Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, April 10, 2009

Acai And 5 Reasons To Try It

By Carter Sinclair

The reasons listed below alone are enough to try Acai berry. Here are 5 reasons you should try out Acai berry.

1. It Slows Down Your The Aging Process. Acai berry is one of the highest containing fruits with antioxidants that combat harmful free radicals. These harmful free radicals cause your body to age quicker. Acai protects you and makes your hair and skin look healthier and improves your immune system.

2. Weight Loss With Acai. Acai berry is filled with lots of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids all of which help with weight loss. Acai contains cyanidin and it helps lower the level of absorption of fat.

3. You Can Reduce Cholesterol. Omega-3 has reduced the risk of heart attacks. These Omega fatty acids are shown to improve your cholesterol levels.

4. Improves Memory and Mood. The acai berry contains essential fatty acids that improve brain functioning. These essential fatty acids help you to remember and also fight off depression.

5. Acai Improves Performance. It has been used by many Brazilian athletes to help increase their energy over a long period of time. It gives you a burst of energy like caffeinated beverages without having sugar. - 17269

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Get Great Abs Fast With Stuff That Works

By Jose Loni

A laser targeted exercise program will get you great abs. In order to get such laser like precision to sculpt your abs, you don't just train the abs. In fact, you train your body to increase your metabolism to burn fat so that your rock hard abs will become visible.

Whole body exercises allow your body to burn fat effectively. Increasing your body's metabolism will make your abs visible and more defined. This type of training will kick start your body's fat burners and burn larger amounts of calories.

The ab exercises and machines that we see advertised don't work because they are focusing on the principle of spot reduction. Those exercises will get your abs stronger, but they won't give you defined abs.

A proven method of training can be done by planning your exercise sessions. Start by increasing the number of exercise sessions throughout the week to about 5 times per week. Train multiple joints and body parts to use more muscle groups and help the body burn more calories per movement. Then increase the intensity of the exercise session to really work the body parts.

Here's a simple exercise plan, start with resistance training exercises like squats, pull-ups, lunges, split squats, and push-ups. Then do these exercises for a 20 second duration at a high intensity, after each exercise, proceed to the next exercise and only briefly rest when you complete the 5th exercise. Do this circuit of exercises 5-6 times per exercise session.

Working out several times a week will have you burning more calories. When you train hard, the body reacts by working harder repairing and replenishing the muscles and getting them ready for the next bout of exercise. This results in increased metabolism.

Training with a greater intensity will force your body to really adapt and cause metabolic changes that will require the body to burn more fat. The body burns more calories so it will need to convert the excess fat from the body to provide the necessary energy to the muscles.

Getting great abs can be done with overall resistance training that will be so effective, that it will be like a laser targeted your abs and sculpted it with fine precision. You'll have great abs in such little time! - 17269

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Are Free Rapid Weight Loss Tips Really Free?

By William Bartelli

If you've been looking for some free info on the web on how to lose weight, you may have clicked on a link that promised free rapid weight loss tips just for giving your email address. But are they really free?

We get great entertainment from the media so when we're looking for facts or weight loss tips avenues such as newspapers, magazines or the TV is usually the first place we're gonna look.

Within these popular media forms you will find all kinds of healthy advice because healthy sells and what can see like a bunch of great free weight loss tips actually winds up being a series of commercials.

You have to be sure that even the most seemingly credible testimonials aren't being paid a load of money to promote a certain product. Restaurants are sometimes guilty of this, they pay someone who has lost a lot of weight recently to say that it was their product, food, or service that gave them such spectacular results.

Then this person becomes a spokesperson for the company and does a bunch of commercials telling everyone that all they have to do lose weight is to eat at their restaurant and some moderate exercise.

But savvy marketers know, more often than not, what is not mentioned is the amount of exercise that person had to also do to get the kind of results being touted all over town.

So despite what you've heard, if you're looking for free rapid weight loss tips then don't be fooled. You will need to do more than just eat a load of fat free sub sandwiches to get the kind of results you're after.

It's worth a mention that another fallacy being told a lot lately is you secret to free rapid weight loss is to just eat whatever you want and drink bottles and bottles of water.

Many years ago a report came out from a relatively trust worthy source which stated that drinking water can greatly help you to lose weight. The bottled water companies jumped on this and some have gone as far to claim that all you need to do is drink water to lose weight.

It can be said that free rapid weight loss tips tend to stretch the truth such as with this water proclamation, watch out for these.

