Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, February 13, 2009

Most Noticeable Diabetes Symptoms

By Deniss Durrell

It has become the epidemic of our time. Diabetes is a disease that is affecting more and more people on a daily basis.

It is a disease that can be monitored and handled, but you have to know that you have diabetes to handle it properly. There are several diabetes symptoms that will help you know that you might be suffering from the disease.

One of the most common diabetes symptoms is that you will make many trips to the bathroom . If your glucose stages are too high in your blood at that moment you will need to urinate more often than normal .

Another symptom of diabetes is a constant thirst. If you cannot seem to ever quench your thirst then that might be due to the fact your body is trying to pull excess water from your blood stream.

Losing weight without any effort can also be part of diabetes symptoms. This is an especially large indicator when it comes to Type 1 diabetes. Additionally, excessive fatigue can take its toll on your system when it emerges as one of the diabetes symptoms. This happens again when the glucose levels in your body are off kilter.

The last of the very recognizable diabetes symptoms is a feeling of numbness in your extremities. This can occur after a bit of time, and it can come on slowly so you will want to be sure to pay attention to it if it arises in your system.

There are other diabetes symptoms that can emerge so you will want to be on the lookout for. If you start to experience blurred vision, frequent infections, or even dry skin you might want to go to your physician's office to get checked for diabetes. - 17269

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Easy Shrimp Recipes - Become an Expert in Shrimp Dishes!

By Doug Schlette

Shrimps were once thought of as a dish reserved for special occasions only but now it is one of the most commonly cooked foods in homes. Not only does it taste delicious and is easy to prepare but a 3-ounce contains less than 85 calories. Also, it contains fewer amounts of fat and lots of proteins. Although shrimps have high dietary cholesterol, it doesnt increase your blood cholesterol instead deep-frying in butter or batter is the culprit.

You can easily find easy shrimp recipes if you are planning to make a shrimp containing dish. These recipes help you preparing tasty and healthy shrimps easily. Getting the right shrimps is the basic requirement if you want to prepare perfect shrimp dish. There are a number of varieties of shrimps available in the market. Of these white, brown and pink are the most popular types. Other types are rock, jumbo and tiger shrimps.

Shrimps are purchased on number per pound basis. It is recommended that 1/3 pound per person. The more number of shrimps per pound the smaller their size is. You should buy frozen shrimps and then defrost them in the refrigerator at your home. Also, when you are planning to prepare shrimp dish using easy shrimp recipe make sure to thaw the shrimps before using.

Getting your hands on easy shrimp recipes is not difficult nowadays. You can easily prepare a delicious and tasty shrimp dish with the help of them. These recipes are easy to follow and especially are helpful for those who dont have the high cooking skills. You can prepare shrimps by cooking partially, boiling or cooking shrimps with other items depending on the method mentioned in the recipe.

Following some helpful tips while following the directions given in an easy shrimp recipe ensures that your final outcome is delicious and perfect. Here are some useful tips for you: a. During preparation dont let the shrimps ever over cook or else your shrimp will dry-up and gives rubber feeling. b. When done, the shrimp will rise to the top of the boiling water and starts floating. c. You might come across shrimps that are smelly. If it gives strong ammonia odor then that means that the shrimp needs to be disposed off but if gives off a small bit of smell then rub it simply with baking soda and let it stay in refrigerator for ten minutes. After this wash off the soda thoroughly. d. Peeling shrimp off is easier when raw than cooked.

You can easily find a number of easy shrimp recipes one of which is given below.

The ingredients required for this easy shrimp recipe Marinated shrimp with lemon and garlic are: a. Garlic(minced)- 3 tbsp b. Olive oil-2tbsp c. Lemon juice- cup d. Parsley (fresh, minced)- cup e. Kosher salt- tsp f. Pepper- tsp g. Cooked shrimps- 1- pounds

To prepare this, place together garlic and oil in skillet and let it cook over medium heat till it is fragrant. Now add parsley, salt, lemon juice and pepper. Add shrimp to it and toss it in a large bowl. Let it chill until ready to serve. - 17269

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Safe Bodybuilding Tips For Every Trainee

By Colin Zane

Many bodybuilders love to live by the motto that there is no gain without any pain. The reality cannot be further from the truth. Our bodies always use pain as an indicator to tell us that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. As someone who wishes to become fitter and stronger through weights training, pain can only be embraced as an instrument in avoiding injuries and long term damage to our bodies.

If you want to get the best results from bodybuilding, pain is wrong and safety is right. Apart from sticking to safer workouts and sound training methods, there are also a few important details to take note of in order to have a lifelong ability to bodybuild. They are:

1. Use free weight exercises as they are the only true safe movements that your body was made for. Exercises done using machines are mostly dangerous in a subversive way and it does not help that most mainstream exercise literature promote them. Machines force your body to move in unnatural motion planes that lead to injuries, while free weights force your body to adapt to pressure using movements that it is familiar with.

