Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, October 9, 2009

Why You Should Not Be Fasting-6 Reasons

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

In a never-ending effort to come up with new angles on fat loss, the health industry has created a slew of fad diets over the years. One type of diet that has gained traction is fasting.

Unfortunately, fasting has some major drawbacks for your body and for fat loss. Thus, here are 6 reasons why fasting will thwart your fat loss efforts:

1. Liver drainage. What drains out of your liver? Glycogen. And this can happen in less than a days time. Without glycogen your body doesn't have a mechanism to control blood sugar. Thus, you'll end up with extremely low levels of energy.

2. The transformation of muscle to sugar. Without sugar, the brain shuts down. This is one of the reasons diabetes is so scary. When you fast, sugar becomes depleted in your body. In order to prevent death, your body begins to transform muscle tissue into sugar.

3. The breakdown of organs. Muscle won't be the only target here. Your body will also break down vital organs and tissues, to a lesser degree of course. And cannibalizing your own organs is probably not that healthy?

4. Ketosis. If you fast for an extended period of time, your body will produce ketone bodies to prevent death. Ketone bodies are modified fat fragments that your nervous system can survive on, although not optimal. Thus, you begin to function on inefficient energy sources.

5. No benefits. If you're fasting because you think it's healthy, think again. There hasn't been any peer reviewed research that clearly demonstrates a benefit from fasting. Most likely, fasting will have a negative effect on your health.

6. Metabolic acidosis. Acidosis is not fun. An immediate drawback will be the inability to exercise with intensity. In fact, exercise will become astronomically painful. You'll also lose an abundance of minerals through urine.

What effect do all these factors have on your body? A decreased metabolism. And studies have shown that most people end up bingeing after a fast above and beyond what's needed for weight maintenance. The end result here is a massive rebound in weight and fat gain! - 17269

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 8 - Begin a Low Impact Exercise Program!

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are considering how you are going to get rid of your existing bruises and how you're going to be certain that new bruises don't come back to replace them, you should evaluate how low impact exercise can help you. Exercise is the primary means of strengthening your body, and exercise is the best means available for keeping heart and your blood pressure working at the proper levels.

Not only will starting a low impact exercise program help you quickly heal your existing bruises, it will also be very beneficial to making sure that you don't get new bruises as frequently. Becoming more graceful and less likely to bump yourself or fall are two immediate benefits of an exercise program, and you will also discover improved muscle tone, which is necessary for reducing new bruising.

You know that participating in a good exercise program will be beneficial for you in a variety of ways. By your exercise program elevating your metabolic rate, all of your body processes will be working at a higher level. That means that your body can heal itself faster, and that your body will be operating in its most efficient manner. This higher metabolic rate can be essential when examining how you can reduce bruising.

You have a wide variety of low impact exercise routines to choose from that will enhance your resistance to bruising easily. Select a routine that you can really enjoy, and then be certain to follow it regularly. Regardless of whether you practice three times a week or you do it every day, just keep in mind that for your program to be effective you maintain consistency. That being said, which exercise program is most appealing to you?

You can begin by simply taking a brisk walk. If you have been avoiding exercise for a while, walking is a great place to start, because there are numerous other things that you can do while you are out walking. Walking is easy on your joints, and you'll have an an excellent excuse to catch up on new music or books on tape while you are enjoying the fresh air.

Another excellent low impact exercise that can help prevent bruising easily is swimming or any other activity that you can do in the water. Water resistance helps make you work hard while you're in the water, but all the while the water cushions your joints. Consider how much fun you can have with water based activities.

Whether you go to the gym or you have your own machine at home, elliptical exercise machines are an excellent way to get your heart really pumping without stressing your knees. Elliptical machines provide a perfect solution to vigorous exercising combined with joint safety.

Because a low impact exercise program is a great way to help prevent bruising, you should really evaluate which exercise program will be best for you. Remember that any exercise program or routine is only effective if it is consistently practiced. To enhance the benefits of your exercise program, you should consider adding a unique, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which has an all natural formulation that can help you overcome easy bruising and help reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Graceful Aging With Proper Nutrition

By by Anju Mathur, MD

Vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants and other nutrients have often been removed from our civilized food chain by the effects of modern agricultural methods and food processing. Hence, their adequate supplementation in a nutrient-depleted body will greatly enhance the chance for a successful, long life, lived to its maximum potential.

Genetic background can be a help or hindrance to some of the most vicious degenerative diseases such as cancer and diseases of the circulatory system. But even these can definitely be overcome when a person decides to put his or her body back to rights and get well.