Other Free Rapid Weight Loss Myths

But of course, when it comes to seeking out free rapid weight loss tips you need to take on board those that make sense to you.

Just be wary of companies that try to sell you stuff like home gym equipment in exchange for free weight loss tips.

Farmers markets will tell you to eat your 5 a day to lose weight quickly so they can sell you more fruit - it's pretty obvious.

So check with your doctor if someone tries to give you free rapid weight loss tips that you are a little concerned about as they will give you the straight dope. - 17269

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6 Pack Abs - Comparing Philosophies

By Dan Solaris

Fitness experts have long discovered the potency of cardiovascular exercises in burning calories and eliminating fat from the body. Only by melting away enough body fat can stubborn body fat be trimmed off the midsection to expose the contours of the abdominal muscles- the much sought-after 6 pack.

It's a well-known fact that a combination of body-building exercises and cardiovascular workouts are the most effective in developing the muscles and facilitating fat loss at the same time. Since there are two types of cardio exercises, the question here is which type is the best for getting 6 pack abs?

A lot of folks use the low-intensity approach for the simple reason that they're easier to do. Even beginners, the elderly and the extremely obese can benefit from low-intensity aerobic workouts.

Low intensity cardio exercises have also been discovered to burn caloric energy from fat stores as opposed to high intensity cardiovascular workouts that keep the heart at 90% of the maximum. The latter burns more calories obviously, but some of it comes from glycogen already.

The stored form of carbohydrates in muscle tissue is known as glycogen and it is needed in proper muscle formation. In losing weight and getting 6 pack abs, it is important to maintain as much muscle as possible because it helps keep the body's metabolism high.

Doing cardiovascular at high intensity however burns way more calories in less time than cardio exercise at low intensities. An hour's worth of calories burned doing the latter can be eliminated in just 10-20 minutes intense exercise. Some also argue that the lost carbohydrates can be replenished by eating the right post-workout food.

High intensity folks also say hard cardio exercise causes muscle development because it works the whole body hard. In addition, intense workouts kick-up the body's metabolic rate hours after leaving the gym. The more calories spent throughout the day, more fat loss and faster 6 pack abs.

Another disadvantage of low-intensity exercises is it takes 10 minutes before the heart rate goes high enough to be able to start burning calories. It's clear that choosing between the two cardio 'schools of thought' depends on how much time a person can allot to exercising each day to get 6 pack abs and how developed his cardiovascular system is. - 17269

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Exercise Time Management

By Kareem F. Samhouri, DPT, CSCS, HFI

Finding time to exercise is about as difficult as cutting a penny with plastic scissors for most people. The truth is: it's easy after you get started. Exercise time management requires blocking off exercise as part of your daily routine. People that try to exercise when they can "fit it in" normally end up with the least results. Exercise time management involves scheduling, workout development, and program variety.

Effective exercise programming involves planning it into your schedule while you are not tired. This suggests that you would be more likely to succeed with your fat loss goals if you choose to schedule in advance for an entire month, instead of each day. For example, you may choose to exercise at 8am on Mondays, but 5pm on Thursdays. This is perfectly normal, but planning for exercise to be as binding as a doctor's appointment is a suggested strategy for success.

Establishing an exercise routine also involves developing workouts ahead of time. My most successful clients all plan their workout routines for a week at a time, instead of day by day. The advantage of this, of course, is that you will choose a larger variety of exercise, stimulate new areas for strengthening each week, and have a targeted plan to reach all areas of your body. When you consider it, exercise selection today should affect tomorrow's workout anyway, right?

Choosing which body parts to exercise on a given day can be a perplexing decision, although this is beyond the scope of this article. As a general recommendation, be sure to leave at least 48 hours between exercise sessions that involve a pure strengthening protocol. On the other hand, endurance workouts can have more frequent repetition, as well as decreased isolation of muscle groups.

Finally, in order to manage your time effectively with exercise, you'll need to consider having a variety of exercises in your routine. The typical exercise program repeats once or twice a week, indefinitely. This allows your body to acclimate to the exercise demands placed upon it, thereby decreasing your results over time and leading to plateau. By selecting a larger variety of exercise, as can be done with proper workout development skills, you will be constantly stimulating your body to react to new demands, and thereby increasing fat loss and fitness results. For this reason, marathon runners are able to look relaxed while running at insane speeds. After awhile, the human body accommodates this 'abnormal' demand, and learns to burn fewer calories and conserve more energy. The same thing is true with your exercise program. Be careful not to make this mistake. - 17269

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No Time or Too Busy to Exercise? Try This...

