Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Grapefruit Diet Just A Hollywood Fad Diet

By Ron Cripps

One of the popular fad diets in Hollywood was the grapefruit diet. Stars and starlets used it as far back as the'30s. Then in the 70's it became a piece of fax junk, sent from machine to machine, and became known as the xerox lore. The Mayo Clinic, which is often credited as the diet's creator, claims to have nothing to do with this unhealthy diet.

The grapefruit diet is essentially like the Atkins diet with the addition of a grapefruit before each meal. There are no snacks allowed on this strict three meals a day diet. The diet made astounding claims lose a pound each day for 10 days.

The distribution was just as far fetched no weight loss for four days then five pounds lost all on the fifth day. It was based on the claim that grapefruit contains fat burning enzymes, something that has never been proven.

In 2004 it was proven that the diet may work. Eating grapefruit prior to meals helped people in the study lose 3.6 pounds in twelve weeks. Drinking the juice from the grapefruit led to only slightly less weight loss. A few of the participants lost an astounding 10 pounds.

It was believed that eating grapefruit resulted in decreased insulin levels, which in turn resulted in less stored fat. But the weight loss may have also been due to increased levels of exercise.

Here's a typical grapefruit diet:

- Eight 8 ounce glasses of water each day, this is a must. - Stop eating when full. - Eat all the food listed at each meal, skipping food interferes with fat burning. - Grapefruit is the key so eat that as specified. - Drink only up to 1 cup of coffee at meals. - No snacking. - Butter is OK. - Do not eat desserts, breads, white vegetables, or sweet potatoes. - Meat and vegetables are fine. - Eating more will actually result in more weight loss. - Follow the diet for 12 days, skip two days, then start again. - Eat one half grapefruit, or drink' ounce glass of grapefruit, with each meal.

If this seems like an easy diet to maintain then the grapefruit diet may be for you. - 17269

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Moving Forward Toward the HCG Detox Diet

By Amelia Handley

If you've been following the daily articles regarding my preparation for starting the HCG diet you already know that in addition to the HCG Diet Direct Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula I decided to use B-Total Sublingual drops and the HCG Diet Direct Cookbook. The B-Total seemed logical since it's an effective weight loss method on its own and would definitely increase energy levels while on the very low calorie diet. And the cookbook seemed like a no brainer...anything to make it feel like I'm getting to eat full meals with some variety, right?

But I didn't want to leave all the other products out in the cold. So I thought I'd focus on the products I didn't choose for a bit! Yesterday's article discussed the benefits of the HCG Diet Metabolizer and Energy Supplement. It is apparently very beneficial during the diet as well as during maintenance and afterwards, as well.

Today we'll talk briefly about HCG Diet Direct's Remote Doctor Consultation. It seems like a popular option even for those who aren't yet working with HCG Diet Direct. You buy the consultation and get an email requesting a time for a phone conference. Then you get to talk to a doctor live by phone and ask whatever questions you might have about the HCG Detox Diet.

HCG Diet Direct urges dieters who are going to take advantage of the phone consultation to write down their questions prior to the scheduled phone conference so they are able to get all the answers they are looking for within the doctor's schedule. If the doctor requires time to research any of your questions he/she will call or email you back with the answer in a reasonable amount of time at no additional cost.

A lot of us avoid the HCG clinics and doctor's offices because we want to avoid the expensive office fees. But the Remote Doctor Consultation makes getting a doctor's opinion much more economical (and convenient). It's another great option from HCG Diet Direct.

This option seems like a good choice if you are unsure about any specific situations and the possibility that they could be effected by the HCG diet program. Whether your questions have to do with medications required for personal medical situations, family history, or the effect of limiting your foods while on the diet...the Remote Doctor Consultation seems the perfect way to go. It will provide you with accurate answers specific to your situation in the most economical, convenient way. So while I didn't choose to make it a part of my HCG detox plan if you have any desire to hear a doctor's opinion about your plan to engage in the HCG detox...I'd suggest you give it a try. - 17269

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The Grapefruit Diet Just A Hollywood Fad Diet

By Ron Cripps

One of the popular fad diets in Hollywood was the grapefruit diet. Stars and starlets used it as far back as the'30s. Then in the 70's it became a piece of fax junk, sent from machine to machine, and became known as the xerox lore. The Mayo Clinic, which is often credited as the diet's creator, claims to have nothing to do with this unhealthy diet.

