Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weight Loss Programs-2 Breakthrough Secrets!

By Peter Clayton

Fresh, innovative and revolutionary. These words describe a wonderful breakthrough weight loss program that allows you to shed countless pounds, and stay vigorous while adding years to your life!

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has blown the lid off the best kept secrets in weight loss ever discovered.

She boasts proudly --

"This is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first...but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results."

Toxic and harmful plaque, together with the parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, have definitively been linked to people who suffer from obesity. Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has been at the forefront of this ground-breaking research.

Over time, she discovered that foods holding preservatives, chemicals, pesticides, etc. produce damaging "plaque" that accumulates in all of us.

Dr. Suzanne also identified many specific species of "parasites" (i.e.--little worm-like, eyeless, fanged creatures) living inside 99.964% of everyone's intestines in the USA alone, and about 92.36% of people worldwide.

Stealing your nutrition, while laying millions of eggs, these parasites also produce a toxic, jelly-like sludge, smothering your insides. They die, then fossilize in your intestines. This forms a coral-like barrier which keeps you from absorbing proper nutrition.

Dr. Gudakunst created a series of natural remedies to be used in the removal of these life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing parasites, over a period of six years. Her findings verified a 100% success rate, even when applied to the worst-case patients suffering extreme obesity.

Then, borrowing from her research on the severely obese, she applied these same strategies to milder cases of overweight persons. She found the same effectiveness and quality of results as described above.

Close to 100% of Dr. Gudakunst's case subjects were advised by conventional medical practitioners not to expect to live normal lives. But, after using the Arizona doctor's natural remedies, these same test subjects saw total contradictions to their previous diagnoses.

Scattered throughout the world in the form of extracts, specific herbs and other organic ingredients, her complete treatment is founded upon a selection of different plants.

Dr. Gudakunst has been able to see fantastic results after formulating her breakthrough natural remedy using specifically chosen combinations in precise amounts.

Additional information is accessible in the author's bio below. - 17269

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Natural Bodybuilding Advice and Where To Get it!

By Dave Vower

Building those attractive muscles is not easy. If it was, all people you see will posses an Arnold Schwarzenegger look. Muscle building usually requires a lot of time and sweat, literally, just to gain those rock hard abs. Many even rely on drugs just to gain muscles a lot faster. This however is not a good practice for it poses some health hazards. That is why many people are asking for helpful advice from more experienced individuals so that they will be more successful in their workouts using the more natural way of packing on some pounds. The problem is how will you know that he or she is the best person to ask for advice? And is this advice accurate?

It is very important that you do your research when you are trying to build your muscles. You will have to find the best quality information that you can among all of the false and unreliable information that is out there. There are many books written on the topic that will be very helpful as well. Find out how some of your friends or acquaintances got results if you know someone who is into bodybuilding.

However, it is best to seek professional help if you find yourself stranded in your quest for information. The experts are the ones that really know best. Compare yourself with other people who are currently having workouts. Do you have a similar body type like they do? Your fitness regimen will only have a higher chance of success if it is based on facts and lived experiences. The best part is, if the success stories are grounded purely on natural body building methods.

Using a natural approach to your bodybuilding will require a lot of hard work, but you will feel a great sense of achievement when you reach your goals. It is also much less costly to use a natural approach to your bodybuilding.

To be more specific, the best natural body building advice that you can have is probably to eat healthy foods. Choose the foods that contain lots of natural components or ingredients. Yes, there are many protein sources, but select the ones that are low in fat like low-fat dairy products and skinless chicken. Fish, lean pork or beef are best if they are prepared or cooked in a manner that requires less or no oil. All in all, feeding your muscles with healthy foods ranging from proteins, the correct carbs, vitamins and minerals is a good practice.

Another natural body building advice is resting. What? Yes indeed, resting after workouts will allow your muscle to grow. You don't have to take this advice lightly. Coupled with proper food, your muscles will start rebuilding itself stronger and bigger only during rest periods.

There are many different approaches to a natural bodybuilding routine that you can use in your program. It is best if you use the healthiest possible way to get the muscles that you want. It will take hard work, but in the end you will be proud of your accomplishments. - 17269

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Strength Training Programs For Women

By Zul Rahman

As recent as 10 to 20 years ago it was not common for women to be in the gym and in the weight room doing weight training. Women were commonly associated with other exercises such as aerobic, walking and others.

Nevertheless today, women sit next to men doing exercises with weight in the gymnasium. Weight training aids women to build a nice curvy body muscle and also to burn down the excess body fat and to attain the comprehensive health and fitness for the total body.