By Martin Knight

Wouldn't it be amazing if there was a way to:

* lose fat,

* firm and build muscle

* feel more energy

* look better and

* feel much better

with just 45 minute workouts, 3 days a week.

At Fitness-Programs-Review, we test and review all the major fitness programs on the internet. Here are a few things you might want to know about the program that we rated #1.

--The #1 program contains time efficient, research proven workouts that boost muscle growth and blowtorch body fat.

--You will lose fat AND gain muscle with just 3 short workouts a week.

--You will see MORE results in LESS time.

--You can do these workouts at home. No more boring cardio or treadmill workouts. No more wasting money and time at the gym.

--The #1 program is enthusiastically endorsed by elite trainers and top fitness magazines because it just plain works. In fact, it was recently endorsed by Jillian Michaels from the TV show, the Biggest Loser.

--Thousands of women and men have experienced more energy, improved health and a more attractive body with the #1 program.

--The #1 program is ideal for busy men and women who don't have a lot of time to work out, but are looking for dramatic results.

--The #1 program's author has invested six years of University study; sixteen years of hands-on, in the trenches gym experience; over 5,318 personal training sessions; and careful study of over 723 medical research papers in creating the program.

--Exercise science has advanced dramatically in the twenty years. The latest fat loss research, which the #1 program is based on, allows you to lose more fat while keeping your hard-earned muscle, and doing so with far less workout time than ever before.

--More is not necessarily better. For example, endless hours of long, slow, boring cardio exercises will rarely help you achieve your fat loss goals, and can lead to injuries.

--With the #1 program, you will skyrocket your post-workout metabolism, allowing you to burn almost TWICE as many calories as you would with traditional cardio workouts.

--Unlike outdated workouts, high intensity strength training with the #1 program builds muscle at the same time as burning fat.

Your time is precious, so why waste it with workouts that don't WORK?

And why settle for having less energy, strength, and stamina when you can be as energetic as you like?

You've only got one body...

...don't you want it to be in the best possible shape?

Are you happy with your body just the way it is?

Or would you like to lose fat, gain muscle, and get into the best shape of your life in just 45 minutes a day, three days per week?

By the way, did I mention that the #1 program is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you, you can return it for a 100% refund, even after 7 weeks of trial. - 17269

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Here Come Raw Foods to the Rescue

By Thong M. Dao

There are numerous people that are preoccupied about their health. Most of them can use some improvements to their well-being. Regrettably, some may equate poor practices with healthy ones.

For instance, the weight control industry is full of fast and simple ways to shake off a few pounds but they will leave your body with some potential problems that will turn up in the future. That is why many people have assumed a simple and wholesome way of eating.

An uncooked food diet is a very healthy way to eat, in fact it's one of the healthiest. Some people think raw fruits and vegetables are, at the very least, the foundation of a healthy diet.

The downside with this diet system is the fact that we can't escape from foods that are cooked and they always look and smell yummy. Many of us merely love to eat food which is prepared now and then. How can you have fun eating this way without going over the top?

A high raw diet is a method of eating that is very popular now. It's when you consume uncooked food most of the time but still eat cooked food periodically, sometimes as frequent as everyday. You have the cream of crop of both worlds.

You can eat cooked foods on occasion, but at the same time you get the benefits from raw foods. Some food items lose their taste when cooked and the raw substitutions of such items like certain vegetables are always beneficial from health's point of view.

If you change to this kind of eating, you would find it surprising how quickly the benefits will become evident to you. Several individuals who first tried this in order to slim down enjoyed it so much that they continue with this method even when it no longer results in weight loss.

The effects of this are felt in your overall health. Therefore, if you have a wish to be healthy as well as lower your weight despite the modern world, eating mainly raw foods can get you on the right course. - 17269

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Moderation Throughout

By Dan Solaris

Billions of people gawk and fantasize about them when they see them on billboards, on the pages of GQ or Vogue on MTV and on the silver screen. Indeed, six pack abs adorning the midsections of models and actors are a sight to behold and who would not want their own?

Watching movies that star Brad Pitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hugh Jackman, it's easy to get the impression that lean and muscular individuals are a dime a dozen in the U.S. Strolling on American beaches during summertime however, one realizes that it's quite the opposite.