Originally the grapefruit diet was an Atkins style diet that added one half grapefruit before each meal. There was no cheating on this diet only three meals a day and no in between meals snacks. The diet made astounding claims such as lose a pound each day for 10 days.

The distribution was just as far fetched no weight loss for four days then five pounds lost all on the fifth day. It was based on the claim that grapefruit contains some form of fat burning enzymes, something that has never been proven medically.

In 2004 it was proven that the diet may work. 1/2 grapefruit with each meal helped people lose 3.6 pounds in only 12 weeks. Drinking the juice from the grapefruit led to only slightly less weight loss. Some people in the study lost as much as 10 pounds in the 12 week period.

Researchers attributed the weight loss to decreased insulin levels caused by eating grapefruit. However, all the participants slightly enhanced their exercise programs, which may account for the lost weight.

The grapefruit diet works like this:

- Eight 8 ounce glasses of water each day, this is a must. - Stop eating when full. - Eat all the food listed at each meal, skipping food interferes with fat burning. - Grapefruit is the key so eat that as specified. - Drink only up to 1 cup of coffee at meals. - No snacking. - Butter is OK. - Do not eat desserts, breads, white vegetables, or sweet potatoes. - Meat and vegetables are fine. - Eating more will actually result in more weight loss. - Follow the diet for 12 days, skip two days, then start again. - Eat one half grapefruit, or drink' ounce glass of grapefruit, with each meal.

If this seems like an easy diet to maintain then the grapefruit diet may be for you. - 17269

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Can Adjustable Dumbbells Replace a Room Full of Equipment?

By Hanif Furqan

The Bowflex Selecttech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells have been invented to solve an issue that many fitness enthusiasts thought was unavoidable. The majority of consumers who do strength training at home have tied up a great deal of floor space and money towards sets of steel discs and bars. Those oversized stacks of equipment are never exactly appealing, nor will they be simple to move or store. Weights aren't especially practical if you just have one size, though. So what other possibilities could you find?

Bowflex has developed a type of adjustable dumbbells made to take care of the storage challenge. Imagine a specially made stand which stores a collection of heavy discs in a certain arrangement. Then imagine a creatively devised housing which resembles a dumbbell and will fit on top of the discs. The housing incorporates a dial at an end of it that works like a combination lock. An individual measurement on this dial matches a certain group of the aforementioned weighted discs. As an illustration, if you turn the dial to 20 lbs, the housing will lock in the needed set of discs which, when combined, weigh a perfectly balanced 20 lbs. The unneeded discs are released by the housing. When you lift the housing from the stand, the remaining discs remain in the stand, so you just lift a 20lb dumbbell. What you have been reading about is Bowflex's adjustable dumbbell.

Bowflex Selecttech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells can adjust between 10lb and 90lb, which is the reason that they handily take the place of 17 separate pairs of dumbbells. Now then, how much of the floor would they clear off in your spare room? Once you understand the kind of space these ingeniously made dumbbells can save, you will probably ask the next obvious question: it storage space their lone benefit? The simple answer is; they have a few more benefits.

Because SelectTech adjustable dumbbells can adjusted with one quick motion, you may transition from lateral raises to lunges without being required to purchase different weights or take apart and reassemble discs. You just replace the dumbbell in the stand, turn the dial to the increased weight, and raise the dumbbell again. SelectTech dumbbells allow you to adjust the weight in 5lb increments, which means you are abel to gradually add the weight as your physical conditioning goes forward.

An additional benefit is the housing containing the steel discs and prevents them from tilting or slapping together when the dumbbells are in motion. Yes, the compact and easy to use adjustable dumbbells are also quiet to exercise with.

Bowflex has come up with a set of adjustable dumbbells made to be compact, convenient, and quiet. Do you need one more reason to go find some? Okay, then, here it is; these SelectTech adjustable dumbbells costs less than the entire set of dumbbells they take the place of. Most often, products which rely on the best fitness technology are pricey. Although, because these dumbbells use fewer materials than the entire collection of weights they take the place of, the Bowflex Selecttech 552 could probably cost less than a normal set of weights.

If you are serious about working out, conserving space, saving time, and safeguarding your cash, the only reasonable next step is to locate your neighborhood Bowflex dealer and inquire about those adjustable dumbbells. - 17269

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HCG, Me and Lisa!

