain rebound of any other diet. So think twice about high protein and arm flab

I understand that high protein diets are very attractive because they produce almost instant losses in weight. But please consider all the negatives that come with such drastic changes. And don't forget that you could potentially gain back all the arm flab you lost in a very short amount of time. Thus, I do NOT recommend high protein diets for women wishing to get sexy and lean arms once and for all. - 17269

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How to Build Pecs Workout

By Frank Hommes

Beginners at weight lifting might feel like they are missing something when they are trying to learn how to build their pecs. They do all of the same exercises they see other people doing and still have trouble getting their pecs built up. This is because not everything is about the exercise itself.

1. The first tip is to eat the correct types of food, because this is just as vital as doing the proper exercises. The reason for this, is that muscle can't be built without certain types of nutrients. Muscle is composed of protein and in order to build up the muscle properly, you should be eating food with a lot of protein. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates can also help, because they give the body extra energy during the workout.

Overall health is a big part of how to build pecs so having a well balanced diet will be useful. Along with eating a lot of protein a person should be eating many fruits and vegetables. The body will be able to focus on building new muscle as long as it is healthy.

2. The second secret is stretching. A person trying to build their pecs should do stretches that get the upper chest ready to do some hard work. One can do something as simple as mimicking the motion of a push-up while standing can stretch out the pectoral muscles.

People should avoid overworking their pecs for the same reason they should stretch. Too much activity on the pectoral muscles can strain the muscles causing them damage as opposed to making them stronger. It could also lead to overly pronounced pecs which some people call "man boobs."

3. You need to do the correct types of exercises if you want to build your pectorals. Exercises like push-ups effectively work the pecs and can be done without a gym. If you have access to a weight lifting bench, you can do bench presses as well. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Programs, Training Your Triceps

By Ricardo d Argence

To get larger arms as quickly as possible, it is important to focus on the basics. By that I mean you will get the best outcome on your investment with the lifts. Some 90% of the people in the gym do non-productive movements which are time wasters. Don't do it.

Now let us discuss the 3 muscles connecting your elbow and shoulder, that however work opposite the forearm and biceps, called your triceps. Here I will describe how to train your triceps.

For the person just starting out, dips are one of the best exercise choices. These exercises are great not only for your triceps, but also for the pectorals in your chest and the deltoids in your shoulders. In order to place the stress on your triceps there are a few tips you need to know. First of all, dipping should be performed between two bars parallel to each other. The best starting position is like you are standing up with two bars in your hands.

Grip the bars tightly at all times so you don't slip. Now to begin the movement you need to lower your body toward the ground, keeping your elbows close to your sides, and keeping your body as straight up and down as possible. If you lean forward it puts a lot of stress on your chest and shoulders, which isn't a bad thing, but save it for chest day.

I suggest not locking out at the top. If you lock out by straightening your arms, you will take the stress off your triceps. If you cannot do dips with you body weight, use an assisted dip machine, which uses counter-weights to offset your body weight. If your gym doesn't have one, get a spotter to push up on your feet to help you out. As a beginner, you should strive for doing 3 sets of 10 reps on your own.

Another compound movement that can be used to get in shape, and is like dips is a close grip bench press. The movement is similar to regular bench press. The bar needs to be gripped 8 to 12 inches apart. Grip where you feel comfortable, paying close attention to how your wrists feel. It is better to begin with about 12 inch spacing and slowly make it closer as your comfort level increases, since a closer grip increases stress on your wrists.

Keeping your elbows in close at your sides, lower the bar to just below nipple level. You don't need to extend your arms all the way out either. You should stop just short of full lockout. This is an excellent exercise for adding mass in your triceps.

The above program is only part of an overall fitness plan, you can visit my site if you want to know more about it. - 17269

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A Pet Bird's Health

By Emmanuel J. Hood

Many people don't understand their birds as well as they do cats and dogs, and that can lead to real problems. From respiratory infections to excessive molting, there are a lot of health concerns that can be avoided with proper care - including correct nutrition and regular veterinary visits. To find out more about how to keep your pet bird in top condition, read on.

The first thing that you need to understand is that all birds are slightly different. You can't treat a dog, cat, hamster, gerbil, or mouse in the same way that you would treat a bird and vice versa. Birds have different dietary requirements, and you need to make sure that you learn everything that a bird could need, as well as the specific requirements of your particular bird.

You should also be aware that many pet products on the market are not only not what's best for pet birds, but actively harmful. There's little regulation in this area, so it's legal for companies to produce and sell cages, toys, food, and medication that could be bad for your pet bird's health. The good news is that not every product is like this, and if you take a little time to find out how to care for your bird correctly, you can quickly rule out products that could cause harm.