Why do women attend weight training in order to accomplish the best health and fitness benefits? The possible answer is that weight training provides an effective and efficient way to speed up the metabolism and burn off the calories faster. Weight training work out too will assist to cut down additional calories when more body muscles grow and gain more mass.

Weight Training For Women

Weight training is a very competent way for women to burn up the fat. It becomes more powerful when combining with a low calorie diet consumption. The development of the new muscle will aid to burn more calories.

It is genuinely crucial to have a balance diet because the body could retaliate by storing more fat and shrink the muscle. This would defies the entire purpose of weight training.

Research shows that weight training not just help you to lose fat but help your heart to just like aerobic or other cardiovascular exercise.

Women's Weight Training

Anyone especially women who are serious about burning fat by weight training should have a workout training plan. Don't be deceived by an impression that weight training would add bulky muscles to your body and make you look like Lou Ferigno.

Rather than looking like Mr Universe, weight training for women makes a firm muscle fibre with less fat substance. As women are biologically configured to have less muscle mass than man, consequently weight training will contribute to the best natural lovely feminine curve in you.

Be cautious not to get on the weighing machine so quickly after you got involved with weight training. You might find that you do not lose weight compared to before. Your weight is still the same if not more. This is actually good news because muscle actually weight more than fat.

What this means is that you in reality lose some fat but grow more muscle. You likely cannot tell yet but after a while your body will show and you will discover that you could wear clothes and dresses that are a few sizes smaller.

Finally what really matters to you when becoming devoted to women's weight training is to get rid of that stubborn fat and shape up into a real you with the nice curvy feminine muscle. - 17269

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Do You Know The 6 Meals A Day Myth?

By Caleb Lee

Do you actually need to eat 6-8 small meals to keep your metabolism revved up so you shed fat all day and keep a stable stream of nutrients flowing to build strong, massive muscles?

If you've been around the fitness scene for any amount of time, or have read any diet books or articles, you would think the answer to this one is an easy yes " but the truth is

The 6-8 meals a day Advice Is A False Report!

The advice is based on studies made around the thermic effect of food (TEF). You see, every time you eat, your body uses approximately 10% of those calories (total) to supply strength just to digest the food...

When this was realized, people misunderstood the research by saying the more you eat (frequency) the more calories you'll burn all day but then again this was an error for the reason that the math doesn't work out.

* Six pint-sized meals of 300 calories (6-300) = 1800 calories total.

* Every meal you burn 10% of calories = 30 calories burned with each 300 cal meal

* Total cals burned by reason of TEF = 180

So compare that to a normal diet of 3 big meals:

* 3 Large Meals of 600 calories (3-600) = 1800 calories total.

* Each meal you burn 10% of calories = 60 calories burned with each 600 cal meal

* Total cals burned because of TEF = 180

So you see, if the calories are the same, it doesn't matter how you break them up " you're still burning the same amount of calories and affecting your metabolism the exact same way no matter how often you eat.

Will Eating More Often Lead To More Lean Muscle Gain?

The quick answer is not at all. Eating protein continuously in reality triggers your body not to produce it as much. Eating more total calories WILL result in building extra muscle but the meal frequency has not much to do with it.

More important for lean muscle gain is the timing of your meals, specifically the post workout meal needs to be high quality to make sure you're getting good nutrients into your body when it needs them the most.

Will Eating Fewer Meals Lead To Muscle Loss?

Several guys who lift weights accept as true (and I used to) that not eating 6-8 meals each day will put your body into a catabolic state. Which means since you're not eating lots of food and keeping the levels of amino acids in your blood above average your body will make use of your muscle tissue as fat.

This is not true either nevertheless not to the degree that you've heard. Because even though you just eat one heavy meal per day, it can take up to 12 hours to digest" increasingly releasing amino acids into your bloodstream the whole time.

When Would You Eat 6-8 Meals

In order to gain a LOT of weight " you need to increase your calorie consumption to gain weight and put on muscle, so if you're a big guy and you have to eat 5,000 calories a day to put on mass it might be easier on your stomach and digestive system to consume 5,000 calories broken up into a bunch of smaller meals.

If you're using a ton of energy " If you're a high level athlete who burns a ton of energy like Michael Phelps who eats up to 12,000 calories per DAY and eats like an elephant. Also guys in the military in boot camp often eat as much as possible when they get the chance but still end up losing weight

If you love it - A number of people may possibly feel more satisfied 6-8 eating lesser meals each day grazing for their food intake. I'm not one of those people but more power to you if you are.

I think knowing this will certainly help you feel better in your quest for better fitness, I know I believed this myth for a LONG time because almost everyone recommends it.

What Do I Do Personally?