By Amelia Handley

Have you been paying attention? If you have you know that this is number 6 in what is going to be a long line of articles all about me, Lisa and HCG. I decided to go ahead and get on the diet. I researched it. I chose a company to work with. I decided what I'm going to order. And I challenged Lisa to do it with me (it will be easier to stick to it if I've got some healthy competition). But then I didn't hear back from her. So this morning I decided that she needed an extra push.

So I called. That's the first step in any harassment campaign. The gist of the problem was that her husband knew someone (barely) that had tried a similar diet. And this person didn't think it was effective. Therefore he didn't want Lisa wasting any cash on it. I bugged and bugged until I got them to cough up the detail that the product this "someone" used was called Mediral HCG Detox. That didn't sound familiar to me so I figured it didn't have anything to do with HCG Diet Direct. Just to make sure I contacted them to verify.

They told me that they used a different manufacturer so their formula had no connection to Mediral HCG Detox. And they also said that they think that particular formula was one of their Mediral's older offerings and that they had updated their product line since then. Some companies still distribute it, but HCG Diet Direct never distributed Mediral HCG Detox so any reviews or recommendations wouldn't really apply to the HCG products.

It's the perfect argument for getting Lisa back on my HCG dieting team (of two, but whatever!) I called Lisa back and told her to tell Jay that Mediral HCG Detox was something totally different and he was going to have to come up with some other reason to keep her from following through on her decision to join me on the diet. So...after a bit of muffled back and forth man/wife discussion while I waited patiently on the phone, she's back in!

So tonight's the night. We're both getting online to make our orders. We're also supposed to decide the actual "start date" for our diet since it's going to be a lot easier to stick to the rules if we aren't at any really awesome function during the 25 days. We're going to put our calendars together and see what we can come up with.

Regardless I want to get my HCG Diet Direct products in hand so Lisa and I are making our orders tonight. (She's ordering the HCG Diet Direct Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula and she'll use the cookbook, but she's not ordering the B-Total Sublingual). It makes me feel like I have an unfair advantage in our agreed upon wager of a pair of jeans to the person who falls of the HCG wagon first. But I'm willing to take it. Hey! I told her what I was ordering and she didn't add it to her cart. I can't force her to do the right thing; I only give advice! - 17269

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Vitamin Deficiency Problems in Your Life

By Chalo Balauri

As you may know, vitamins are very important to the development of our bodies. They are involved in the correct functioning of organs, and also involved in the many functions inside our system. Failing to get enough vitamins will result in symptom development.

We can find as many types of deficiency as there are vitamins. These components are named with a letter for easy recognition. Some vitamin includes a group of sub-vitamins which are treated as a family. This is the case of B vitamin for example: B12, B6.

The best way to prevent a deficiency is to get a healthy lifestyle and follow a proper nutrition, that's why they are mostly common in undeveloped countries with malnutrition problems. However, not all vitamins are acquired through food, one example is vitamin D.

Vitamin D comes to our body thanks to the aid of the sun, the rays of the Sun on our skin help us process the vitamin and ensure we have healthy levels of it. Yet, there are people who believe sun exposure is harmful. It could only be that way if we abuse of it, like other things in life.

The symptoms of a deficiency will vary according which vitamin are we talking about. As each vitamin is linked to a function in the body, we'll start feeling bad in those areas. The web offers a great list of sites worth checking out for specific symptoms.

This problem is not as common as other types of conditions, yet it is still present. The most common types of vitamin deficiencies are vitamin D, vitamin C and vitamin B12 deficiency. People at risk include pregnant women, small children, infants and people with absorption issues.

Treatment of this problem will vary according to the severity present. In most cases simple supplementation or a modified diet can help you recover quite fast, in other cases, a longer treatment is needed.

Consult your doctor to get proper testing and see if you have this problem. - 17269

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Healthy Breakfast Foods Explained

By Jamis Hartley

We've all been there on that morning when you just didn't have the time to eat anything for breakfast before you had to be out the door. We've all felt that hunger a few hours before lunch break. That's right, we've all stopped in at the local doughnut provider or convenience store to find us something to hold us over until we get the next chance for a meal. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or easy way to stay healthy. Eating right and putting in the effort is the only way.