Recent data gathered by Center for Disease Control and Prevention brings disturbing news. As much as sixty-six percent of American adults are overweight and almost half of that number already obese. The hectic schedules and unhealthy lifestyles most people have been forced to adopt are mostly to blame. Working overtime in these lean financial times leaves not much room for regular exercise and healthy, well-balanced meals.

Sad but true that the very things that are supposed to give us a better quality life- the internet, instant food and cable TV are causing us to become inactive and unhealthy. Indeed, maintaining a lean and sculpted body is becoming increasingly difficult at this day and age.

You know what? We aren't at all helpless. It may seem impossible but getting lean enough to get a well-defined six pack on our midsections is just a matter of finding the right workout that fits with a tight schedule.

Everyone knows that weight-training is the best way to form additional muscle and improve one's physique. However, it's a little-known fact that it plays a bigger role in eliminating belly fat to bring-out a well defined abdomen. Adding muscle tissue to one's frame actually increases the body's metabolic rate thereby increasing the amount of calories burned throughout the day.

Creating a calorie deficit will become that much easier by increasing our BMR through intense exercises. Cardio exercises are known to be the best method for burning calories from body fat, but experts have discovered that intense anaerobic exercise (resistance training with little rest) can be effective for burning loads of calories in less short time.

When we do intense strength-building exercises and our BMR is at a high enough level, it's even possible to gain a six pack without dieting! For people with low will-power when it comes to gastronomic delights, all that's needed is to get rid of excess calories by working-out harder in the gym. We gain flab because the excess calories we still have are converted into body fat. - 17269

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Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips Will Melt the Pounds Off

By Millie Baker

Most people you ask will be able to give you some random quick and easy weight loss tips that they heard somewhere. But are they healthy fat loss tips?

There are many reasons as to why you may want to lose weight but the two most common are to look good naked and to feel better throughout the day. But if your main goal is to just look better on the beach and you don't care about feeling better then you have your priorities all wrong!


Many people start to look for quick and easy weight loss tips as a way to get out of exercising. Unfortunately, you wont lose any weight healthily unless you follow some kind of exercise regime. Even it is only light prolonged activity.

You need to begin exercising slowly in the beginning as straining your body too soon may leave you with muscle problems later on.

If you live a pretty sedentary life then you will notice that you wont have to do much before you get out of breath. This is fine, you will still see some great results if all you do is take your dog for a walk around the park everyday - instead of just to the end of the block.

You can vary the amount of exercise you do and just eat cleaner if exercise is really not your thing.

Rubbish InWont Get You Thin

You will find that most quick and easy weight loss tips will involve some amount watching what you eat.

As much as some people don't want to hear it any quick weight loss tips that are successful will involve cutting way back on the amount of sugar and sweets that you eat.

If you drink soda then try and reduce your consumption to 1 or 2 drinks a day.

What does have to go is all the junk food I'm afraid. If you want quick and easy weight loss then cutting out the junk is weight loss 101 I'm afraid. After going a week without it, you won't even miss it anymore.

You would be shocked at how much weight you will lose if you just cut out the sweets you don't even realize you are eating on a daily basis. That candy bar you eat for energy in the afternoons can get replaced with an apple or banana and then watch the pounds fall off.

Will Power

It will take a degree of mind over matter when it comes to reaching your weight loss goals - don't let know other weight loss program tell you different.

Quick and easy weight loss tips are useless if you don't have the will power to stick to what you have started. Set yourself a realistic weight loss goal of a few pounds a week, but back on treats, increase activity levels, and you will be looking great on the beach this summernot next summer. - 17269

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The Abs Diet Does Not Work In Isolation

By Jose Loni

Readers, take note: The abs diet does not work in isolation. To successfully attain six pack abs, we must commit to a lifestyle change that encompasses a healthy eating habit, daily physical activity, and relaxation techniques to lower life stress.

A variety of diets exist out there, but the key to a successful diet is still one that does not encourage deprivation, but rather a diet that focuses on intelligent choices and reduced intake. The more you starve yourself, the more your body goes into emergency mode, leading to greater fat storage around the stomach area and less fat used as energy to prepare for the emergency.

Consuming a healthy diet that is controlled in calories allows our body to immediately burn those calories, as well as, start burning excess fat to fuel our body's energy requirements. In addition, eating frequent, but smaller- portion meals in a day helps burn more calories from digesting these meals and also stabilizes our blood sugar and energy levels resulting in lower food consumption.