Diet is very important for your bird. You need to ensure that the diet you feed your bird has the proper nutrients, and that's actually pretty simple for the most part. It's simple because there are great pellet packs out there that already have the right nutrients in them. Sometimes such seed packets are actually lacking, and you'll need to add supplements yourself. Not every pack is like that, but you still need to be wary of ones that might be.

Bad diet will make the bird vulnerable to infections, and even excessive growth of certain body parts such as it's beat and nails. It may also end up losing feathers, and as you're going to find out birds are extremely delicate. They may not look sick until the problem is progressed very far, and that's why you need to have regular checkups and good veterinarian that can help you with these problems as they arise.

A change in your bird's attitude as well as fluid discharge in odd places such as nostrils or beak, will probably indicate that the bird is ill, or may even have a diet issue. If you find that your bird is sick, then know that the other birds in the cage will probably begin to bully it. This is something that you want to take care of immediately because it could result in death unless you take action.

You need to pay attention and listen to the vet, even if it means a change in the way that you have always taken care of your beloved bird. You might have gotten the wrong cage, or set the environment up improperly. It could all be completely wrong and if you won't correct the problem then your bird may never get better. If you really love your pet bird, you'll do whatever is necessary to make sure that your bird is in top health.

Being observant and willing to learn are the things that are most important if you have a pet bird. Once you take the time to find out the best way to keep your pet, you'll have a much easier time keeping him or her in good health. - 17269

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Using Less Salt In Water Softeners

By Michelle Hacken

In Utah the most common water softening system is the ion exchange, salt-based system. Though this system consistently softens water, it requires a lot of maintenance to keep it working properly due to the amount of salt it adds to the water.

Some Utah water softener companies have found ways to improve this type of system and now get by with using less than 75% of the past salt required. With less salt being used the water is also safe for drinking and for use in the garden. Far fewer hair and skin care products will be necessary and less salt also means the life of appliances and plumbing will be lengthened.

The improved softeners work when salt is used as a positively charged ion within an exchange medium. As the free sodium ions are released into the water, the exchange medium is coated with calcium and magnesium. This process removes the calcium and magnesium from the water.

After a while the medium is coated with the bad particles and needs to be recharged by back flushing with a brine solution which replaces the calcium and magnesium with the salt ions. Utah water softener companies have improved this process with many refinements, so less salt is used. The cycling is also no longer an everyday event, so you have soft water 24 hours a day now.

If you are thinking about getting a water softening system you should talk to a local Utah water softening representative and have you home water tested. Most will offer a free water analysis and then make suggestions on which system might be appropriate for you.

Water softeners come in a variety of sizes with different function capabilities. You have the option to install a system that will work throughout your entire home or if you prefer, work for a single sink. In order to make an education decision, gather as much information as you can before you make your purchase.

The four types of water softener systems available are: 1) The salt-free system with nanotechnology that uses microscopic bonds in its process to first remove and then keep scale from forming and attaching to your pipes and water heaters. It causes calcium carbonate to dissolve and be washed away by the water flow. It is environmentally friendly and uses no chemicals or electricity. 2) The salt based ion exchange method that is outlined above.

Other methods are: 3) the reverse osmosis (ultra fine filtration) method. It involves ultra fine filters under pressure that force water molecules through, but keep contaminates behind to be swept down the drain. It strips water of its essential minerals but the filters can be expensive. 4) The magnetic water softener uses magnets to make carbonate salts precipitate into small particles rather than scale. This is not proven to be effective. Utah water softener providers can better explain all the possibilities in detail and help you decide. - 17269

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Heartburn Goes Away With An Acid Reflux Diet

By Roseanne McGee

As you get older, you will find that your body will go through a ton of changes. Now these are nothing to worry about. Yes you will put on a few extra pounds, but what is worse is that you will start getting heartburn. It is something that most adults suffer from, and it is something that can be remedied with a good acid reflux diet. Now, there is a cure for the excess fat too, it is called a good workout regime, be sure to work out daily to keep acid down too.

When you are looking for a good acid reflux diet you want to make sure that you do not eat anything that will give you acid. Now, in order to do this you will need to know what acid is. The first thing you can do is stop eating garlic. It gives you bad breath, and is the number one cause of acid.

Ok, so that is one food that causes heartburn out of your diet. There are a few others, but as said before, you will need to know how heartburn works to go forward. Heartburn is the imbalance of PH in your system. It means that you have a higher acid level; this makes the acid in your stomach play up.