By getting the healthy breakfast foods first thing in the morning we are able to perform at a much better level. Our appetites will not be for candy or sweets because our body is full and focused on the tasks of the morning. In order to stay satisfied your body wants the energy you are asking of it. If you are filling it with candy or sweets or other empty calories you cannot be healthy.

The healthy breakfast foods are those full of nutrient rich ingredients. Whole foods, like fruits and vegetables and whole wheat grain products are full of nutrition that will sustain your body with the need energy. Those foods advertised as fast and convenient are usually low in substance with add-in vitamins that look good on the box but there is nothing to them. Your stomach never gets full because there is no substance.

When you take a closer look at the breakfast foods that many of eat because it is easy you will find they are full of processed sugars and little else. Many have even taken the steps to qualify "technically" as a good source of whole grains, but when you look closely you'll see it simply is not a good source of anything but sugar. It's common sense really. If you crush it between your fingers and there is nothing there then you've proven that there is nothing there. Your body needs food not only vitamins and a dash of add-in whole grain.

The more healthy breakfast foods are those which are going to be slowly broken down into the glucose that your body needs to get through the morning. It is by far more healthy to take in some kind of protein in your breakfast, even if its a protein shake, to keep you feeling full longer.

When you are looking for healthy breakfast foods, take the time to compare the nutritional facts. They are hard to read sometimes, but if you take the time to learn a little about it and actually compare you will quickly learn how to pick out the good stuff from the garbage. Keep in mind that the advertisers are trying to convince you how healthy their products are, so don't listen to the loud screaming ads on the box, look at the facts. Many of the vitamins and minerals are there because they can be put in in supplemental form but the hardy ingredients that will give you the substance you need will be those higher in protein, fiber and whole grains. - 17269

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In Addition to the HCG Detox Drops

By Amelia Handley

Did you read Article 1? Because this is Article 2 in the series. The series is going to document my travel through preparing for and then actually following the popular HCG diet. I avoided HCG weight loss clinics by opting for a reputable online company. I hate frequent appointments and I didn't want to pay for the office visits (I don't have health insurance) so it was a logical choice for me. After looking around I decided to work with HCG Diet Direct.

I also already challenged a friend to a weight loss duel of sorts. She's considering taking the HCG detox drops with me. If she agrees; the first one to "break" the diet will owe the other one a brand new pair of jeans (recipient's choice, of course). I figure that's a good move since after taking the HCG detox drops I'll be down like a million sizes and I'll definitely need some new clothes. (I always like thinking positively).

So...while she takes her own dang sweet time deciding if she's up for it or not I decided to get online and check out the HCG Diet Direct site some more. I already gathered tons of info before deciding to go ahead with the diet. But now I decided that I might as well check out the tools that they offer to make accomplishing your weight loss goals easier. In addition to the basic HCG detox drops I immediately decided that I HAD to have the cookbook. Anything to make it seem like I'm getting to eat a wider variety of food I figured.

There are several more options that all sounded great, but being on a limited budget I decided that it would be best if I limited myself right at the get go. I was only going to allow myself to choose two additional items on top of the HCG detox drops. And I'd already decided the cookbook was a must have. So that left one more item to pick.

All the HCG Diet Direct products seemed like a good idea. They have a Metabolizer and Energy Supplement, B-Total Sublingual Drops, a Thyroid Function Supplement, a Hormone Balance Supplement and a Colon Cleanser and Liver Function product. Do you see what I mean? They all seem like logical choices, but the Colon Cleanser and Liver Function and the B-Total Sublingual Drops were quickly the last two I was seriously considering.

I picked the Colon Cleanser and Liver Function because I am constantly hearing about the benefits of "cleanses." And I've always ignored my gut decision to go ahead and try one. So I thought now would be a good time. I picked the B-Total Sublingual Drops because I heard from a couple online reviews that they are the oral drop equivalent to the Vitamin B shots that have been used in weight loss therapy for years. So I figured why not give myself the added bonus of combining effective weight loss treatment with effective weight loss treatment?

I won't bore you with the details of my waffling between the two products. I'll just cut straight to the chase and tell you that I decided that I would add the B-Total Sublingual to my order for HCG detox drops from HCG Diet Direct. They seemed like a weight loss bonus that I couldn't ignore. If I'm going to be adhering to a very strict diet I want to get the very best results possible. And I think that will do it! - 17269

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