2. The exercises that you should do must make use of as many muscle groups as possible. These will include movements such as deadlifts, bench presses, shoulder presses and squats. They are difficult to perform at the start, but practice the techniques using little or no weight until you have mastered them, before moving on to adding weight. You will develop a well balanced physique that will help avoid injuries in the long run.

3. While the majority of your workouts should comprise major exercises, be sure to include a few minor ones like hamstring curls. There is a place for them as the major movements do not hit all of the muscles in a body. Forgetting them might lead to overcompensation by other muscle groups.

4. Ensure that your body gets sufficient rest in between workouts. This must be done in tandem by having a sensible number of workouts per week, instead of training everyday. Having proper rest and nutrition is crucial to maximizing returns from bodybuilding, instead of doing too much.

5. Never go into a workout set with cold muscles. Perform a few warm up sets to get blood flowing to the muscles and keep them warm. This will also help your mind and body get in focus for the proper sets when the heavier weights are in place. Again, all this is done to avoid injuries that might result from ill preparation and a lack of concentration.

If you follow the safety tips above, there will be less risk of experiencing pain and unsafe bodybuilding workouts. This in turn translates to better gains and results that not everyone else might enjoy. Thus, the right maxim should be "no pain, most gain", and safe bodybuilding will bring you the most benefits. - 17269

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Dyslexia and Fish Oil Supplements

By Michael Byrd

Dyslexia and fish oil supplements have a really intimate relationship.

While dyslexia is often considered to be a learning disability, many view it as a nutritional disorder. And although adding fish oil to a regular diet may not be called a "cure' for it, it surely will make a big difference.

Dyslexia and fish oil supplements can be properly managed during pregnancy and the nursing period. To make sure that you prevent further problems, it would be good if the baby gets adequate doses of omega 3 fatty acids from the mom.

Many studies have indicated that fish oil is an important factor in the development of a child's brain.

Generally, children born to mothers who consume lots of oily fish and take fish oil supplements are less likely to suffer from ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and many more developmental difficulties.

That is good news for mothers who are planning to have more children. But what if you already have a kid with dyslexia?

There is good news for you as well. Research has shown that omega 3 fish fatty acids offer great promise for dyslexic children and adults too.

It seems that most research published about dyslexia begins by noting a widely-accepted fact ? That developmental dyslexia is closely related to the deficiency in highly unsaturated fatty acids, which are the same fatty acids found in fish. This surely tells a lot about dyslexia and fish oil.

Research done at the Oxford University Laboratory of Physiology, and published in Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, indicates that "children with high fatty acid deficiency ratings showed poorer reading and lower general ability" than children without the deficiency.

The researchers also went on to add that the results of their study "support the conclusion that fatty acid deficiency may add to the severity of dyslexia" [Vol. 63:69-74]

Okay, so specifically what's there with fish oil supplements and dyslexia?

Here's wonderful news. Our buddies at the Laboratory of physiology have indicated through their research that dyslexia can be corrected, specifically through taking omega 3 fatty acid fish oil supplements.

These findings are fully supported by other studies too. S.M. Baker for instance, noted in the Journal of Learning Disabilities that kids with dyslexia have shown remarkable improvement with schoolwork after treatment with fatty acids.

And by B.J. Stordy, who wrote in Lancet, that there was a normalization of visual deficits found in dyslexic adults after taking omega 3 fatty acid supplements. [Vol. 346:385]

What makes this particularly of importance is that visual deficits are noted to be a major component of dyslexia.

I agree with this! However it's kind of funny why scientists keep saying that they need to do more studies on this subject. I presume it's because they'll lose their research grants if they finally reveal the answer. Therefore, they keep on leaving an option for more funding.

However, if you have a family member who has to deal with dyslexia, wait no further. Begin by increasing your kid's intake of omega 3 fish oil.

And based on research done, I'd say that someone suffering from dyslexia needs to make sure that they get 1 to 4 grams daily. - 17269

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The Difference In Organic Foods

By Ashley Walker

Organic foods incline to bring out the opposites in numerous discussions. Numerous people swear by anything organic and some people think it just a play by many food producers to jump on the healthy eating bandwagon and see it as another source of revenue. Whatever your attitude, there has to be some gain to choosing 'organic' produce over traditional produce.

There are many studies that can prove or disprove either position. What really makes the difference is just clear common sense. The benefits of organic foods are evident once you think about how they are produced.

What you as a consumer of food must do is base your choice on a few benefits that are obvious and not on too much science as either side of the argument can prove their case scientifically and point to countless studies to back up their claims. As with many new fads in food there will always be advocates and those who wish to discredit.