In order to accomplish wellness one needs to work with medical professionals to find out his or her particular metabolic type and thus find out how the body is processing food. That is far more important than what a specific food does to the body.

This means that, by learning the do's and don'ts of proper environment and proper nutrition, and by investing what amounts to a small amount of our time and our money, we can soon be on the trail of our most valuable possession, ever-lasting good health.

Antioxidants such as Glutathione, Vitamins A, C and E and beta-carotene work to rid the body of free radicals. This can slow down aging and undo damage already done. Proven natural therapies can really prevent age-related diseases. One needs to liaise with a professional regarding what nutritional supplements and particular diet plan would be right for him or her. Exercise would also be a necessary ingredient.

Free radical elimination or reduction is a very important factor in any anti-aging program, because the damage caused by free radicals is the main reason for aging, although other factors are involved. Also, the body produces waste products and toxins through its daily processes, and these must be eliminated. Correct nutrition, elimination and detoxification with safe and gentle methods are available. High blood pressure, Alzheimer?s disease, diabetes, Parkinson?s disease and arthritis are some of the diseases that are apparently mainly caused by free radicals.

Lifespan of mammals can be increased by restricting caloric intake ? much definitive research points to this conclusion. Even limited times of restricted calorie diet can balance hormones and those effects can continue even when normal eating habits are taken up again. A diet plan for the individual is imperative in an anti-aging program.

Get healthy - join the many who have launched themselves on the trail of a productive and energetic old age. Consult your health professional for a specific diet and program of nutritional supplements. - 17269

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Control the Epstein Barr, Hepatitis, and Herpes Viruses With Gene-Eden, an Natural Antiviral Supplement

By Larry Rolines

Did you know that the most common viruses, those that reside in your body, can cause cancer? Are you concerned? Do you want to clean your body from these viruses? Read on.

On September 21, 2009, the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD), sent out an important press release describing how the most common chronic viruses cause these diseases. The press release starts by quoting Dr. Illa R Singh, an associate professor of pathology at the University of Utah, who said in a recent interview on his study that "for the first time we have analyzed prostate cancer and normal prostate tissue and found cancers are much more likely to have [the chronic XMRV virus]." ... "It was also more likely to be present in more aggressive tumors," Singh said. "We found it in 20 percent of the least aggressive tumors and over 45 percent of the most aggressive tumors."

After quoting Dr. Singh, the release says that his study is the last in a long list of studies that observed chronic viruses living in many types of tumors. Surprised? Don't be. As it turns out, Dr. Hanan Polansky predicted the results of these studies. He predicted that studies will find the most common viruses living in tumors and other diseased tissues. The prediction was made in his highly acclaimed 2003 "purple book." In this book Dr. Polansky showed that a chronic virus is a genetic parasite, and when the virus multiplies itself, it "starves" the human genes around him. How do starved genes behave? As if they've mutated. Now, we all know that mutated genes cause cancer. So here is the sequence, chronic viruses enter the body, they multiply, starve human genes, and the pseudo mutated genes cause cancer.

The charm in the press release is in the next section. This short section offers a beautiful metaphor that made this somewhat complicated concept easy to understand. This section is asking us to picture the nucleus inside the cell as a field with many flowers. To bear fruits, the flowers need to be pollinated. The section is also asking us to think of a chronic virus as another type of flower that migrated to the field. To bear the "viral" fruits, the viral flower also needs to be pollinated. Who is pollinating these flowers? The bees. However, the viral flower has a stronger scent (and maybe more vivid colors). As a result, the bees tend to hover over the viral flower much more than over the local flowers. What is the effect of the viral flower on the production of fruits by the local flowers? It cuts down their production. Since many insects and animals are dependent on these fruits, the migration of viruses to this field affected the entire ecosystem. The "starved" human genes cannot continue the normal production of their fruits, or proteins, and the entire cell is suffering. Using the mutation concept, we can say that they human genes behave as if they were mutated. (They were not, by to a bewildered scientist they look like they were mutated!) Now what is the effect of the chronic viruses on the host in general? Without the important proteins, the infected host starts to develop a major disease.

What a powerful metaphor!