Because of this, you will start passing more gas (through your mouth) and you will feel the burn in your throat as some of the acid comes with it. Now, you know why it always works to drink a glass of milk when you have heartburn. It is a thing that you have to remedy, because you do not want to be stuck eating heartburn tablets forever.

Now, the best way to do this is to change your diet. Different foods affect different people differently. This is why you want to keep a log of what you eat and when you eat it.

Once your daily log is made, you can see when you had heartburn and what you ate when you got it. This way you will know which foods give you heartburn and which don't. - 17269

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The Importance Of Trace Minerals In Your Body.

By Neil Butterfield

As the name implies, trace minerals are minerals required in very small quantities each day. Don't underestimate the importance just because you don't need a lot of them. You cannot continue to be healthy without them.

If you're taking a compound or chelated (pill form) trace mineral supplement you may be getting less than 20% of what it says on the bottle. That's because your body is unable to process pills any more than that. However, liquid trace mineral supplements are water-soluble which means you will get almost 100% of what it says on the bottle. That's because water-soluble supplements are so easily absorbed.

Below are some of the trace minerals and what they do.

Selenium " This mineral protects your body from disease and works to keep you healthy. It will control free radical cell damage and it strengthens your immune system. It also prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots in your body. You can find selenium in fish, grains, and some nuts.

Chromium - is found in grape and orange juice, whole grains and broccoli. It's also another miracle mineral that will lower or prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, and hypoglycemia. That's because it helps break down carbohydrates fat, protein and sugars.

Zinc - is in oysters, whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, dairy products, and nuts. Although most famous for its ability to fight off the common cold, sore throats and other infections, this mineral also helps with healing and infectious diarrhea. Two types of people most at risk for a zinc deficiency are breast-feeding mothers and alcoholics. These two types are at usually at least 50% deficient.

Copper - you wouldn't know it if you looked at a penny, but copper is very important for healthy bone growth, carrying oxygen and nervous system functions, as well as the production of healthy skin color and collagen (good for flawless skin). Sources of Copper are whole grains, cherries, oysters, leafy green vegetables, dark chocolate, nuts, fruits, and poultry.

Boron -is in prunes, tomatoes, pears, raisins and apples, Boron could also be called the great regulator because of its ability to regulate calcium, magnesium and phosphorus as well as gender specific hormones so they work to their full potential. It even keeps the brain and memory healthy and prevents arthritis.

Sulfur " This mineral ensures the oxygen that is necessary for brain function is provided, as well as controlling bacterial infections. Sulfur is necessary for healthy skin, nails, and hair. It is also needed for stable energy levels and it is the building block to amino acids that are very important. Sulfur can be found in fish, eggs, onions, garlic, and cabbage.

Trace minerals are essential to your body allowing it to remain healthy, vibrant, energized, and more youthful. Lack of the appropriate trace minerals can lead to illness. Take liquid trace minerals and relax knowing that you have done the right thing to enhance overall health. - 17269

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What Body Builders Understand About Muscle

By Dr. Dorothy Nevelestein

Whey protein isolate and whey protein powder concentrate is an examination very frequently sought. This question without a doubt is one that has crossed the minds of a lot of hopeful weight lifters when glancing at the shelves of an assortment of kinds of whey protein powder on hand in the health food supermarket.

Which one is right for you; concentrate or isolate?

The most imperative differentiation amid the two is that Isolate is processed at deeper levels so that the fat and lactose are removed. This more involved system provides a higher quality of protein. The fact is that over 90% of whey protein powder isolate is protein calculated by weight.

This is important as lesser levels of fat are a help for the regular daily diet of bodybuilders and when whey is used for the purpose of getting rid of excess weight.

Decreased lactose levels are also a positive for individuals who are lactose intolerant and can also diminish the chance of that bloated feeling that can go along with some protein supplements. There are some side effects to using whey protein isolate nonetheless.

Since it is high in protein ratio, isolate powder requires you to pay a higher retail price. The filtering procedure isolate goes through is significantly more intensive to remove the components that are known as alpha lactoglobulins and lactoferrins which is significant immune boosters.

Whey concentrate has smaller protein available ad this can range from anywhere between 29% all the way up to 89% in some brands. Concentrate is higher in levels of lactose so anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance should to be very cautious.

Concentrate does have an advantage because it cost less so this can be a better alternative depending on what your financial plan is. Whey concentrate protein powder also is small in levels of cholesterol, which is another positive to consider for your diet.

On the whole, dietary and medical circumstances call for action to be taken into consideration when choosing the type of whey protein powder you choose.

Isolate may have the minor edge in terms of biological value (BV) and will provide you with more worth for the money if you are requiring a higher dosage per serving of protein. - 17269

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