Food produced using today's mass production methods, even fruit and vegetables, will have a number of artificial elements involved in the production process. This includes the use of pesticides in and on foodstuffs and the introduction of additives such as preservatives and artificial colorings to foods.

So even if you don't believe that there are benefits to organic foods over conventional foods there are simple common sense benefits. These include a reduced intake of toxins, an increase of daily vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. This alone is a huge benefit consuming organic foodstuffs.

One matter to believe with this info is how the benefit of organic foods can indirectly or directly help the growth of a child. Children and older people can only benefit from eating foods that have a more natural and higher nutrient content. This is the strongest benefit of organic foods.

Turning to organic food can go hand in hand with an improved lifestyle. The argument that organic foods are dearer is mute because people eating a healthier diet will spend less money on junk food and should not see an increase in their grocery bills. The recent increase in popularity of organic foods has also seen the reduction in the cost of organic foods too.

Organic foods are therefore a simple way to improve health without effort. Also, it will reduce our intake of toxins in mass produced foods which can only be a good thing for us all and not just the young or old. Choosing organic food over conventional food is also a great way to reinforce a new healthier lifestyle. - 17269

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How to Design a Healthy Menopausal Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

We all have heard about the inevitability of death and taxes and yet there is one other inevitable event, for women anyway. Around the age of 40-50, females have a change taking place in their lives and bodies that is known as menopause. Hormones begin to shift and the levels change, which brings about some exciting and empowering events.

According to doctors, this is a natural phenomenon that happens as you leave child-bearing years behind and move into a bright new time of life. You will begin to experience power surges (hot flashes), great depth of feeling (mood swings) and your body takes on new curves (excess weight).

It may seem a bit unfair to have to deal with excess pounds on top of all of the other symptoms, but, it is true. One reason that menopause causes weight gain is that the estrogen levels start to decrease that this time.

Over a third of most women between the ages of 45 and 50 are shown to gain a minimum of 5 pounds, although the most reliable studies indicate that actual menopausal weight gain is between 10 and 15 pounds. Less than half of all women in the studies maintained their same weight throughout the menopausal years and this was only through extreme dieting and determination.

Since increased pounds can also raise the danger for several diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke and heart failure caused by increase in weight it is advisable that this be managed or avoided. You need to exercise to keep a healthy weight and females need to do both cadio and weights to maintain proper weight.

A woman who is going through menopause should eat a diet rich in nutrients and minerals. Pre-menopausal women need to focus on consuming more fruit and vegetable, lean meats, whole cereals and calcium rich foods.

Vitamins, minerals, and healthy foods are key ingredients to a healthy future and you will even be able to diminish many menopausal symptoms if you adjust your diet properly.

You shoul avoid: sugar, processed foods, alcohol, soy based products like tofu and caffeine.

It is easier to make it through menopause if you incorporate healthy foods and exercise into your lifestyle. The second half of your life can turn out to be the best years as you will be transforming yourself to a stronger, healthier, and an even more radiant person than before.

Foods and products for your Diet: Vitamins and supplements that include B-12, Vitamins A, D, C and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, fiber, phytoestrogens, and isoflavones; skim or fat-free milk; yogurt; leafy greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli; seafood, especially fish; fresh berries and other fruits.

By changing your lifestyle to incorporate a healthy diet and exercise, you can smile as those menopausal months come around. A lot of the uncomfortable symptoms can be lowered or gone as you go through a change in your lifestyle. If you exercise more and eat good natural foods, you can make the future your greatest and outgoing years of your life. - 17269

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How To Build Shoulder Muscle, Want The Perfect V Fast?

By Jack R Brown

Do you want an impressive muscular physique, the perfect V is what most body builders strive to achieve. How to build shoulder muscle and develop cannon ball delts. Keep reading to learn the perfect routine for perfect shoulder muscles, yes the perfect v is here for you.

If you were looking just to look good in clothes, you could get shoulder pads, but to look good with and without your clothes you need to build shoulder muscle.

The function of lifting and rotating the arms is achieved with the 3 headed muscle in the shoulder. This consists of the anterior (front), the medial region (middle) and the posterior region(rear) These heads can stimulated by using two different movements in the gym, an over head press and a raise.

The over head press is the most effective exercise to build shoulder muscle, this can be performed with both the barbell and the dumbbell, dumbbell are the most effective.

Press the dumbbells over your head, not locking the elbows return to shoulder level. Sitting on a bench with a vertical back support. One arm will not be able to cheat the other with dumbbells and they allow a more natural motion range.

Next, the basic side lateral raise, also preformed with dumbbells. Side laterals will shift the majority of the stress to the medial head of the shoulder. This will build greater shoulder width and helps contribute to the wide upper body look.