Now the the punchline. We can fight these chronic viruses. The Starved Gene was not just another discovery. As it turns out, it led the scientists at polyDNA, a biotechnology company, to develop Gene-Eden, an all natural, antiviral nutritional supplement that targets many of the most common viruses. To develop Gene-Eden, the scientists used their signature process. First, they downloaded thousands of scientific papers published in scientific journals. Then, they analyzed these papers with their in-house proprietary bio-informatics-based software. And finally, they used the results of the analysis to identify the most effective, yet safe natural compounds. These compounds were combined to form the Gene-Eden formulation. Now, this is no small feat. This process produced a supplement that targets viruses such as Epstein Barr (EBV), Herpes, Hepatitis, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), or Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

What to know more about Gene-Eden? Go to the supplement's website at http://www.gene-eden.com. What to order the supplement? Go to Amazon.com. - 17269

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About the Pineapple Diet

By Monty Dayton

There are many different types of diets out there, but there might not be any diet that is harder to pin down than the pineapple diet. There are many versions of this diet around online, but even the real one is fairly restrictive. But there's no denying that there is a great deal of interest in this diet.

Every form of the pineapple diet obviously involves eating pineapple daily, if not at every meal. There are some versions that say only pineapple and ice water for as long as the diet takes place, while other versions also have tuna every single meal. Most versions are some combination between the two.

The Metzger Pineapple Diet is a fad diet, and because of that dieters still need to be cautious when undergoing this eating plan. Still, when the question goes to weight loss, the majority of dieters will see some great weight loss numbers following this plan.

Tuna is a great lean meat high in Omega-3s, protein, and low in calories. In addition to this, pineapple gives a ton of energy for a fruit. This, with water, guarantees a diet low in fat and salt. In addition to this, enzymes in the pineapple force the body to work harder to break it down, keeping the metabolism up. There are several concerns with this diet, however.

First of all, pineapple is a fruit that is high in sugar. In theory this could cause some concerns with diabetics who need to watch their sugar levels. Pineapple is also acidic, which could make it hard for some people to keep with the high levels of pineapple.

A common second concern with the pineapple diet is lack of nutritional balance. While pineapple and tuna are both very healthy foods, you're not going to get 100% of your daily vitamins from eating just that. A daily multi-vitamin is a very good idea.

Third, not all claims made about this weight loss plan have been proven. As with many fad diets, there's the claim from diet proponents, and then many of them simply aren't tested to be proved or disproved. This can be an issue for some people.

The pineapple diet might not be for everyone. But as far as fad diets go, this one actually does help dieters lose the weight they're seeking to cut. - 17269

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Two Basic Bodybuilding Workout Rules in Case You Really Want to Gain Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

There are a huge amount of muscle building programs out there. Gaining serious muscle will involve using methods that will get you there as quickly as possible.

The general rule in life is that the more of something that you do, the better you will get at it. The theory is that practice will get you better results. However when it comes to gaining muscle, the exact opposite is true for the vast majority of us.

Each time you pick a magazine up all you see is bodybuilders who will tell you that to get muscles like them you have to train nearly everyday of the week. When we see there huge muscles we think if we follow their advice, we will get the same results.

However, for most of us, this is not true. Those who are in bodybuilding professionally have an advantage over the rest of us, which is to say that they have a genetic predisposition to build muscle, so that they can do these very intensive workouts without a break. They don't need a lot of rest to recover after they train, but that's not true for most of us.

You need to accept this situation before you can start to gain muscle the correct way. A lot of people make the mistake of training too much when it comes to gaining extra muscle. Cut back on your training now if this is what you are doing.

You should begin to see results in about eight weeks if you follow just a couple of simple rules.

1. First, watch the amount of weight you are lifting. It should be challenging but not exhausting to the point that you're going to hurt yourself. In addition, do exercises that are going to hit several larger muscle groups at once. Squats are good for this, as one example.

2. The second rule is, only train a maximum of three to four times a week. The thing is, you need to take off at least a day for every day you work out (meaning a day between workouts). That does a couple of things. First of all, when you're working out intensely, you're breaking down muscle and in effect injuring it. When it heals, it comes back bigger, stronger, faster. But you need to give it time to do that. And the second thing is, you're also training your entire nervous system. When you train intensively, you don't just affect your muscles. You also affect your nervous system in general. So you need to give both your muscles and your nervous system time to recover.

If your nervous system has not recovered, giving it further punishment through training, means it will be hard to cope. Without the recovery you can't build up any muscle. When you've finished your training session have 3 days break. 2 days if you want. Just see how your body feels during this time.