I execute infrequent fasting. And I ENJOY it. I vary between a warrior diet style eating schedule (when I'm keeping my weight) and the lean gains eating style when I'm concentrating on gaining muscle mass. - 17269

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Why A Good Bodybuilding Diet Plan Is Really Important

By Ricardo d Argence

Bodybuilding is an art that calls for strong determination, will power, dedication, routine lifestyle, regular exercising, and most importantly a proper and healthy diet. Bodybuilders have always been the masters of dieting. No sport athlete other than bodybuilders has ever been able to manipulate their body the way they want.

Bodybuilders are able to lose and gain body weight just by adjusting their diet. Although your diet is important in order to have that perfect V-Shape body with bulging muscles, a proper workout is equally important. Many people have the idea that not eating will help them lose weight. It is not a healthy way of shedding extra weight, though it is true.

You will be surprised to know, you can lose weight by eating as well. But that definitely doesn't mean you can eat anything and everything you want, yet expect to reduce weight. Shedding weight and shaping your body calls for proper diet plan.

Whether you wish to keep healthy, or build a Stallone-like physique, you must eat properly to help you boost the process. Now that you know how important a role healthy diet plan plays in the process of bodybuilding, you may be wondering what a bodybuilding diet plan is all about.

A bodybuilder's diet ought to be comprised of nutrient-laden, healthy foods in appropriate quantities. What do I mean with healthy foods? Here's an example of a bodybuilding diet plan to help you build a well-toned healthy muscular body.

For breakfast: 1 cup cooked non-instant oatmeal. Seven scrambled eggs (1 whole+6 or more whites). 1 cup coffee. 1 glass of apple juice.

Snack: 1 small glass of water. 1 protein shake.

Lunch: 1 can tuna fish. 2 slices of wheat bread. 1 spoon of sweet relish. Dash of celery-salt. 1 large glass of water.

Second snack: 1 protein shake. 1 small glass of water

Dinner: 1 baked boneless chicken breast, or salmon steak. 1 serving of brown rice. 1 serving of green beans. 1 large glass of water.

Before bed: 1 protein shake. 1 small glass of water.

You must have noticed that all your meals have one thing in common that is water. This is because water plays a very important role in your bodybuilding diet plan. It is usually recommended to have 8-9 glasses of water every day. Water helps to boost up your body building process, therefore, make sure you have enough water every day.

In conclusion, following a proper diet plan is extremely important in maintaining a muscular and healthy body. If you can stick to the diet plan and a good exercise regimen, you will be able to achieve a muscular body much faster than you might expect. - 17269

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Lose the Flab in 2009: Some Fitness Training Tips

By Paul Simons

Before any type of fitness training, it is important to doing warm-up or stretching exercises to prevent accidents or to enhance output during the training. This is not the only thing that it is important to remember if you intend to undertake fitness programs. It is a proven fact that injuries that happen during exercise can be prevented if the person not only stretches before a workout but as a cooling down routine as well. None of what I have said so far is a secret but you would be amazed how many people do not do it but were you aware that you should also continue this stretching at the end of a workout as the muscles are warm and more flexible.

For most warm-ups it is quite acceptable to hold a stretching position for twenty seconds but to really extend the muscles groups and joint flexibility, this should be lengthened to one minute. Many people make the mistake of stretching and returning to their original position to quickly when the movement should be slow and measured. Some people have injured themselves because they extend beyond their limits and do not hold the stretched position for a few seconds before returning slowly. Do not jump from an easy stretching exercise to a hard one, but complete the easiest first and do the hardest last as by this time most of your muscles will be warm and it will make the difficult exercise easier.

For some people, even if they have strong bodies, they tend to neglect the neck when working out because stretching the neck muscles can be as simple as placing the palm of one's hand against the front of the head and pushing it; then, do the same to the sides and the back of the head. Stretching should also take place during any fitness training workout as well to keep the muscles and joints flexible especially prior to an exercise that may be strenuous on particular areas of the body. Do not overstretch your self performing exercises you are not yet ready for just because there are others who can as this will cause further problems; work to your own pace. There are days when your body may be too tired that you may have to consider reducing your range of motion so learn to rest in between sets and stations to make sure that the body has enough time to recover its energy.

Fitness training everyday can be punishing for the muscles and does not allow them to heal and grow so try to leave a day between workouts. Aerobic exercises are very good for the health of your heart and improve lung capacity and lower the heart rate; look to carry out rowing, running, skipping for example before you start attacking the weight machines. Many people find music good for exercise, especially something with a regular beat that can be worked to; of course mp3 players are ideal for this. Although you will need your headphones as not everyone will necessarily appreciate you taste in music. Stretching your body is a form of exercise in itself and a pleasant way to relax at the end of a hard day so it is worth doing regularly even if you do not want to workout. - 17269

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