Stand with knees bent slightly, hold the dumbbells with palms facing inward. With a slight bend in the arms, raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level and back down to starting position.

For maximum size and strength, the basic over head press and side lateral raise is all you really need. The shoulders are stimulated with every single upper body exercise you perform. Working too hard on the shoulders will actually hinder their results. I do not recommend that you perform isolation exercise for the anterior and posterior heads.

The key for how to build shoulder muscle is Quality not quantity.

This is a sample routine to build shoulder muscle.

Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press " 2 sets of 5-7 reps. Standing, Dumbbell Side Laterals- 2 Sets of 10 Reps

I don't recommended to isolate muscles, but if you wish you can include, Standing Front Dumbbells Raise " 1 set of 12 Reps Seated Rear Lateral Dumbbell Raise " 1 set of 10-12 reps.

Not recommended to isolate muscles, but this can be achieved by Standing Front Dumbbells Raise " 1 set of 12 Reps Seated Rear Lateral Dumbbell Raise " 1 set of 10-12 reps.

Keeping a detailed records of each of your workouts, to build up number of reps and resistance, improving each week. - 17269

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The Antioxidant Battle: Goji Berries vs. Acai

By Naomi Leung-Singh

By now most of us know, we are what we eat. For many years people have been consuming foods that are known to help our bodies. This is a great natural way to stay healthy and fit. The more antioxidants in a food the better. Period. In this article I am going to cover 2 major players in the game. Goji and Acai.

Goji Vs. Acai. Goji berries are by far the most superior super-food I have ever eaten. I have tried dozens of different brands, and have found that you get what you pay for. Goji Berries should have verified lab reports on the (ORAC) value. Most companies do not offer this, but make sure you find a company that does this so you know you are getting what you pay for. Good Goji Berries may have up to 25,100 (ORAC) value. Acai on the other hand generally has about 5,500 (ORAC). Now how can the commercial you saw be telling you the truth? They are not! Goji is almost 4 times as powerful as Acai. This article will give you clarification, and guide you to make the right descision when buying Goji or Acai.

There seems to be a myth going around that Acai is the most potent and powerful Antioxidant in the world. THIS IS NOT THE CASE! T.V shows and radio stations have been flooded with false commercials about Acai. Acai generally has a (ORAC) score of 5,500. Now how can this be more powerful than a Goji Berry which may contain up to 25,100 (ORAC)? IT's NOT! This isn't even a close race folks! Blatent lies about the power of Acai are dissapointing consumers around the world. After being burned people are turning to Goji Berries, which are proven to be extremely high in Antioxidants.

So what are you waiting for? Stop being taken advantage of by these big companies with millions of advertising dollars. All the evidence you need is here, Goji Berries are better than Acai. No questions asked. I have bought numerous types of Goji Berries, and of course some are better than others. I always make sure my Goji Berries are USDA Certified Organic, and are indeed Goji Berries, not wolfberry. I have included some links to see where I buy my Goji Berries throughout the article. Check them out these are by far the best berries I have eaten! - 17269

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Wine Tasting for Beginners

By Ted Robertson

Most people who have never been to a wine tasting event don't know what to expect. If it is your first wine tasting holiday then you might want to know what to do and what to expect whenever you visit the Wine Country.

Its very important that you have your breakfast before you go on your wine tasting trip. Fats and carbohydrates should be included in your breakfast meal. Your blood sugar levels will be retained if you eat this kind of morning meal.

For the ladies, you must never ever wear lipstick whenever you taste wine. The oils or even the aroma from the lip rouge can make a significant difference to the taste of the wine so avoid wearing lip rouge just for that day.

The taste of the wine can also be effected by strong aftershave or perfume so avoid wearing these on the day.

While most vineries charge a 5 - 25 dollar wine sampling fee some give it away for free but you must be conscious that you may be charged. You can sometimes get a complimentary souvenir glass with the purchase of a bottle of wine so look out for these good deals.

You might want to put on sensible shoes when you attempt visiting wineries. You need to remember that wine makers are more or less farms and you should look forward to to do some walking around the grounds.

Wearing sensible clothes just like sensible walking shoes is a must when you visit the vineyard, remember you are going into a working place and not a restaurant. You may be going to a eating place after your wine tasting day then sure, bring a another change of clothes. It might be a good idea to bring another set of clothes if you are going out for a meal right after the wine sampling day.

If you really want to enjoy every last drop of vino when you visit Wine Country, then you might want to plan ahead and hire a guide. By doing so, you will be able to have an expert map out your itinerary and activities that will be able to help you save a lot of precious time and money. And, they will also save you that "driving under the influence" ticket that is very much possible whenever you visit Wine Country. - 17269

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