You might find yourself tempted to try this for a little while and then go back your old methods of continuous training. However, if you've tried these other methods of training and they haven't worked, ask yourself if something might be wrong. Try doing the above, something different, and see if it doesn't work. Chances are, it will. - 17269

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Keeping Alert On Food Allergy Symptoms

By Roger Calfsman

Watching TV, one might think the only reaction or symptom to a food allergy is immediate onset anaphylactic shock. Television has a tendency to over dramatize things and it is not surprising that food allergies are on the list of melodramatic moments of television. However, not all food allergy symptoms work like they appear to on television. Here is some information on food allergy symptoms to help you recognize and deal with your possible food allergy.

When Does The Reaction Tend To Happen?

The food allergy symptom is deeply related to the process of digestion. Because this is an awfully complicated process that works differently with different foods, digestion affects the location, timing, and evidence of a food allergy. However, one way to know whether you are having a food allergy symptom does have to do with time. All allergic reactions to food will happen within one hour of consuming the food.

While some foods can inflict immediate and extreme food allergy symptoms, many aren't as obvious. Some can start with an itching in the mouth or a slight difficulty in swallowing or respiring. Later, as the food begins to be digested in the gut and guts, other symptoms may begin to appear.

The individual might be nauseas, he or she may puke or have diarrhea, and abdominal pains are common. All these symptoms can be confused with food poisoning or simply eating your food too quickly. If you've had a food allergy test in the past, know you are allergic to something, and are having these symptoms, contact your GP right away.

Lesser known Food Allergy Symptoms

An itchy, swollen throat, stomach irritability, and abdominal pains are all relatively common food allergy symptoms. However, there are another food allergy symptoms that are not as famous. As an example, many people relate hives to outdoor allergens. However, once allergens are absorbed and enter into your bloodstream, they can ultimately reach the skin.

This creates hives or eczema on the surface of the skin. When the allergens reach your airway, it can induce asthma or asthma like symptoms. An allergen in the bloodstream can also cause lightheadedness, anaphylaxis ( a unexpected drop in blood pressure ) and weakness generally.

These symptoms may not easily be related to food allergies, so if you're prone to food allergies or know that you have one, make efforts to contact your health practitioner immediately. Even food allergy symptoms that start off as mild can quickly progress into a life threatening condition. - 17269

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Eye Disease: Types, Signs, And Treatments

By Candace Hubbs

Disorders of the eyes can vary from common afflictions like pink eye to more serious diseases. Are you worried you might have a condition causing your eyesight loss? If so, read on to learn more about the different types of eye disease.

Caused by a massive amount of internal orbital pressure, glaucoma is the second highest cause of blindness in this country today. This disorder damages the optic nerve, which registers visual stimuli. The only real symptom seen is a lessened ability to use your peripheral vision. It is also painless and thus hard to detect. Your doctor may prescribe surgery or medicated eye drops to treat your glaucoma.

As we age, we become more susceptible to cataracts. The lens in your eye becomes cloudy and blocks the retina from making your eyesight clear. Protein of the eye builds up and causes this blockage. It will continue to grow unless treated. Symptoms vary from light seeming to glare and colors losing their vibrancy. You can get near perfect vision back from undergoing cataract surgery, one of the most performed medical procedures today.

If you are a senior citizen, your loss of sight may likely be caused by macular degeneration. It strikes most commonly in those over 65. This affliction attacks the macula part of the retina that is responsible for giving you sharp images. Wet AMD occurs when new blood vessels appear and leak fluid or blood. Dry AMD is classified by the thinning of the macular tissues and deposits of pigment it produces. AMD is incurable today, but treatments are available to alleviate symptoms.

Eye disease is not a matter to be taken lightly. It can be dangerous not only to your sight but your general health. If you think you might have one of these disorders, go to your ophthalmologist. - 17269

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Can Diet Pills Really Help With Weight Loss?

By Jane Moore

People often wonder whether diet pills are the secret to weight loss. The answer is a qualified no, or I guess, a qualified yes depending on how you look at it. Many people have some stubborn fat that they can't lose or have otherwise reached a weight loss plateau. The right kind of diet pill can be a big help to any type of weight loss regime, but diet pills alone do not result in weight loss.

There are some totally safe diet pills on the market that contribute greatly to weight loss if used in conjunction with certain lifestyle changes. There are natural supplement that boost metabolism and thus aid weight loss. These supplements include such things as green tea and or flax oil pills. Another natural supplement that has been shown to contribute to belly fat loss is CLA.

One of the most well known diet pills called Alli falls in the category of diet pill called 'fat blockers'. A stronger prescription only version of the same diet pill is called Orlistat. These types of diet pills block fat in your diet from being absorbed into your body. This gives you a little more control over the calories you consume, even if you don't have perfect self-control over the foods you eat. Even though you require a prescription for Orlistat, Alli can generally be found in most US drug stores.