Ideally, daily physical activity should include interval and resistance training to raise our metabolism. The energy bursts from interval training maximizes fat burning by keeping the body in "ready" and active mode. The resulting muscles we build from training now requires more energy to maintain, thus, more excess body fat can be tapped as fuel.

An increased metabolism also means harder working muscles, which again, use up more fuel. Our body now becomes more efficient at collecting whatever fuel it can find as an energy source, usually getting it from excess fat stores.

Stress is another factor that we need to reduce in our lives. When our body is in a stressful situation, it reacts by releasing the Cortisol hormone that stores fat in our stomach area. Relaxation activities such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing and learning to cope with stress have all been effective at reducing stress levels.

There is no ab diet that will get us ripped abs. Instead of dieting, choosing exercise, watching what we eat, reducing stress from our lives will get quicker longer lasting results, which will give us the six pack abs that we want. - 17269

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5 Little Steps to Quickly Improve Your Diet

By Thong M. Dao

Correct dieting is the easiest way for you to lose weight and become healthier. While most of us have a tendency to cheat a little at times because we have demanding lifestyles, it would be best if we are able to stick to some particular guidelines regularly.

These 5 small changes can help to ensure your body doesn't get out of the balanced zone, even if you do cheat and stray off the 'perfect' diet plan.

1. Organic fruit. It is recommended you should eat at least two portions of fruit daily. Blending fruit into a smoothy and separating into two servings is an easy alternative to raw fruit. It not only tastes great, it helps you stay on course for your daily recommended ration.

2. Vegetables should be eaten daily, especially organic veggies. Fiber is taken in from vegetables so this helps our bodies in lots of other areas.

If you have problems eating veggies, a good way to get them into your diet is to use some leafy green veggies, add them to your smoothie on a normal basis. You'd be amazed how tasty this is, really.

3. Sprouting is really easier than most people think. Drain the water off, and they are ready.

Wet them two times a day and they will sprout fairly quickly. You may survive on these when you feel hungry because they have wonderful health benefits.

4. Fish and meat are good sources of omega-3 acids, but the best source is flaxseed oil. Try to make it part of your everyday routine and you will be amazed at how much a difference it will make to your health.

5. Water. Although it's not really a food, it is a component frequently lacking in people's diets. Consume half of your weight everyday in ounces with a bit of ocean salt for every 16 ounces.

This will make an amazing difference in your health. Try it for just 7 days and see the difference that it can make in your life. - 17269

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Get Flat Abs By Reaching For The Sky

By Jose Loni

The power of the mind can get you flat abs by helping you direct your attention to hitting a higher intensity with your workouts. This mind power will allow you to keep working out even when your body cries 'stop!'. It will encourage you to go on choosing healthier food alternatives despite temptations. Mind power can help you sculpt your abs.

It takes tremendous effort and control to live a life of health and wellness because of the tougher choices they pose to you. Choices that may take more time out of your day and take more energy out of you. But when you have made up your mind to embrace this lifestyle, you will love it and love how it makes you feel.

A major factor in getting that plan realized is tangibility-make that plan visible in your daily planner and keep those fitness dates with yourself. Respect your health and your body will respect you back. The best way to achieve goals is by taking down notes and tracking your progress.

Then respect that entry by lining up overall body movement training sessions and by actually doing them. The sessions should consist of cycling, speed walking, push ups, split squats, boxing or other exercises of the kind that work multiple muscles at a time, as these muscles gobble up huge amounts of calories and fat.

Then with these basics, create a routine where you link and do 5 of these activities together without stopping in between. After a cycle of 5, rest a couple minutes and do another cycle of 5. Doing at least 5 of these cycles forces your body to work harder increasing fat calories burned.

With the workout program in place, you now need to make time for healthy meals to round out your fitness plan. This takes serious time and energy commitment as most people nowadays settle for fast food conveniences, which saves time for you, but loads up your body with unnecessary, dangerous and aesthetically disgusting fats. Remember to load up on vegetables, fruits and lean proteins to get your six packs on the way.

Enlist the help of family and friends in your quest for flat abs. They know how to keep you going when you don't feel like it anymore. They can fuel your mind power to stay strong and alert to distractions.

Having flat abs is certainly desirable but there is no easy way to get flat abs. You can only get flat abs by working harder and that means coming from all possible angles to make sure you can achieve what you desire. Keep at it-you may just get those gorgeous abs sooner than you think. - 17269

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