Regardless of the diet pill that you determine is a good fit for you, the studies have all conclusively shown that using diet pills in conjunction with a a healthy lifestyle will give the largest weight loss results. A healthy lifestyle includes eating a suitable amount of natural healthy food, and being consistent with your meals and exercise. Making changes to your lifestyle might be easier than you think. If you make small changes over time, eventually you might find that weight loss begins to occur naturally.

Something that you can do to help you towards this goal right now are to make some small changes to your current diet plan. It is a known fact that the frequency and time of day that you eat has a big effect on the way your body absorbs food and deals with its metabolism. A useful change might be to promise your self not to eat past a certain time of the evening. Evening snacks are one of the worst offenders when it comes to unburned calories. Another small change is not to skip breakfast. Eating a breakfast of whole or natural foods, including some amount of protein, is the best way to get your metabolism started early in the day. Also, getting yourself fuel early in the morning gives you more energy to get going, which will end up with you burning more calories that you would had you not made time for your morning meal.

So don't dismiss the power of diet pills entirely, since they can actually be a boost to a properly planned and executed weight loss plan. Just don't delay starting your weight loss program because you are waiting to find the magic diet pill which will lose all your weight for you. Plan a weight loss program, make small changes, and eventually you will reach your weight loss goals. - 17269

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Foods that Burn Fat

By Jermaco Helelad

For those looking to lose weight and boost their metabolism, there are many healthy and nutritious foods that actually help your body lose weight naturally. Adding some or all of these foods into your diet can help you lose weight faster and eventually lead to a healthier lifestyle. These foods burn more calories to digest than other foods, helping you burn fat just by eating.

Lean Turkey. Lean cuts of turkey are rich in protein which can give your metabolism an instant boost, by helping to build muscle, which burns more calories. Avoid processed deli-style turkey and instead choose fresh, boneless and skinless varieties.

Oatmeal. Eating oatmeal for breakfast will provide you with a rich source of cholesterol-fighting, soluble fiber. Oatmeal helps you feel fuller longer and provides you the energy you need to make it through the day. Steel cut or rolled oats have the maximum amount of fiber. Avoid instant oatmeal, since it contains less fiber and usually has added sugar.

Grapefruit. Clinical studies have shown that the unique chemical properties in grapefruit reduce the body?s insulin levels, which leads to weight loss. It helps dissolve fat and cholesterol. However, before adding grapefruit to your diet, you should check with your doctor first because grapefruit may interfere with the efficacy of certain medications.

Apples. Apples contain pectin, a chemical typically found in berries and fresh fruit, especially apples. Pectin restricts the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Pectin binds with water and helps cells release fat deposits. Fresh fruit like apples also contain rich sources of soluble fiber. This kind of fiber helps you feel fuller for longer and prevents dangerous drops in blood sugar levels.

Broccoli. Various studies have linked calcium and weight loss. Broccoli is an excellent source of calcium and it is packed with vitamin C which assists the body?s calcium absorption. Broccoli also contains vitamin A, folate, and fiber. At just 20 calories per cup, broccoli not only fights fat but also boosts your body?s immunity system.

Low-Fat Yogurt. Adding low-fat dairy products like yogurt to your diet can also help you lose weight. People who consume 3 to 4 servings of low-fat dairy products per day usually lose more weight than dieters who did not consume any low-fat dairy products. A single serving of low-fat yogurt is rich in calcium and fat-burning protein.

Soybeans. Soybeans are rich in a chemical called lecithin that protects cells from accumulating fat. The lecithin in soybeans can also help break down fatty deposits in the body. - 17269

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10 Easy Tips about Burning More Calories Each and Every Day

By Duncan Cheng

1)Walk more if you want to burn more calories. Park your car far away from your office and walk to work. Try to walk for at least 30 minutes daily. While working you can also take small breaks and go for a stroll. It outside is very cold you can go window shopping in the mall.

2)While at the office try to leave your comfortable chair as often as possible. Go visit your colleagues form other departments instead of talking with them using email or instant chat.

3)I know that taking the elevator is so convenient but taking the stairs is a super workout for your whole body. It helps you burn a lot of calories.

4)Clean your house as often as possible. It is the cheapest form of exercising you can make that actually is very useful too.

5)Eat food that requires you to chew them more. While you chew your food you burn quite a lot of calories.

6)Each morning you should drink one cup of coffee of one cup of green tea because it will jumpstart your metabolism. I am leaning more towards the green tea because it is much more healthy than coffee is.

7)What seems that most healthy and successful weight loss diets share is the recommendation to eat much more frequently but eat smaller meals. It seems that this way you don?t get hungry that often during the day and even eat less food.

8)Spicy food is a fat burner. The spicier the food is the more calories you will burn when you digest it. So from now on instead of eating regular food, choose to eat food that is maybe just a little more spicy. It will spice up your life and help you lose weight also.

9)You can burn up to 500 calories daily if you constantly keep your legs moving all day long, even when you are standing at your desk. I am sure you can wiggle them from time to time to increase the number of calories you burn daily.

10)Never let the heat buildup in your home. A cool environment will force your body produce more heat and consume more calories. - 17269

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Chronic Viruses Cause Cancer - Gene-Eden, an Antiviral Supplement, Targets Chronic Viruses

By Michael Spence

The immune system is very forceful, but fragile. Many conditions inside or outside your body can harm it. For instance, are you stressed? Are you taking medications for quite a while for lowering cholesterol or blood pressure, or to control other long term conditions? Are you using your cell phone extensively? Do you work or live next to a source of radiation such as a cell phone antenna? Are you older than 40? Stress, medication, radiation (UV, x-Ray, cell phone, etc.), and aging, all hurt your immune system.

How is the immune system protecting you? By controlling the number of latent or chronic viruses living in your body. Many viruses infect us and stay with us for life. Some of the most common viruses are the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex virus (HSV), Varicella Zoster virus (VZV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), and Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

What happens when the immune system is weak? These viruses multiply and cause major diseases, such as arthritis, heart disease, asthma, cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or even accelerated aging. (See scientific research on the link between chronic viruses and these diseases at http://www.gene-eden.com/Gene-Eden.htm.)

How do chronic viruses cause major diseases? And how can you protect yourself against them?

To answer these questions, we will concentrate on one disease: cancer. Scientists believe that cancer, and many other diseases, start with a genetic mutation. For instance take breast cancer and the BRCA1 gene. This gene manufactures a protein that stops the cell from replicating, and of course, prevents it from turning into a tumor. In contrast to the scientists? beliefs, many studies showed that only 5% of the breast cancer patients have a mutated BRCA1 gene. What about the rest? What about the 95%? What causes breast cancer in these non-mutated patients? Big mystery!

Dr. Hanan Polansky solved the mystery in his 2003 ?purple book.? In his book, he identified the cause of cancer in the other 95% of the patient, those without a mutation.

Scientists showed that all people are infected with some chronic viruses. (Curious to know which viruses reside in your body? Ask your doctor for a simple blood test, or visit the Gene-Eden website at http://www.gene-eden.com/immune.htm for further instructions.) According to Dr. Hanan Polansky, chronic viruses are genetic parasites. These viruses compete with the human genes for a scarce and important genetic resource. When they multiply, the human genes lose the competition and ?starve.? There just isn?t enough of the scarce resource for everyone. Starved human genes don?t function properly, and start to show the behavior that scientists usually see in mutated genes. Now, we all know that mutated genes cause disease. So, it is easy to see why starved genes, which behave like mutated genes, also cause disease.

Want a more detailed description of Dr. Hanan Polansky?s discovery, especially designed for the general public? Visit http://www.gene-eden.com/Gene-Eden.htm.

A starved BRCA1 gene and the resulting breast cancer represent just one "cause and effect" example. When a chronic virus starves another gene, called CD18, the host develops atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and stroke. When it starves the TF gene, it causes autoimmune diseases, such as juvenile diabetes, lupus, arthritis, Crohn's disease, and the list (unfortunately) goes on and on.

Why is the ?Starved Gene? discovery important?

It is important since it motivated the scientists at polyDNA to develop the antiviral supplement Gene-Eden, which, for the first time, targets the cause rather than the symptoms of the major diseases.

Gene-Eden is a natural, broad range, antiviral dietary supplement that targets viruses during their latent or chronic phase. The supplement?s formulation includes five compounds. To find these compounds, the scientists at polyDNA first downloaded thousands of scientific papers, than analyzed these papers with their in-house, proprietary bio-informatics software, and then used the results of the analysis to find the most powerful and safe compounds. Would you like to read the clinical and laboratory studies, which were published in scientific journals and show that the five compounds have a strong antiviral effect? Then visit the Gene-Eden website. Also, as would be expected from the rigorous process used by the scientists at polyDNA, users of Gene-Eden report significant improvements in their health. - 17269

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